下面为部分代码预览,完整代码请点击下载或在bfwstudio webide中打开
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Cabin:wght@400;700&display=swap" rel="stylesheet"> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="http://repo.bfw.wiki/bfwrepo/css/all.min.css"> <style> *, *::before, *::after { box-sizing: border-box; } html, body { height: 100%; } body { margin: 0; display: grid; align-items: center; justify-items: center; height: 100%; color: #f4f7f7; background-color: #586875; font: 1rem/1 'Cabin', sans-serif; overflow-x: hidden; } /* hide radio buttons, but still expose them to screen readers */ input { position: absolute; width: 1px; clip: rect(0 0 0 0); overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; } .selector { display: grid; grid-template-areas: 'happy lovers' 'pick pick'; } /* the cards and toggle buttons are actually fat labels that can be clicked to set radio buttons */ label { display: block; cursor: pointer; } .happy-card, .lovers-card { position: relative; /* for iOS */ width: 250px; padding: 20px; color: #586875; background-color: #f4f7f7; box-shadow: 0 10px 20px #0006; animation-duration: 0.5s; animation-timing-function: ease-in-out; /* important to use a symmetrical timing function (linear also works) */ animation-fill-mode: forwards; } .happy-card { grid-area: happy; margin-right: -10px; /* nudge closer to lover's card */ /* these values are used to animate via translateX */ --swing: -25px; --overlap: 25px; } .lovers-card { grid-area: lovers; margin-left: -10px; /* nudge closer to happy card */ /* these values are used to animate via translateX */ --swing: 25px; --overlap: -25px; } /* when a radio button is set, swing the corresponding card fowards */ #happy-radio:checked ~ .selector .happy-card, #lovers-radio:checked ~ .selector .lovers-card { animation-name: swing-forwards; } @keyframes swing-forwards { 0% { z-index: 1; /* start behind other card */ transform: scale(0.9); } 50% { transform: translateX(var(--swing)); } 100% { z-index: 2; /* end in front of other card */ transform: translateX(var(--overlap)) scale(1.1); } } /* when a radio button is set, swing the opposite card backwards */ #happy-radio:checked ~ .selector .lovers-card, #lovers-radio:checked ~ .selector .happy-card { animation-name: swing-backwards; } @keyframes swing-backwards { 0% { z-index: 2; /* start in front of other card */ transform: translateX(var(--overlap)) scale(1.1); } 50% { transform: translateX(var(--swing)); } .........完整代码请登录后点击上方下载按钮下载查看