



代码标签: 连接 动画 效果

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<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">

body {
  margin: 0;
body {
  overflow: hidden;
canvas {
  position: absolute;

<body translate="no">
<canvas id="canvas-bottom"></canvas>
<canvas id="canvas-top"></canvas>

<script >
// Provides a simple 3D vector class. Vector operations can be done using member functions, which return new vectors, or static functions, which reuse existing vectors to avoid generating garbage.
// original code by
(function() {
function Vector(x, y, z) {
  this.x = x || 0;
  this.y = y || 0;
  this.z = z || 0;

Vector.prototype = {
  negative: function() {
    return new Vector(-this.x, -this.y, -this.z);
  add: function(v) {
    if (v instanceof Vector) return new Vector(this.x + v.x, this.y + v.y, this.z + v.z);
    else return new Vector(this.x + v, this.y + v, this.z + v);
  subtract: function(v) {
    if (v instanceof Vector) return new Vector(this.x - v.x, this.y - v.y, this.z - v.z);
    else return new Vector(this.x - v, this.y - v, this.z - v);
  multiply: function(v) {
    if (v instanceof Vector) return new Vector(this.x * v.x, this.y * v.y, this.z * v.z);
    else return new Vector(this.x * v, this.y * v, this.z * v);
  divide: function(v) {
    if (v instanceof Vector) return new Vector(this.x / v.x, this.y / v.y, this.z / v.z);
    else return new Vector(this.x / v, this.y / v, this.z / v);
  equals: function(v) {
    return this.x == v.x && this.y == v.y && this.z == v.z;
  dot: function(v) {
    return this.x * v.x + this.y * v.y + this.z * v.z;
  cross: function(v) {
    return new Vector(
      this.y * v.z - this.z * v.y,
      this.z * v.x - this.x * v.z,
      this.x * v.y - this.y * v.x
  length: function() {
    return Math.sqrt(;
  unit: function() {
    return this.divide(this.length());
  min: function() {
    return Math.min(Math.min(this.x, this.y), this.z);
  max: function() {
    return Math.max(Math.max(this.x, this.y), this.z);
  toAngles: function() {
    return {
      theta: Math.atan2(this.z, this.x),
      phi: Math.asin(this.y / this.length())
  angleTo: function(a) {
    return Math.acos( / (this.length() * a.length()));
  toArray: function(n) {
    return [this.x, this.y, this.z].slice(0, n || 3);
  clone: function() {
    return new Vector(this.x, this.y, this.z);
  init: function(x, y, z) {
    this.x = x; this.y = y; this.z = z;
    return this;
  noZ: function() {
    this.z = 0;
    return this;

Vector.negative = function(a, b) {
  b.x = -a.x; b.y = -a.y; b.z = -a.z;
  return b;
Vector.add = function(a, b, c) {
  if (b instanceof Vector) { c.x = a.x + b.x; c.y = a.y + b.y; c.z = a.z + b.z; }
  else { c.x = a.x + b; c.y = a.y + b; c.z = a.z + b; }
  return c;
Vector.subtract = function(a, b, c) {
  if (b instanceof Vector) { c.x = a.x - b.x; c.y = a.y - b.y; c.z = a.z - b.z; }
  else { c.x = a.x - b; c.y = a.y - b; c.z = a.z - b; }
  return c;
Vector.multiply = function(a, b, c) {
  if (b instanceof Vector) { c.x = a.x * b.x; c.y = a.y * b.y; c.z = a.z * b.z; }
  else { c.x = a.x * b; c.y = a.y * b; c.z = a.z * b; }
  return c;
Vector.divide = function(a, b, c) {
  if (b instanceof Vector) { c.x = a.x / b.x; c.y = a.y / b.y; c.z = a.z / b.z; }
  else { c.x = a.x / b; c.y = a.y / b; c.z = a.z / b; }
  return c;
Vector.cross = function(a, b, c) {
  c.x = a.y * b.z - a.z * b.y;
  c.y = a.z * b.x - a.x * b.z;
  c.z = a.x * b.y - a.y * b.x;
  return c;
Vector.unit = function(a, b) {
  var length = a.length();
  b.x = a.x / length;
  b.y = a.y / length;
  b.z = a.z / length;
  return b;
Vector.fromAngles = function(theta, phi) {
  return new Vector(Math.cos(theta) * Math.cos(phi), Math.sin(phi), Math.sin(theta) * Math.cos(phi));
Vector.randomDirection = function() {
  return Vector.fromAngles(Math.random() * Math.PI * 2, Math.asin(Math.random() * 2 - 1));
Vector.min = function(a, b) {
  return new Vector(Math.min(a.x, b.x), Math.min(a.y, b.y), Math.min(a.z, b.z));
Vector.max = function(a, b) {
  return new Vector(Math.max(a.x, b.x), Math.max(a.y, b.y), Math.max(a.z, b.z));
Vector.lerp = function(a, b, fraction) {
  return b.subtract(a).multiply(fraction).add(a);
Vector.fromArray = function(a) {
  return new Vector(a[0], a[1], a[2]);
Vector.angleBetween = function(a, b) {
  return a.angleTo(b);

window.Vector = Vector;
(function () {
  'use strict';
  // Configuration options
  var opts = {
    background: 'black',
    numberOrbs: 100, // increase with screen size.  50 to 100 for my 2560 x 1400 monitor
    maxVelocity: 2.5, // increase with screen size--dramatically affects line density.  2-3 for me
    orbRadius: 1, // keep small unless you really want to see the dots bouncing. I like <= 1.
    minProximity: 100, // controls how close dots have to come to each other before lines are traced
    initialColorAngle: 7, // initialize the color angle, default = 7
    colorFrequency: 0.3, // 0.3 default
    colorAngleIncrement: 0.009, // 0.009 is slow and even
    globalAlpha: 0.010, //controls alpha for lines, but not dots (despite the name)
    manualWidth: false, // Default: false, change to your own custom width to override width = window.innerWidth.  Yes i know I'm mixing types here, sue me.
    manualHeight: false // Default: false, change to your own custom height to override height = window.innerHeight

  // Canvas globals
  var canvasTop, linecxt, canvasBottom, cxt, width, height, animationFrame;

  // Global objects
  var orbs;

  // Orb object - these are the guys that bounce around the screen.
  // We will draw lines between these dots, but that behavior is found
  // in the Orbs container object
  var Orb = function () {

    // Constructor
    function Orb(radius, color) {
      var posX = randBetween(0, width);
      var posY = randBetween(0, height);
      this.position = new Vector(posX, posY);

      var velS = randBetween(0, opts.maxVelocity); // Velocity scalar
