js实现html dom 标签解析器选择器效果代码



代码描述:js实现html标签解析器选择器效果代码,可解析html中dom元素的id、class tag标签及内容及属性值。

代码标签: js html dom 标签 解析器 选择器

下面为部分代码预览,完整代码请点击下载或在bfwstudio webide中打开

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" >

  <meta charset="UTF-8">

html {
  font-size: 1vw;

body {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;
  background-color: #333;
  font-family: monospace;
  align-items: center;
  justify-content: center;
  height: 100vh;
  overflow: hidden;

.buttons {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;
  align-items: center;

.button-group {
  margin: 0.5rem 0;

button {
  font-size: 2rem;
  padding: 0.5rem 1rem;
  margin: 0;
  border: none;
  outline: none;
  border-radius: 2rem;
button:hover {
  background: #1f1f1f;
  color: #fff;

.entity {
  margin-bottom: 5rem;

pre {
  color: #eee;
  font-size: 3rem;
  tab-size: 3;

.selected {
  background: white;
  border-radius: 1rem;
  color: black;
.selected * {
  color: black;


<body translate="no">

<div class="entity">
<span class="tag tag-name start-tag">&lt;<span class="tag-name">button</span> <span class="attribute"><span class="attribute-name">id</span>=<span class="attribute-value">&ldquo;login-btn&rdquo;</span></span> <span class="attribute"><span class="attribute-name">class</span>=<span class="attribute-value">&ldquo;primary&rdquo;</span></span>&gt;</span>
	<span class="tag content">Click Here</span>
<span class="tag tag-name end-tag">&lt;/<span class="tag-name">button</span>&gt;</span>

<div class="buttons">
	<div class="button-group">
		<button id="tag-btn" title="Refers to the element tags and any children elements or textua.........完整代码请登录后点击上方下载按钮下载查看
