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<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> </head> <body translate="no"> <canvas id='gridwormCanvas' width='1350' height='620' style='background-color: white;'></canvas> <script> /* *Animates connected nodes about a grid *------------------------------------- *@author: Caleb Nii Tetteh Tsuru Addy *@date: 19th April, 2020 *@email: *@twitter: @cnttaddy *@github : *@license: GNU General Public License v3.0 */ //set up the gridworm class GridWorm { constructor(point, interval, pointsList, screenWidth, screenHeight) { this.radius = 2; this.xCoord = point.x; this.yCoord = point.y; this.interval = interval; this.color = this.getColor(1, true); //get random color object this.mainColor = this.color.color; //color of the head and body of the girdworm this.mainColorIndex = this.color.index; this.nColor = this.getColor(1, true); //get another random color object this.arrowHeadColor = this.nColor.color; //color of the arrrow points at the head of the gridworm this.arrowHeadColorIndex = this.nColor.index; this.pointsList = pointsList; this.screenWidth = screenWidth; this.screenHeight = screenHeight; this.speed = 5; //the magnitude of the velocity this.velocity = this.getVelocity(); this.junctionMemory = [{ point: point, velocity: this.velocity }]; //memory of each junction visited(helps to construct the worm) //the maximum number of junctions a gridworm can keep in memory(this determines how long the gridworm will be) this.junctionMemoryLength = 6; } getColor(opacity, isRandom = true, index = 0) { if (opacity < 0 || opacity > 1 || opacity === null || isNaN(opacity)) //if opacity is incorrect { opacity = 1; } var colors = [ `rgba(0,0,0,${opacity})`, `rgba(192,192,192,${opacity})` /*silver*/, `rgba(128,128,128,${opacity})` /*gray*/, `rgba(128,0,0,${opacity})` /*maroon*/, `rgba(255,0,0,${opacity})` /*red*/, `rgba(0,255,0,${opacity})` /*lime*/, `rgba(0,0,255,${opacity})` /*blue*/, `rgba(255,0,255,${opacity})` /*fuchsia*/, `rgba(128,128,0,${opacity})` /*olive*/, `rgba(0,128,0,${opacity})` /*green*/, `rgba(128,0,128,${opacity})` /*purple*/, `rgba(0,128,128,${opacity})` /*teal*/, `rgba(0,0,128,${opacity})` /*navy*/, `rgba(138,57,0,${opacity})` /*brown*/, `rgba(205,133,63,${opacity})`, `rgba(244,164,96,${opacity})`, `rgba(139,105,30,${opacity})`, `rgba(165,42,42,${opacity})`, `rgba(178,34,34,${opacity})`, `rgba(220,20,60,${opacity})`, `rgba(255,140,0,${opacity})`, `rgba(255,165,0,${opacity})`, `rgba(255,215,0,${opacity})`, `rgba(184,134,11,${opacity})`, `rgba(218,165,32,${opacity})`, `rgba(218,165,32,${opacity})`, `rgba(238,232,170,${opacity})`, `rgba(189,183,107,${opacity})`, `rgba(240,230,140,${opacity})`, `rgba(0,100,0,${opacity})`, `rgba(34,139,34,${opacity})`, `rgba(32,178,170,${opacity})`, `rgba(47,79,79,${opacity})`, `rgba(0,139,139,${opacity})`, `rgba(95,158,160,${opacity})`, `rgba(70,130,180,${opacity})`, `rgba(25,25,112,${opacity})`, `rgba(0,0,128,${opacity})`, `rgba(0,0,139,${opacity})`, `rgba(72,61,139,${opacity})`, `rgba(75,0,130,${opacity})`, `rgba(139,0,139,${opacity})`, `rgba(0,0,0,${opacity})`, `rgba(105,105,105,${opacity})`, `rgba(169,169,169,${opacity})`]; if (isRandom) { let index = Math.floor(this.getRandomNumber(0, colors.length - 1)); let color = colors[index]; return { color: color, index: index }; } else //if specific { if (index >= 0 && index < colors.length) { return colors[index]; } return colors[0]; } } getVelocity() { let x, y; //flip a coin to decide if gridworm moves vertically or horizontally if (Math.random() > 0.5) //if gridworm moves vertically { x = 0; //no horizontal movement y = Math.random() > 0.5 ? -this.speed : this.speed; //flip a coin to decide if gridworm moves upwards or downwards } else //if gridworm moves horizontally { x = Math.random() > 0.5 ? -this.speed : this.speed; //flip a coin to decide if gridworm moves left or right y = 0; //no vertical movement } return { x: x, y: y }; } /** * Returns a random number between min (inclusive) and max (exclusive) * @param {number} min The lesser of the two numbers. * @param {number} max The greater of the two numbers. * @return {number} A random number between min (inclusive) and max (exclusive) */ getRandomNumber(min, max) { return Math.random() * (max - min) + min; } drawCircle(x, y, circleradius, ctx, colorIndex) { for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { let color = ''; let radius = 0; switch (i) {//create three circles with same center case 0: radius = circleradius; //smallest circle color = this.getColor(1, false, colorIndex); break; case 1: radius = circleradius * 2; //bigger circle color = this.getColor(0.5, false, colorIndex); break; case 2: radius = circleradius * 6; //biggest circle color = this.getColor(0.2, false, colorIndex); break;} //draw the node ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(x, y, radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI); ctx.fillStyle = color; ctx.fill(); ctx.strokeStyle = color; ctx.stroke(); } } drawArrowHead(x, y, circleradius, ctx, colorIndex) { let points = []; if (this.velocity.x === 0) //if gridworm is moving vertically { if (this.velocity.y > 0) //if gridworm is moving down { points.push({ x: x + this.interval / 3, y: y }); //point to the right points.push({ x: x - this.interval / 3, y: y }); //point to the left points.push({ x: x, y: y + this.interval / 3 }); //point below } else //if gridworm is moving up { points.push({ x: x + this.interval / 3, y: y }); //point to the right points.push({ x: x - this.interval / 3, y: y }); //point to the left points.push({ x: x, y: y - this.interval / 3 }); //point above } } else //if gridworm is moving horizontally { if (this.velocity.x > 0) //if gridworm is moving right { points.push({ x: x + this.interval / 3, y: y }); //point to the right points.push({ x: x, y: y - this.interval / 3 }); //point above points.push({ x: x, y: y + this.interval / 3 }); //point below } else .........完整代码请登录后点击上方下载按钮下载查看