vala 接口示例代码



代码描述:vala 接口示例代码


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   This example gives you a simple interface, Speaker, with
   - one abstract method, speak

   It shows you three classes to demonstrate how these and overriding them behaves:
   - Fox, implementing Speaker
   - ArcticFox, extending Fox AND implementing Speaker
     (ArcticFox.speak () replaces superclasses' .speak())
   - RedFox, extending Fox BUT NOT implementing speaker
     (RedFox.speak () does not replace superclasses' .speak())

   Important notes:
   - generally an object uses the most specific class's implementation
   - ArcticFox extends Fox (which implements Speaker) and implements Speaker itself,
     - ArcticFox defines speak () with new, so even casting to Fox or Speaker still
       gives you ArcticFox.speak ()
   - RedFox extends from Fox, but DOES NOT implement Speaker
     - RedFox speak () gives you RedFox.speak ()
     - casting RedFox to Speaker or Fox gives you Fox.speak ()

/* Speaker: extends from GObject */
interface Speaker : Object {
  /* speak: abstract without a body */
  public abstract void speak ();

/* Fox: implements Speaker, implements speak () */
class Fox : Object, Speaker {
  public void speak () {
    stdout.printf ("  Fox says Ow-wow-wow-wow\n");

/* ArcticFox: extends Fox; must also implement Speaker to re-define
 *            inherited methods and use them as Speaker */
class ArcticFox : Fox, Speaker {
  /* speak: uses 'new' to replace speak () from Fox */
  public new void speak () {
    stdout.printf ("  ArcticFox says Hate.........完整代码请登录后点击上方下载按钮下载查看
