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# strings can be converted using float and int: e_str1 = "2.718" e = parse(Float64, e_str1) println(5e) #> 13.59 num_15 = parse(Int, "15") println(3num_15) #> 45 # numbers can be converted to strings and formatted using printf using Printf @printf "e = %0.2f\n" e #> e = 2.72 # or to create another string sprintf e_str2 = @sprintf("%0.3f", e) # to show that the 2 strings are the same println("e_str1 == e_str2: $(e_str1 == e_str2)") #> e_str1 == e_str2: true # available number format characters are f, e, a, g, c, s, p, d: # (pi is a predefined constant; however, since its type is # "MathConst" it has to be converted to a float to be formatted) @printf "fix trailing precision: %0.3f\n" float(pi) #> fix trailing precision.........完整代码请登录后点击上方下载按钮下载查看