代码标签: processing 音效 小动物 加农炮 发射 距离 比拼 小游戏 代码
下面为部分代码预览,完整代码请点击下载或在bfwstudio webide中打开
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en" > <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <style> * { margin: 0; box-sizing: border-box; overflow: hidden; } body { background: #367396; width: 100%; height: 100vh; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; } body canvas { box-shadow: 0.2em 0.2em 2em #0008; border: none; outline: none; } </style> </head> <body translate="no"> <canvas id="canvas"></canvas> <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script> <audio id="explosive" src="//" preload="auto"></audio> <audio id="bomb" src="//" preload="auto"></audio> <audio id="trampoline" src="//" preload="auto"></audio> <audio id="mud" src="//" preload="auto"></audio> <audio id="flytrap" src="//" preload="auto"></audio> <audio id="fire" src="//" preload="auto"></audio> <audio id="ground" src="//" preload="auto"></audio> <script> var sketchProc = function(processingInstance) { with (processingInstance) { size(900, 600); frameRate(60); smooth(); textFont(createFont("Trebuchet MS")); var game; var Button = function(args) { this.x = args.x; this.y = args.y; this.w = args.w || 120; this.h = args.h || 50; this.content = args.content; this.func = args.func; this.enabled = args.enabled || false; }; Button.prototype = { over: function() { return (mouseX > this.x && mouseX < this.x + this.w && mouseY > this.y && mouseY < this.y + this.h); }, draw: function() { noStroke(); if(this.enabled && this.over()) { game.hover = true; fill(69, 66, 69); } else { fill(46, 47, 48); } //Draw the button rect(this.x, this.y, this.w, this.h); //Draw the text on the button pushStyle(); textAlign(CENTER, CENTER); textSize(18); fill(255); text(this.content, this.x + this.w / 2, this.y + this.h / 2); popStyle(); //If the mouse was clicked and the mouse was over the button if(this.enabled && game.clicked && this.over()) { //Run the function this.func(); } } }; //Transition object (between scenes) var Transition = function() { this.h = 0; this.vy = 15; = false; this.scene = "home"; this.reset = function() { this.h = 0; this.vy = 15; }; this.draw = function() { if( { pushStyle(); fill(64, 57, 59); rect(-20, -20, width + 40, this.h); rect(-20, height-this.h, width + 40, this.h + 20); popStyle(); } }; this.update = function() { if( { this.h+= this.vy; //if halfway across the screen then change the scene if(this.h >= 300) { game.scene = this.scene; this.vy*= -1; } //else if it's completely off the screen reset it and set to inactive else if(this.h < 0) { this.reset(); = false; } } }; = function() { this.draw(); this.update(); }; }; var Block = function(args) { this.x = args.x || 0; this.y = args.y || 0; this.w = args.w || 100; this.h = args.h || this.w; this.vx = args.vx || 0; this.vy = args.vy || 0; }; = function(args) { var obj = Object.create(Block.prototype); Block.apply(obj, arguments); return obj; }; Block.prototype = { move: function() { this.x += this.vx; this.y += this.vy; }, draw: function() { pushStyle(); noStroke(); fill(194, 91, 81); rect(this.x, this.y, this.w, this.h); popStyle(); }, go: function() { this.draw(); this.move(); } }; var Trampoline = function(args) { this.x = args.x || 0; this.y = args.y || 0; this.w = args.w || 100; this.h = args.h || this.w; // this.vx = args.vx || 0; // this.vy = args.vy || 0; this.dead = false; }; = function(args) { var obj = Object.create(Trampoline.prototype); Trampoline.apply(obj, arguments); return obj; }; Trampoline.prototype = { draw: function() { pushStyle(); noStroke(); fill(194, 91, 81); //legs //front left rect(this.x + this.w * 0.12, this.y + this.h * 0.8, this.w * 0.08, this.h * 0.8); //front right rect(this.x + this.w * 0.8, this.y + this.h * 0.8, this.w * 0.08, this.h * 0.8); //back left rect(this.x + this.w * 0.01, this.y + this.h * 0.6, this.w * 0.08, this.h * 0.8); //back right rect(this.x + this.w * 0.91, this.y + this.h * 0.6, this.w * 0.08, this.h * 0.8); //main body fill(80, 222, 201); ellipse(this.x + this.w * 0.5, this.y + this.h * 0.5, this.w * 1.1, this.h * 1.1); fill(79, 82, 82); ellipse(this.x + this.w * 0.5, this.y + this.h * 0.40, this.w * 0.90, this.h * 0.55); // noFill(); // stroke(0); // rect(this.x, this.y, this.w, this.h); popStyle(); }, update: function() { // this.x += this.vx; // this.y += this.vy; }, go: function() { this.draw(); this.update(); } }; var Mud = function(args) { this.x = args.x || 0; this.y = args.y || 0; this.w = args.w || 100; this.h = args.h || this.w; this.dead = false; }; = function(args) { var obj = Object.create(Mud.prototype); Mud.apply(obj, arguments); return obj; }; Mud.prototype = { draw: function() { pushMatrix(); translate(this.x, this.y); pushStyle(); noStroke(); // fill(120, 96, 60); // ellipse(this.w * 1.2, this.h * 1.2, this.w * 0.4, this.h * 0.7); // ellipse(-this.w * 0.3, this.h * 1.3, this.w * 0.4, this.h * 0.6); // ellipse(this.w * 0.2, this.h * 2.0, this.w * 0.4, this.h * 0.6); fill(97, 72, 26); ellipse(this.w * 0.5, this.h * 0.8, this.w * 1.6, this.h * 1.8); fill(120, 106, 44); ellipse(this.w * 0.5, this.h * 0.7, this.w * 1.4, this.h * 1.4); fill(102, 80, 45); ellipse(this.w * 0.5, this.h * 0.7, this.w * 1, this.h * 1); fill(120, 106, 44); ellipse(this.w * 0.4, this.h * 0.6, this.w * 0.4, this.h * 0.5); popStyle(); popMatrix(); }, update: function() { // this.x += this.vx; // this.y += this.vy; }, go: function() { this.draw(); this.update(); } }; var Bomb = function(args) { this.x = args.x || 0; this.y = args.y || 0; this.w = args.w || 100; this.h = args.h || this.w; this.dead = false; }; = function(args) { var obj = Object.create(Bomb.prototype); Bomb.apply(obj, arguments); return obj; }; Bomb.prototype = { draw: function() { pushMatrix(); translate(this.x, this.y); pushStyle(); //balloon stroke(50); strokeWeight(1); fill(227, 93, 88); ellipse(0, -this.h * 1.5, this.w, this.h * 1.1); //shadow on balloon pushMatrix(); translate(-this.w * 0.25, -this.h * 1.7); rotate(radians(35)); noStroke(); fill(242, 242, 242, 200); ellipse(0, 0, this.w * 0.2, this.h * 0.3); popMatrix(); //string connecting the bomb to the balloon stroke(50); line(0, -this.h, 0, 0); //bomb pushMatrix(); rotate(radians(-25)); fill(148, 145, 148); beginShape(); vertex(-this.w * 0.4, -this.h * 0.2); vertex( this.w * 0.3, -this.h * 0.2); vertex( this.w * 0.4, -this.h * 0.1); vertex( this.w * 0.5, -this.h * 0.2); vertex( this.w * 0.6, -this.h * 0.2); vertex( this.w * 0.6, this.h * 0.2); vertex( this.w * 0.5, this.h * 0.2); vertex( this.w * 0.4, this.h * 0.1); vertex( this.w * 0.3, this.h * 0.2); vertex(-this.w * 0.4, this.h * 0.2); bezierVertex(-this.w * 0.55, this.h * 0.1, -this.w * 0.55, -this.h * 0.1, -this.w * 0.4, -this.h * 0.2); endShape(); //string around bomb line(this.w * 0.1, -this.h * 0.2, this.w * 0.05, this.h * 0.2); //words on bomb textSize(12); fill(0); text("BOMB", -this.w * 0.34, this.h * 0.09); popMatrix(); popStyle(); popMatrix(); }, update: function() { // this.x += this.vx; this.y += game.sin(radians(frameCount * 2)) * 0.4; }, go: function() { this.draw(); this.update(); } }; var Explosive = function(args) { this.x = args.x || 0; this.y = args.y || 0; this.w = args.w || 100; this.h = args.h || this.w; this.dead = false; }; = function(args) { var obj = Object.create(Explosive.prototype); Explosive.apply(obj, arguments); return obj; }; Explosive.prototype = { draw: function() { pushMatrix(); translate(this.x, this.y); pushStyle(); //barrel stroke(38, 38, 38); strokeWeight(1); fill(120, 119, 120); beginShape(); vertex(0, 0); vertex(this.w * 0.5, 0); vertex(this.w * 0.5, this.h); bezierVertex(this.w * 0.3, this.h * 1.1, this.w * 0.2, this.h * 1.1, 0, this.h); endShape(CLOSE); ellipse(this.w * 0.25, 0, this.w * 0.5, this.h * 0.15); bezier(0, this.h * 0.3, this.w * 0.15, this.h * 0.41, this.w * 0.35, this.h * 0.41, this.w * 0.5, this.h * 0.3); bezier(0, this.h * 0.7, this.w * 0.15, this.h * 0.81, this.w * 0.35, this.h * 0.81, this.w * 0.5, this.h * 0.7); //hole in top of barrel noStroke(); fill(41, 40, 41); ellipse(this.w * 0.15, 0, this.w * 0.15, this.h * 0.05); //skull and cross bones on barrel stroke(66, 63, 63); strokeWeight(3); line(this.w * 0.1, this.h * 0.5, this.w * 0.4, this.h * 0.75); line(this.w * 0.1, this.h * 0.75, this.w * 0.4, this.h * 0.5); strokeWeight(1); noStroke(); ellipse(this.w * 0.1, this.h * 0.5, 5, 7); ellipse(this.w * 0.4, this.h * 0.75, 5, 7); ellipse(this.w * 0.1, this.h * 0.75, 5, 7); ellipse(this.w * 0.4, this.h * 0.5, 5, 7); ellipse(this.w * 0.25, this.h * 0.3, this.w * 0.3, this.h * 0.3); ellipse(this.w * 0.25, this.h * 0.4, this.w * 0.2, this.h * 0.3); fill(156, 153, 156); ellipse(this.w * 0.2, this.h * 0.3, this.w * 0.06, this.h * 0.10); ellipse(this.w * 0.3, this.h * 0.3, this.w * 0.06, this.h * 0.10); //TNT randomSeed(100); stroke(40); fill(219, 89, 57); for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { pushMatrix(); rotate(radians(random(-5, 5))); rect(random(this.w * 0.5, this.w * 0.9), random(-this.h * 0.1, this.h * 0.05), this.w * 0.08, this.h * 0.4); popMatrix(); } //TNT box stroke(40); fill(200, 140, 115); rect(this.w * 0.5, this.h * 0.3, this.w * 0.5, this.h * 0.7); line(this.w * 0.5, this.h * 0.65, this.w, this.h * 0.65); fill(36, 35, 36); textSize(14); textAlign(CENTER); text("TNT", this.w * 0.75, this.h * 0.6); text("TNT", this.w * 0.75, this.h * 0.95); popStyle(); popMatrix(); }, update: function() { // this.x += this.vx; // this.y += this.vy; }, go: function() { this.draw(); this.update(); } }; var FlyTrap = function(args) { this.x = args.x || 0; this.y = args.y || 0; this.w = args.w || 100; this.h = args.h || this.w; this.angle = 20; = false; this.dead = false; this.color = color(108, 158, 27); }; = function(args) { var obj = Object.create(FlyTrap.prototype); FlyTrap.apply(obj, arguments); return obj; }; FlyTrap.prototype = { draw: function() { pushMatrix(); translate(this.x, this.y); pushStyle(); //main stem strokeWeight(7); stroke(50); bezier(0, this.h * 0.48, this.w * 0.25, this.h * 0.7, -this.w * 0.25, this.h * 0.8, 0, this.h * 1.1); strokeWeight(5); stroke(108, 158, 27); bezier(0, this.h * 0.48, this.w * 0.25, this.h * 0.7, -this.w * 0.25, this.h * 0.8, 0, this.h * 1.1); //branches fill(108, 158, 27); strokeWeight(3); stroke(50); bezier(0, this.h * 0.7, -this.w * 0.2, this.h * 0.7, -this.w * 0.4, this.h * 0.7, -this.w * 0.5, this.h * 0.9); bezier(0, this.h * 0.8, this.w * 0.2, this.h * 0.8, this.w * 0.4, this.h * 0.7, this.w * 0.5, this.h * 0.95); fill(108, 158, 27); strokeWeight(2); stroke(108, 158, 27); bezier(0, this.h * 0.7, -this.w * 0.2, this.h * 0.7, -this.w * 0.4, this.h * 0.7, -this.w * 0.5, this.h * 0.9); bezier(0, this.h * 0.8, this.w * 0.2, this.h * 0.8, this.w * 0.4, this.h * 0.7, this.w * 0.5, this.h * 0.95); //head stroke(50); strokeWeight(1); fill(108, 158, 27); //left pushMatrix(); translate(0, this.h * 0.5); rotate(radians(-this.angle)); beginShape(); vertex(0, 0); vertex(-this.w * 0.1, -this.h * 0.2); vertex( this.w * 0.1, -this.h * 0.4); vertex(-this.w * 0.1, -this.h * 0.6); vertex( this.w * 0.1, -this.h * 0.8); vertex(0, -this.h); bezierVertex(-this.w * 0.65, -this.h * 0.9, -this.w * 0.65, -this.h * 0.1, 0, 0); endShape(); popMatrix(); //right pushMatrix(); translate(0, this.h * 0.5); rotate(radians(this.angle)); beginShape(); vertex(0, 0); vertex(-this.w * 0.1, -this.h * 0.2); vertex( this.w * 0.1, -this.h * 0.4); vertex(-this.w * 0.1, -this.h * 0.6); vertex( this.w * 0.1, -this.h * 0.8); vertex(0, -this.h); bezierVertex(this.w * 0.65, -this.h * 0.9, this.w * 0.65, -this.h * 0.1, 0, 0); endShape(); popMatrix(); //pot strokeWeight(1); stroke(50); fill(219, 165, 57); beginShape(); vertex(-this.w * 0.5, this.h * 1.1); vertex( this.w * 0.5, this.h * 1.1); vertex( this.w * 0.4, this.h * 2); vertex(-this.w * 0.4, this.h * 2); endShape(CLOSE); fill(176, 130, 39); beginShape(); vertex(-this.w * 0.55, this.h * 1.1); vertex( this.w * 0.55, this.h * 1.1); vertex( this.w * 0.55, this.h * 1.3); vertex(-this.w * 0.55, this.h * 1.3); endShape(CLOSE); popStyle(); popMatrix(); }, update: function() { if( { this.angle = lerp(this.angle, 0, 0.08); } }, go: function() { this.draw(); this.update(); } }; var Player = function(args) { this.x = args.x; this.y = args.y; this.vx = args.vx || 0; this.vy = args.vy || 0; this.diameter = args.diameter || 100; this.scale = this.diameter / 300; this.radius = this.diameter / 2; this.circumference = 2 * PI * this.radius; this.vymax = ~~this.diameter * 0.65; this.vxmax = ~~this.diameter * 0.5; this.gravity = args.gravity || 0.2; this.friction = args.friction || 0;// || 0.02; this.angle = args.angle || 0; this.rot = args.rot || 0; this.color = args.color || color(204, 192, 55); this.eaten = false; this.type = args.type || "cat"; }; = function(args) { var obj = Object.create(Player.prototype); Player.apply(obj, arguments); return obj; }; Player.prototype = { draw: function() { pushMatrix(); translate(this.x, this.y); rotate(radians(this.angle)); scale(this.scale); switch(this.type) { case "cat": pushStyle(); imageMode(CENTER); image(, 0, 0); imageMode(CORNER); popStyle(); break; case "dog": pushStyle(); imageMode(CENTER); image(, 0, 0); imageMode(CORNER); popStyle(); break; case "sheep": pushStyle(); imageMode(CENTER); image(game.images.sheep, 0, 0); imageMode(CORNER); popStyle(); break; case "pig": pushStyle(); imageMode(CENTER); image(game.images.pig, 0, 0); imageMode(CORNER); popStyle(); break; case "cow": pushStyle(); imageMode(CENTER); image(game.images.cow, 0, 0); imageMode(CORNER); popStyle(); break; case "mouse": pushStyle(); imageMode(CENTER); image(game.images.mouse, 0, 0); imageMode(CORNER); popStyle(); break; case "rabbit": pushStyle(); imageMode(CENTER); image(game.images.rabbit, 0, 0); imageMode(CORNER); popStyle(); break; case "chicken": pushStyle(); imageMode(CENTER); image(game.images.chicken, 0, 0); imageMode(CORNER); popStyle(); break; case "horse": pushStyle(); imageMode(CENTER); image(, 0, 0); imageMode(CORNER); popStyle(); break; } popMatrix(); }, update: function() { this.vx = constrain(this.vx - this.friction, 0, this.vxmax); this.x+= this.vx; this.vy = constrain(this.vy + this.gravity, this.vy, this.vymax); this.y+= this.vy; this.angle+= this.vx / this.circumference * 360 * 0.2; }, go: function() { this.draw(); this.update(); } }; var Cannon = function(args) { this.x = args.x; this.y = args.y; this.vx = args.vx || 0; this.vy = args.vy || 0; this.rot = { min: 20, max: 70 }; this.angle = args.angle || this.rot.min; this.vel = args.vel || 10; this.power = 0; this.topSpeed = args.topSpeed || 40; this.diameter = args.diameter || 150; this.length = args.length || 200; this.cos = cos; this.sin = sin; }; = function(args) { var obj = Object.create(Cannon.prototype); Cannon.apply(obj, arguments); return obj; }; Cannon.prototype = { draw: function() { pushMatrix(); translate(this.x, this.y); pushStyle(); //base noStroke(); fill(48, 46, 47); arc(0, 0, this.diameter, this.diameter, radians(180), radians(360)); //barrel pushMatrix(); rotate(radians(this.angle)); stroke(0); strokeWeight(1); fill(166, 171, 170); rect(-12, -this.length, 24, this.length * 0.5, 5); rect(-14, -this.length * 0.8, 28, this.length * 0.8 * 0.5, 5); rect(-16, -this.length * 0.55, 32, this.length * 0.55 * 0.5, 5); popMatrix(); noStroke(); fill(71, 69, 71); arc(0, 0, this.diameter * 0.9, this.diameter * 0.9, radians(180), radians(360)); textAlign(CENTER); textSize(20); fill(250, 200); text(~~this.vel, 0, -this.diameter * 0.25); fill(147, 150, 147); rect(-this.diameter * 0.25, -this.diameter * 0.15, this.diameter * 0.5, this.diameter * 0.1, 5); fill(map(this.vel, 5, this.topSpeed, 235, 130), map(this.vel, 5, this.topSpeed, 40, 235), map(this.vel, 5, this.topSpeed, 40, 135)); rect(-this.diameter * 0.25, -this.diameter * 0.15, map(this.vel, 5, this.topSpeed, 0, this.diameter * 0.5), this.diameter * 0.1, 5); popStyle(); popMatrix(); }, // move: function() { // if((game.keys[UP] || game.keys[87])) { //Up arrow or W // this.angle = constrain(this.angle - 2, 0, 90); // } // if(game.keys[DOWN] || game.keys[83]) { //Down arrow or S // this.angle = constrain(this.angle + 1, 0, 90); // } // this.angle = constrain(this.angle + 1, 0, 90); // }, update: function() { this.x+= this.vx; this.y+= this.vy; this.vel = map(this.sin(radians(frameCount * 10)), -1, 1, 5, this.topSpeed); }, go: function() { this.draw(); //this.move(); this.update(); } }; //game object var Game = function() { this.scene = "load"; this.started = false; this.images = undefined; this.imageIndex = 0; this.loaded = false; this.gameOpened = false; this.valid = true; this.score = 0; this.bestScore = 0; this.highscores = [ { name: "Could be you", score: 0 }, { name: "Could be you", score: 0 }, { name: "Could be you", score: 0 }, { name: "Could be you", score: 0 }, { name: "Could be you", score: 0 }, { name: "Could be you", score: 0 }, { name: "Could be you", score: 0 }, { name: "Could be you", score: 0 }, { name: "Could be you", score: 0 }, { name: "Could be you", score: 0 } ]; this.addFrequency = { min: 500, max: 900, value: ~~random(500, 900) }; = { x: 0, y: 0 }; this.shake = 0; this.shakedown = 0.1; this.gameOver = false; this.gameOverTimer = 0; this.transition = new Transition(); this.sound = false; this.sounds = { explosive: document.getElementById('explosive'), bomb: document.getElementById('bomb'), trampoline: document.getElementById('trampoline'), mud: document.getElementById('mud'), flytrap: document.getElementById('flytrap'), fire: document.getElementById('fire'), ground: document.getElementById('ground') }; this.colors = { back: color(133, 130, 133), heading: color(212, 205, 212), text: color(255) }; this.ground = { x: 0, y: 550, w: 600, h: 50 }; this.player ={ x: 450, y: 100, vx: 0, diameter: 80, gravity: 0.2, rot: 15, trails: [] }); this.cannon ={ x: 450, y: 550, vel: 10, length: 170 }); this.avatars = { selected: "dog", cat: new Button({ x: 50, y: 180, w: 90, h: 30, content: "Cat", enabled: true, func: function() { game.player.type = "cat"; } }), dog: new Button({ x: 240, y: 180, w: 90, h: 30, content: "Dog", enabled: true, func: function() { game.player.type = "dog"; } }), sheep: new Button({ x: 430, y: 180, w: 90, h: 30, content: "Sheep", enabled: true, func: function() { game.player.type = "sheep"; } }), pig: new Button({ x: 50, y: 320, w: 90, h: 30, content: "Pig", enabled: true, func: function() { game.player.type = "pig"; } }), cow: new Button({ x: 240, y: 320, w: 90, h: 30, content: "Cow", enabled: true, func: function() { game.player.type = "cow"; } }), mouse: new Button({ x: 430, y: 320, w: 90, h: 30, content: "Mouse", enabled: true, func: function() { game.player.type = "mouse"; } }), rabbit: new Button({ x: 50, y: 470, w: 90, h: 30, content: "Rabbit", enabled: true, func: function() { game.player.type = "rabbit"; } }), chicken: new Button({ x: 240, y: 470, w: 90, h: 30, content: "Chicken", enabled: true, func: function() { game.player.type = "chicken"; } }), horse: new Button({ x: 430, y: 470, w: 90, h: 30, content: "Horse", enabled: true, func: function() { game.player.type = "horse"; } }) }; this.explosions = []; this.trampolines = []; this.bombs = []; this.explosives = []; this.flyTraps = []; this.muds = []; this.trees = []; this.bomb ={ x: 150, y: 300, w: 50 }); this.explosive ={ x: 70, y: 500, w: 70, h: 50 }); this.trampoline ={ x: 220, y: 540, w: 80, h: 15 }); this.flytrap ={ x: 600, y: 450, w: 50 }); this.mud ={ x: 720, y: 530, w: 80, h: 15 }); this.clicked = false; this.hover = false; this.keys = []; this.gameOverImage = undefined; this.buttons = { play: new Button({ x: 700, y: 150, size: 100, content: "Play", enabled: true, func: function() { game.reset(); game.transition.scene = "play"; = true; } }), replay: new Button({ x: 390, y: 280, content: "Replay", enabled: true, func: function() { game.reset(); game.transition.scene = "play"; = true; } }), home: new Button({ x: 390, y: 350, content: "Home", enabled: true, func: function() { game.transition.scene = "home"; = true; } }), back: new Button({ x: 400, y: 530, content: "Home", enabled: true, func: function() { game.transition.scene = "home"; = true; } }), playHome: new Button({ x: 50, y: 50, content: "Home", enabled: true, func: function() { game.transition.scene = "home"; = true; } }), playSound: new Button({ x: 50, y: 120, size: 80, content: "Sound (OFF)", enabled: true, func: function() { game.sound = !game.sound; this.content = "Sound (" + (game.sound === true ? "ON" : "OFF") + ")"; } }), scoreboard: new Button({ x: 700, y: 360, size: 80, content: "Scoreboard", enabled: true, func: function() { game.transition.scene = "scoreboard"; = true; } }), sound: new Button({ x: 700, y: 220, size: 80, content: "Sound (OFF)", enabled: true, func: function() { game.sound = !game.sound; this.content = "Sound (" + (game.sound === true ? "ON" : "OFF") + ")"; } }), store: new Button({ x: 700, y: 290, size: 80, content: "Characters", enabled: true, func: function() { game.transition.scene = "store"; = true; } }) }; this.sin = sin; this.cos = cos; this.triangles = []; this.setup(); }; Game.prototype = { shakeScreen: function() { if(this.shake > 0) { this.shake = lerp(this.shake, 0, this.shakedown); translate(round(random(-this.shake, this.shake)), round(random(-this.shake, this.shake))); } }, cat: function() { strokeWeight(1); //ears stroke(8); fill(186, 103, 40); beginShape(); vertex(184, 23); bezierVertex(197, 12, 208, 7, 218, 11); bezierVertex(226, 22, 221, 34, 210, 46); endShape(CLOSE); beginShape(); vertex(121, 23); bezierVertex(113, 14, 103, 4, 90, 8); bezierVertex(84, 15, 87, 30, 98, 42); endShape(CLOSE); //tail fill(198, 146, 44); beginShape(); vertex(216, 262); bezierVertex(232, 262, 243, 268, 250, 274); bezierVertex(260, 279, 269, 276, 272, 265); bezierVertex(273, 255, 272, 250, 272, 245); bezierVertex(280, 241, 286, 247, 286, 264); bezierVertex(284, 277, 275, 287, 266, 292); bezierVertex(258, 294, 248, 290, 242, 284); bezierVertex(236, 277, 228, 274, 220, 273); vertex(205, 272); endShape(CLOSE); //arms beginShape(); vertex(202, 155); bezierVertex(214, 148, 237, 142, 257, 142); bezierVertex(259, 134, 261, 129, 267, 125); bezierVertex(273, 127, 274, 132, 275, 138); bezierVertex(281, 137, 288, 138, 291, 142); bezierVertex(292, 146, 290, 150, 282, 151); bezierVertex(286, 157, 289, 161, 289, 164); bezierVertex(286, 166, 278, 164, 272, 159); bezierVertex(272, 162, 269, 168, 266, 170); bezierVertex(260, 168, 258, 160, 257, 155); bezierVertex(242, 152, 224, 156, 210, 166); endShape(CLOSE); beginShape(); vertex(94, 158); bezierVertex(85, 150, 66, 144, 43, 145); bezierVertex(43, 141, 40, 131, 36, 127); bezierVertex(30, 129, 28, 136, 28, 141); bezierVertex(22, 141, 16, 141, 11, 144); bezierVertex(10, 149, 14, 154, 20, 157); bezierVertex(18, 160, 15, 162, 14, 167); bezierVertex(18, 168, 23, 167, 29, 163); bezierVertex(30, 167, 31, 172, 36, 173); bezierVertex(41, 168, 43, 162, 46, 156); bezierVertex(63, 156, 75, 160, 86, 167); endShape(CLOSE); //legs beginShape(); vertex(201, 273); bezierVertex(205, 287, 208, 303, 204, 321); bezierVertex(212, 323, 219, 322, 224, 325); bezierVertex(225, 329, 220, 336, 211, 340); bezierVertex(203, 339, 196, 335, 192, 333); bezierVertex(192, 318, 190, 296, 181, 280); endShape(CLOSE); beginShape(); vertex(104, 272); bezierVertex(94, 285, 93, 306, 94, 324); bezierVertex(87, 325, 80, 325, 76, 331); bezierVertex(78, 338, 82, 340, 85, 342); bezierVertex(92, 343, 100, 343, 107, 340); bezierVertex(108, 317, 112, 295, 120, 280); endShape(CLOSE); //body fill(198, 146, 44); beginShape(); vertex(150, 130); bezierVertex(172, 130, 199, 139, 216, 159); bezierVertex(234, 184, 233, 226, 226, 250); bezierVertex(213, 276, 191, 284, 168, 289); bezierVertex(145, 290, 122, 289, 100, 277); bezierVertex(74, 257, 64, 233, 65, 206); bezierVertex(68, 182, 78, 163, 96, 151); bezierVertex(113, 140, 128, 134, 149, 130); endShape(CLOSE); //head beginShape(); vertex(154, 12); bezierVertex(179, 12, 204, 27, 222, 48); bezierVertex(234, 71, 229, 94, 217, 115); bezierVertex(205, 130, 181, 143, 159, 145); bezierVertex(132, 145, 107, 132, 88, 114); bezierVertex(77, 95, 77, 72, 90, 48); bezierVertex(108, 27, 128, 14, 154, 12); endShape(CLOSE); //mouth bezier(153, 91, 155, 104, 169, 112, 180, 106); bezier(152, 92, 147, 106, 133, 111, 123, 104); //nose fill(186, 103, 40); beginShape(); vertex(154, 73); bezierVertex(161, 73, 168, 77, 169, 81); bezierVertex(164, 90, 163, 91, 156, 94); bezierVertex(152, 93, 144, 89, 141, 84); bezierVertex(140, 80, 141, 75, 154, 73); endShape(CLOSE); //eyes fill(240); beginShape(); vertex(171, 47); bezierVertex(178, 48, 182, 53, 182, 60); bezierVertex(180, 65, 175, 69, 168, 68); bezierVertex(162, 64, 162, 59, 162, 55); bezierVertex(162, 52, 165, 49, 171, 47); endShape(CLOSE); beginShape(); vertex(140, 39); bezierVertex(147, 39, 153, 41, 156, 50); bezierVertex(155, 58, 152, 64, 146, 67); bezierVertex(134, 67, 126, 61, 126, 55); bezierVertex(126, 48, 131, 42, 140, 39); endShape(CLOSE); //eye balls fill(8); ellipse(143, 56, 10, 10); ellipse(173, 58, 7, 7); fill(240); ellipse(141, 52, 4, 4); ellipse(171, 56, 3, 3); //stripes on head noStroke(); fill(8); beginShape(); vertex(224, 53); bezierVertex(216, 58, 206, 62, 197, 65); bezierVertex(209, 68, 220, 68, 229, 65); bezierVertex(227, 60, 226, 57, 224, 53); endShape(CLOSE); beginShape(); vertex(229, 72); bezierVertex(226, 77, 218, 79, 210, 80); bezierVertex(216, 84, 222, 85, 229, 85); bezierVertex(228, 81, 229, 77, 229, 72); endShape(CLOSE); beginShape(); vertex(225, 98); bezierVertex(221, 100, 212, 100, 204, 97); bezierVertex(208, 101, 213, 105, 220, 110); bezierVertex(222, 107, 224, 104, 225, 99); endShape(CLOSE); beginShape(); vertex(90, 48); bezierVertex(94, 53, 105, 60, 112, 63); bezierVertex(106, 65, 93, 65, 86, 59); bezierVertex(84, 56, 86, 54, 90, 48); endShape(CLOSE); beginShape(); vertex(82, 68); bezierVertex(84, 73, 93, 77, 105, 79); bezierVertex(96, 81, 87, 81, 80, 81); bezierVertex(81, 79, 80, 75, 82, 70); endShape(CLOSE); beginShape(); vertex(81, 97); bezierVertex(86, 99, 97, 100, 110, 98); bezierVertex(103, 103, 96, 106, 85, 110); bezierVertex(84, 106, 83, 103, 81, 97); endShape(CLOSE); //stripes on body beginShape(); vertex(222, 174); bezierVertex(213, 182, 201, 186, 18.........完整代码请登录后点击上方下载按钮下载查看