



代码标签: 化成 os7 开关 效果

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    <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="//repo.bfw.wiki/bfwrepo/css/switchery.min.css">



    <div class="container">

        <section class="section">

            <div class="example">

                <p>Only thing you need is to add a <strong>checked</strong> attribute to your checkbox input. Simple as that.</p>

            <div class="tag">
              &lt;<span class="specials">input</span> <span class="attribute">type=</span><span class="value">&quot;checkbox&quot;</span> <span class="attribute">class=</span><span class="value">&quot;js-switch&quot;</span> checked /&gt;

                    <input type="checkbox" class="js-switch" checked />

            <div class="example">
                <h4>Multiple switches</h4>

                <p>You can add as many switches as you like, as long as their corresponding checkboxes have the same class. Select them and make new instance of the Switchery class for every of them.</p>

            <div class="script">
              <div><span class="specials">var</span> elems = <span class="single">Array</span>.prototype.slice.<span class="specials">call</span>(<span class="single">document</span>.querySelectorAll('<span class="value">.js-switch</span>'));</div>
              <br />
              <div>elems.forEach(<span class="specials">function</span>(html) <span class="specials">{</span></div>
              <div>&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class="specials">var</span> switchery = <span class="single">new</span> Switchery(html);</div>
              <div><span class="specials">}</span>);</div>

                    <input type="checkbox" class="js-switch" />
                    <input type="checkbox" class="js-switch" checked />
                    <input type="checkbox" class="js-switch" />

            <div class="example">
                <h4>Multiple calls</h4>

                <p>You can filter out existing elements that have already been called by looking for <strong>data-switchery="true"</strong>. The following code will return if there's an element with this data attribute already.</p>

            <div class="script">
              <div><span class="specials">var</span> init = <span class="single">new</span> Switchery('<span class="value">.js-switch</span>');</div>
              <div><span class="single">if</span> (init.markedAsSwitched()) <span class="specials">{</span> ... <span class="specials">}</span></div>

