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xlink:href="#icon-link"></use> </svg> </a> <div class="player-controls__item" @click="prevTrack"> <svg class="icon"> <use xlink:href="#icon-prev"></use> </svg> </div> <div class="player-controls__item" @click="nextTrack"> <svg class="icon"> <use xlink:href="#icon-next"></use> </svg> </div> <div class="player-controls__item -xl js-play" @click="play"> <svg class="icon"> <use xlink:href="#icon-pause" v-if="isTimerPlaying"></use> <use xlink:href="#icon-play" v-else></use> </svg> </div> </div> </div> <div class="progress" ref="progress"> <div class="progress__top"> <div class="album-info" v-if="currentTrack"> <div class="album-info__name"> {{ currentTrack.artist }} </div> <div class="album-info__track"> {{ currentTrack.name }} </div> </div> <div class="progress__duration"> {{ duration }} </div> </div> <div class="progress__bar" @click="clickProgress"> <div class="progress__current" :style="{ width : barWidth }"></div> </div> <div class="progress__time"> {{ currentTime }} </div> </div> <div v-cloak></div> </div> </div> <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" hidden xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"> <defs> <symbol id="icon-heart-o" viewBox="0 0 32 32"> <title>icon-heart-o</title> <path d="M22.88 1.952c-2.72 0-5.184 1.28-6.88 3.456-1.696-2.176-4.16-3.456-6.88-3.456-4.48 0-9.024 3.648-9.024 10.592 0 7.232 7.776 12.704 15.072 17.248 0.256 0.16 0.544 0.256 0.832 0.256s0.576-0.096 0.832-0.256c7.296-4.544 15.072-10.016 15.072-17.248 0-6.944-4.544-10.592-9.024-10.592zM16 26.56c-4.864-3.072-12.736-8.288-12.736-14.016 0-5.088 3.040-7.424 5.824-7.424 2.368 0 4.384 1.504 5.408 4.032 0.256 0.608 0.832 0.992 1.472 0.992s1.248-0.384 1.472-0.992c1.024-2.528 3.040-4.032 5.408-4.032 2.816 0 5.824 2.304 5.824 7.424 0.064 5.728-7.808 10.976-12.672 14.016z"></path> <path d="M16 30.144c-0.32 0-0.64-0.096-0.896-0.256-7.296-4.576-15.104-10.048-15.104-17.344 0-7.008 4.576-10.688 9.12-10.688 2.656 0 5.152 1.216 6.88 3.392 1.728-2.144 4.224-3.392 6.88-3.392 4.544 0 9.12 3.68 9.12 10.688 0 7.296-7.808 12.768-15.104 17.344-0.256 0.16-0.576 0.256-0.896 0.256zM9.12 2.048c-4.448 0-8.928 3.616-8.928 10.496 0 7.168 7.744 12.64 15.008 17.152 0.48 0.288 1.12 0.288 1.568 0 7.264-4.544 15.008-9.984 15.008-17.152 0-6.88-4.48-10.496-8.928-10.496-2.656 0-5.088 1.216-6.816 3.392l-0.032 0.128-0.064-0.096c-1.696-2.176-4.192-3.424-6.816-3.424zM16 26.688l-0.064-0.032c-3.808-2.4-12.768-8.032-12.768-14.112 0-5.152 3.072-7.52 5.952-7.52 2.432 0 4.48 1.536 5.504 4.096 0.224 0.576 0.768 0.928 1.376 0.928s1.152-0.384 1.376-0.928c1.024-2.56 3.072-4.096 5.504-4.096 2.848 0 5.952 2.336 5.952 7.52 0 6.080-8.96 11.712-12.768 14.112l-0.064 0.032zM9.12 5.248c-2.752 0-5.728 2.304-5.728 7.328 0 5.952 8.8 11.488 12.608 13.92 3.808-2.4 12.608-7.968 12.608-13.92 0-5.024-2.976-7.328-5.728-7.328-2.336 0-4.32 1.472-5.312 3.968-0.256 0.64-0.864 1.056-1.568 1.056s-1.312-0.416-1.568-1.056c-0.992-2.496-2.976-3.968-5.312-3.968z"></path> <path d="M6.816 20.704c0.384 0.288 0.512 0.704 0.48 1.12 0.224 0.256 0.384 0.608 0.384 0.96 0 0.032 0 0.032 0 0.064 0.16 0.128 0.32 0.256 0.48 0.384 0.128 0.064 0.256 0.16 0.384 0.256 0.096 0.064 0.192 0.16 0.256 0.224 0.8 0.576 1.632 1.12 2.496 1.664 0.416 0.128 0.8 0.256 1.056 0.32 1.984 0.576 4.064 0.8 6.112 0.928 2.688-1.92 5.312-3.904 8-5.792 0.896-1.088 1.92-2.080 2.912-3.104v-7.552c-0.096-0.128-0.192-0.288-0.32-0.416-0.768-1.024-1.184-2.176-1.6-3.296-0.768-0.416-1.536-0.8-2.336-1.12-0.128-0.064-0.256-0.096-0.384-0.16h-21.568v12.992c1.312 0.672 2.496 1.6 3.648 2.528z"></path> </symbol> <symbol id="icon-heart" viewBox="0 0 32 32"> <title>icon-heart</title> <path d="M22.88 1.952c-2.72 0-5.184 1.28-6.88 3.456-1.696-2.176-4.16-3.456-6.88-3.456-4.48 0-9.024 3.648-9.024 10.592 0 7.232 7.776 12.704 15.072 17.248 0.256 0.16 0.544 0.256 0.832 0.256s0.576-0.096 0.832-0.256c7.296-4.544 15.072-10.016 15.072-17.248 0-6.944-4.544-10.592-9.024-10.592zM16 26.56c-4.864-3.072-12.736-8.288-12.736-14.016 0-5.088 3.040-7.424 5.824-7.424 2.368 0 4.384 1.504 5.408 4.032 0.256 0.608 0.832 0.992 1.472 0.992s1.248-0.384 1.472-0.992c1.024-2.528 3.040-4.032 5.408-4.032 2.816 0 5.824 2.304 5.824 7.424 0.064 5.728-7.808 10.976-12.672 14.016z"></path> <path d="M16 30.144c-0.32 0-0.64-0.096-0.896-0.256-7.296-4.576-15.104-10.048-15.104-17.344 0-7.008 4.576-10.688 9.12-10.688 2.656 0 5.152 1.216 6.88 3.392 1.728-2.144 4.224-3.392 6.88-3.392 4.544 0 9.12 3.68 9.12 10.688 0 7.296-7.808 12.768-15.104 17.344-0.256 0.16-0.576 0.256-0.896 0.256zM9.12 2.048c-4.448 0-8.928 3.616-8.928 10.496 0 7.168 7.744 12.64 15.008 17.152 0.48 0.288 1.12 0.288 1.568 0 7.264-4.544 15.008-9.984 15.008-17.152 0-6.88-4.48-10.496-8.928-10.496-2.656 0-5.088 1.216-6.816 3.392l-0.032 0.128-0.064-0.096c-1.696-2.176-4.192-3.424-6.816-3.424zM16 26.688l-0.064-0.032c-3.808-2.4-12.768-8.032-12.768-14.112 0-5.152 3.072-7.52 5.952-7.52 2.432 0 4.48 1.536 5.504 4.096 0.224 0.576 0.768 0.928 1.376 0.928s1.152-0.384 1.376-0.928c1.024-2.56 3.072-4.096 5.504-4.096 2.848 0 5.952 2.336 5.952 7.52 0 6.080-8.96 11.712-12.768 14.112l-0.064 0.032zM9.12 5.248c-2.752 0-5.728 2.304-5.728 7.328 0 5.952 8.8 11.488 12.608 13.92 3.808-2.4 12.608-7.968 12.608-13.92 0-5.024-2.976-7.328-5.728-7.328-2.336 0-4.32 1.472-5.312 3.968-0.256 0.64-0.864 1.056-1.568 1.056s-1.312-0.416-1.568-1.056c-0.992-2.496-2.976-3.968-5.312-3.968z"></path> </symbol> <symbol id="icon-infinity" viewBox="0 0 32 32"> <title>icon-infinity</title> <path d="M29.312 20.832c-1.28 1.28-3.008 1.984-4.832 1.984s-3.52-0.704-4.832-1.984c-0.032-0.032-0.224-0.224-0.256-0.256v0 1.28c0 0.448-0.352 0.8-0.8 0.8s-0.8-0.352-0.8-0.8v-3.168c0-0.448 0.352-0.8 0.8-0.8h3.168c0.448 0 0.8 0.352 0.8 0.8s-0.352 0.8-0.8 0.8h-1.28c0.032 0.032 0.224 0.224 0.256 0.256 0.992 0.992 2.304 1.536 3.68 1.536 1.408 0 2.72-0.544 3.68-1.536 0.992-0.992 1.536-2.304 1.536-3.68s-0.544-2.72-1.536-3.68c-0.992-0.992-2.304-1.536-3.68-1.536-1.408 0-2.72 0.544-3.68 1.536l-8.416 8.448c-1.312 1.312-3.072 1.984-4.832 1.984s-3.488-0.672-4.832-1.984c-2.656-2.656-2.656-6.976 0-9.632s6.976-2.656 9.632 0c0.032 0.032 0.16 0.16 0.192 0.192l0.064 0.064v-1.28c0-0.448 0.352-0.8 0.8-0.8s0.8 0.352 0.8 0.8v3.168c0 0.448-0.352 0.8-0.8 0.8h-3.168c-0.448 0-0.8-0.352-0.8-0.8s0.352-0.8 0.8-0.8h1.28l-0.096-0.064c-0.032-0.032-0.16-0.16-0.192-0.192-0.992-0.992-2.304-1.536-3.68-1.536s-2.72 0.544-3.68 1.536c-2.048 2.0.........完整代码请登录后点击上方下载按钮下载查看