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<h2 style="text-align:center; margin-bottom:2;">Sales Analytics Dashboard</h2><div id="wdr-component"></div>
<h3 style="text-align:center; margin-bottom:2px;">Sales by Product Groups</h3>
<div id="bar-chart-container-1" style="width:900px;height:450; margin-left: 35px; margin-bottom:0;"></div>
<h3 style="text-align:center;">Sales by Channels</h3>
<div id="pie-chart-container" style="width:900px;height:450; margin-left: 50px;"></div>
<h3 style="text-align:center; margin-bottom:0;">Customer Demographics</h3>
<div id="bar-chart-container-2" style="width:900px;height:450; margin-left: 35px; margin-top:15px;"></div>

var pivot = new WebDataRocks({
  container: "#wdr-component",
  toolbar: true,
  height: 550,
  width: 1000,
  customizeCell: customizeCellFunction,
  report: {
    dataSource: {
      data: getJSONData() },

    "slice": {
      "rows": [{
        "uniqueName": "Location" }],

      "columns": [{
        "uniqueName": "Measures" },

        "uniqueName": "Product Group" },

        "uniqueName": "Product" }],

      "measures": [{
        "uniqueName": "Price",
        "aggregation": "sum" }] },

    "formats": [{
      "name": "currency",
      "thousandsSeparator": " ",
      "decimalSeparator": ".",
      "currencySymbol": "$",
      "currencySymbolAlign": "left",
      "nullValue": "",
      "textAlign": "right",
      "isPercent": false }],

    "options": {
      "grid": {
        "showHeaders": false } } },

  reportcomplete: function () {
    pivotTableReportComplete = true;
  } });

var pivotTableReportComplete = false;
var googleChartsLoaded = false;

google.charts.load('current', { 'packages': ['corechart', 'bar'] });


function onGoogleChartsLoaded() {
  googleChartsLoaded = true;
  if (pivotTableReportComplete) {

function createBarChart() {
  if (googleChartsLoaded) {
      type: "bar",
      "slice": {
        "rows": [{
          "uniqueName": "Location" }],

        "columns": [{
          "uniqueName": "Measures" },

          "uniqueName": "Product Group" },

          "uniqueName": "Product" }],

        "measures": [{
          "uniqueName": "Price",
          "aggregation": "sum" },

          "uniqueName": "Quantity",
          "aggregation": "sum" }] } },



function drawBarChart(_data) {
  var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable(_data.data);
  var formatter = new google.visualization.NumberFormat({
    fractionDigits: 2,
    prefix: '$' });

  formatter.format(data, 1);
  var options = {
    colors: ['#2A9D8F', '#E9C46A', '#E76F51'],
    bars: 'horizontal' };

  var chart = new google.charts.Bar(document.getElementById('bar-chart-container-1'));
  chart.draw(data, options);

function createPieChart() {
  if (googleChartsLoaded) {
      type: "pie",
      "slice": {
        "rows": [{
          "uniqueName": "Channel" }],

        "columns": [{
          "uniqueName": "Measures" }],

        "measures": [{
          "uniqueName": "Sales",
          "formula": "sum(\"Price\") * sum(\"Quantity\")",
          "individual": true,
          "caption": "Total Sales" }] } },



function drawPieChart(_data) {
  var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable(_data.data);
  var formatter = new google.visualization.NumberFormat({
    fractionDigits: 2,
    prefix: '$' });

  formatter.format(data, 1);
  var options = {
    legend: {
      position: 'bottom' },

    pieHole: 0.35, chartArea: { height: '85%' },
    pieSliceBorderColor: "none",
    colors: ["#A5D8DD", "#EA6A47", "#0091D5"] };

  var chart = new google.visualization.PieChart(document.getElementById('pie-chart-container'));
  chart.draw(data, options);

function createBarChart2() {
  if (googleChartsLoaded) {
      type: "bar",
      "slice": {
        "rows": [{
          "uniqueName": "Customer Gender" }],

        "columns": [{
          "uniqueName": "Measures" }],

        "measures": [{
          "uniqueName": "Customer Gender",
          "formula": "count(\"Customer Gender\")",
          "caption": "Total Number" }] } },



function drawBarChart2(_data) {
  var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable(_data.data);
  var formatter = new google.visualization.NumberFormat({
    fractionDigits: 2,
    prefix: '$' });

  formatter.format(data, 1);
  var options = {
    colors: ['#2A9D8F'],
    bars: 'horizontal' };

  var chart = new google.charts.Bar(document.getElementById('bar-chart-container-2'));
  chart.draw(data, options);

/* Insert icons to the cells */
/*Icons made by Smashicons from www.flaticon.com */
function customizeCellFunction(cell, data) {
  if (data.type == "value" && !data.isDrillThrough && data.isGrandTotalColumn && !data.isTotalRow) {
    if (data.value < 15000) {
      cell.text = "<img src='https://image.flaticon.com/icons/svg/138/138350.svg' class='centered'>";
    } else if (data.value >= 15000) {
      cell.text = "<img src='https://image.flaticon.com/icons/svg/138/138349.svg' class='centered'>";

function getJSONData() {
  return [{
    "Price": {
      type: "number" },

    "Quantity": {
      type: "number" },

    "Customer Gender": {
      type: "string" },

    "Customer Age Group": {
      type: "string" },

    "Product Group": {
      type: "string" },

    "Product": {
      type: "string" },

    "Date Order": {
      type: "date" },

    "Country": {
      type: "level",
      hierarchy: "Location" },

    "City": {
      type: "level",
      hierarchy: "Location",
      parent: "Country" },

    "Channel": {
      type: "string" } },

    "Product Group": "Servers",
    "Size": "262 oz",
    "Color": "red",
    "Channel": "Retail Store",
    "Product": "Servers",
    "Country": "Australia",
    "City": "Sydney",
    "Price": 174,
    "Quantity": 225,
    "Date": "2015-09-06T20:23:13+00:00",
    "DateTime": "2018-07-30T17:30:32+00:00",
    "Date Order": "2018-05-28T10:43:10+00:00",
    "Customer Gender": "Female",
    "Duration": 829 },

    "Product Group": "Servers",
    "Size": "262 oz",
    "Color": "red",
    "Channel": "Retail Store",
    "Product": "Servers",
    "Country": "Australia",
    "City": "Sydney",
    "Price": 857,
    "Quantity": 225,
    "Date": "2015-09-06T20:23:13+00:00",
    "DateTime": "2018-07-30T17:30:32+00:00",
    "Date Order": "2018-12-19T10:43:10+00:00",
    "Customer Gender": "Female",
    "Duration": 424 },

    "Product Group": "Servers",
    "Size": "262 oz",
    "Color": "red",
    "Channel": "Retail Store",
    "Product": "Servers",
    "Country": "Australia",
    "City": "Sydney",
    "Price": 740,
    "Quantity": 225,
    "Date": "2015-09-06T20:23:13+00:00",
    "DateTime": "2018-07-30T17:30:32+00:00",
    "Date Order": "2018-02-08T10:43:10+00:00",
    "Customer Gender": "Female",
    "Customer Age Group": "15 to 17 years",

    "Duration": 782 },

    "Product Group": "Servers",
    "Size": "262 oz",
    "Color": "red",
    "Channel": "Retail Store",
    "Product": "Servers",
    "Country": "Australia",
    "City": "Sydney",
    "Price": 988,
    "Quantity": 225,
    "Date": "2015-09-06T20:23:13+00:00",
    "DateTime": "2018-07-30T17:30:32+00:00",
    "Date Order": "2018-02-15T10:43:10+00:00",
    "Customer Gender": "Female",
    "Customer Age Group": "15 to 17 years",

    "Duration": 475 },

    "Product Group": "Servers",
    "Size": "262 oz",
    "Color": "red",
    "Channel": "Retail Store",
    "Product": "Servers",
    "Country": "Australia",
    "City": "Brisbane",
    "Price": 1255,
    "Quantity": 225,
    "Date": "2015-09-06T20:23:13+00:00",
    "DateTime": "2018-07-30T17:30:32+00:00",
    "Date Order": "2018-04-18T10:43:10+00:00",
    "Customer Gender": "Female",
    "Customer Age Group": "15 to 17 years",
    "Duration": 997 },

    "Product Group": "Servers",
    "Size": "262 oz",
    "Color": "red",
    "Channel": "Retail Store",
    "Product": "Servers",
    "Country": "Australia",
    "City": "Sydney",
    "Price": 3500,
    "Quantity": 225,
    "Date": "2015-09-06T20:23:13+00:00",
    "DateTime": "2018-07-30T17:30:32+00:00",
    "Date Order": "2018-05-19T10:43:10+00:00",
    "Customer Gender": "Female",
    "Customer Age Group": "30 to 35 years",
    "Duration": 644 },

    "Product Group": "Servers",
    "Size": "262 oz",
    "Color": "red",
    "Channel": "Retail Store",
    "Product": "Servers",
    "Country": "Australia",
    "City": "Sydney",
    "Price": 1330,
    "Quantity": 225,
    "Date": "2015-09-06T20:23:13+00:00",
    "DateTime": "2018-07-30T17:30:32+00:00",
    "Date Order": "2018-05-28T10:43:10+00:00",
    "Customer Gender": "Female",
    "Customer Age Group": "30 to 35 years",
    "Duration": 243 },

    "Product Group": "Servers",
    "Size": "262 oz",
    "Color": "red",
    "Channel": "Retail Store",
    "Product": "Servers",
    "Country": "Australia",
    "City": "Sydney",
    "Price": 970,
    "Quantity": 225,
    "Date": "2015-09-06T20:23:13+00:00",
    "DateTime": "2018-07-30T17:30:32+00:00",
    "Date Order": "2018-06-10T10:43:10+00:00",
    "Customer Gender": "Female",
    "Customer Age Group": "30 to 35 years",
    "Duration": 576 },

    "Product Group": "Servers",
    "Size": "262 oz",
    "Color": "red",
    "Channel": "Retail Store",
    "Product": "Servers",
    "Country": "Australia",
    "City": "Melbourne",
    "Price": 877,
    "Quantity": 225,
    "Date": "2015-09-06T20:23:13+00:00",
    "DateTime": "2018-07-30T17:30:32+00:00",
    "Date Order": "2018-06-20T10:43:10+00:00",
    "Customer Gender": "Female",
    "Customer Age Group": "30 to 35 years",
    "Duration": 411 },

    "Product Group": "PC Clients",
    "Size": "262 oz",
    "Color": "red",
    "Channel": "Retail Store",
    "Product": "Thin Clients",
    "Country": "Australia",
    "Price": 940,
    "Quantity": 225,
    "Date": "2015-09-06T20:23:13+00:00",
    "DateTime": "2018-07-30T17:30:32+00:00",
    "Date Order": "2018-11-23T10:43:10+00:00",
    "Customer Gender": "Female",
    "Customer Age Group": "30 to 35 years",
    "Duration": 422 },

    "Product Group": "PC Clients",
    "Size": "262 oz",
    "Color": "red",
    "Channel": "Retail Store",
    "Product": "Thin Clients",
    "Country": "Australia",
    "City": "Melbourne",
    "Price": 557,
    "Quantity": 225,
    "Date": "2015-09-06T20:23:13+00:00",
    "DateTime": "2018-07-30T17:30:32+00:00",
    "Date Order": "2018-01-03T10:43:10+00:00",
    "Customer Gender": "Female",
    "Customer Age Group": "30 to 35 years",
    "Duration": 754 },

    "Product Group": "PC Clients",
    "Size": "147 oz",
    "Color": "white",
    "Channel": "Call Center",
    "Product": "Thin Clients",
    "Country": "France",
    "City": "Paris",
    "Price": 242,
    "Quantity": 855,
    "Date": "2018-08-23T05:58:56+00:00",
    "DateTime": "2016-03-06T23:45:26+00:00",
    "Date Order": "2018-02-15T00:15:47+00:00",
    "Customer Gender": "Male",
    "Customer Age Group": "30 to 35 years",
    "Duration": 554 },

    "Product Group": "PC Clients",
    "Size": "264 oz",
    "Color": "white",
    "Channel": "Retail Store",
    "Product": "Thin Clients",
    "Country": "Australia",
    "City": "Melbourne",
    "Price": 6829,
    "Date": "2019-01-08T22:02:31+00:00",
    "DateTime": "2018-12-10T14:33:25+00:00",
    "Date Order": "2018-02-15T00:15:47+00:00",
    "Quantity": 19,
    "Duration": 757,
    "Customer Age Group": "30 to 35 years",
    "Customer Gender": "Male" },

    "Product Group": "PC Clients",
    "Size": "264 oz",
    "Color": "white",
    "Channel": "Retail Store",
    "Product": "Thin Clients",
    "Country": "Australia",
    "City": "Melbourne",
    "Price": 4221,
    "Date": "2019-01-08T22:02:31+00:00",
    "DateTime": "2018-12-10T14:33:25+00:00",
    "Date Order": "2018-05-28T00:15:47+00:00",
    "Quantity": 19,
    "Duration": 787,
    "Customer Age Group": "30 to 35 years",
    "Customer Gender": "Male" },

    "Product Group": "PC Clients",
    "Size": "264 oz",
    "Color": "white",
    "Channel": "Retail Store",
    "Product": "Thin Clients",
    "Country": "Australia",
    "City": "Melbourne",
    "Price": 3041,
    "Date": "2019-01-08T22:02:31+00:00",
    "DateTime": "2018-12-10T14:33:25+00:00",
    "Date Order": "2018-06-10T00:15:47+00:00",
    "Quantity": 19,
    "Duration": 711,
    "Customer Age Group": "30 to 35 years",
    "Customer Gender": "Male" },

    "Product Group": "PC Clients",
    "Size": "264 oz",
    "Color": "white",
    "Channel": "Retail Store",
    "Product": "Thin Clients",
    "Country": "Australia",
    "City": "Melbourne",
    "Price": 789,
    "Date": "2019-01-08T22:02:31+00:00",
    "DateTime": "2018-12-10T14:33:25+00:00",
    "Date Order": "2018-06-20T00:15:47+00:00",
    "Quantity": 19,
    "Duration": 633,
    "Customer Age Group": "30 to 35 years",
    "Customer Gender": "Male" },

    "Product Group": "PC Clients",
    "Size": "264 oz",
    "Color": "white",
    "Channel": "Retail Store",
    "Product": "Thin Clients",
    "Country": "Australia",
    "City": "Melbourne",
    "Price": 789,
    "Date": "2019-01-08T22:02:31+00:00",
    "DateTime": "2018-12-10T14:33:25+00:00",
    "Date Order": "2018-06-20T00:15:47+00:00",
    "Quantity": 19,
    "Duration": 577,
    "Customer Age Group": "30 to 35 years",
    "Customer Gender": "Female" },

    "Product Group": "P.........完整代码请登录后点击上方下载按钮下载查看
