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} else { root.GenericTree = library(); } })(this, function() { function GenericTree() { this.root = null; this.insert = function(key, parent, properties) { if (key === undefined) { throw new Error('Missing argument: key'); } parent = parent instanceof Node ? [parent] : this.search(parent); var node = new Node(key, properties); if (parent === null && !this.root) { this.root = node; } else if (parent === null && !!this.root) { throw new Error('GenericTree already has a root. Please specify the node\'s parent.'); } else if (!parent.length) { throw new Error('Parent node not found.'); } else { parent[0].insert(node); } return node; }; this.delete = function(node) { if (node === undefined) { throw new Error('Missing argument: key'); } var targets = node instanceof Node ? [node] : this.search(node); if (targets === null || !targets.length) { throw new Error('Target node not found.'); } for (var i = 0; i < targets.length; i++) { var target = targets[i]; if (target === this.root) { this.root = null; } else { target.parent.delete(target); } } }; this.search = function(key) { return key !== undefined && this.root ? this.root.search(key) : null; }; this.traverse = function() { if (this.root !== null) { var queue = [this.root]; var levels = []; var level = []; for (var i = 1, j = 0; queue.length;) { var pointer = queue.shift(); level.push(pointer); j += pointer.children.length; if (!--i) { i = j; j = 0; levels.push(level); level = []; } queue = queue.concat(pointer.children); } return levels; } return []; }; } function Node(key, properties) { this.key = key; this.parent = null; this.children = []; properties = properties && typeof properties === 'object' ? properties : {}; for (var i in properties) { this[i] = properties[i]; } this.insert = function(child) { this.children.push(child); child.parent = this; }; this.delete = function(child) { this.children.splice(this.children.indexOf(child), 1); }; this.search = function(key) { var results = this.key.match('^' + key.replace(/\./g, '\\.').replace(/\*/g, '\.\*') + '$') ? [this] : []; for (var i in this.children) { results = results.concat(this.children[i].search(key)); } return results; }; this.find = function(key) { var results = []; for (var i in this.children) { if (this.children[i].key.match('^' + key.replace(/\./g, '\\.').replace(/\*/g, '\.\*') + '$')) { results.push(this.children[i]); } } return results; }; } return GenericTree; }); (function(root, library) { if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define('virtual-filesystem', ['generic-tree'], library); } else { root.VirtualFileSystem = library(root.GenericTree); } })(this, function(GenericTree) { function VirtualFileSystem() { this.tree = new GenericTree(); this.tree.insert('', null, { type: 'directory' }); this.pointer = this.tree.root; this.mkdir = function(path) { if (path === undefined) { throw new Error('Missing argument: path'); } var segments = path.replace(/\/+$/g, '').split('/'); var parent = this._resolve_path(segments.slice(0, segments.length - 1).join('/')); var name = segments[segments.length - 1]; if (parent.find(name).length) { throw new Error('Name already taken: ' + name); } this.tree.insert(name, parent, { type: 'directory' }); }; this.rmdir = function(path) { if (path === undefined) { throw new Error('Missing argument: path'); } var node = this._resolve_path(path.replace(/\/+$/g, '')); if (node === this.tree.root) { throw new Error('You cannot delete the root directory.'); } else if (node.type !== 'directory') { throw new Error('Not a directory: ' + node.key); } this.tree.delete(node); var current_path = this._absolute_path(this.pointer); var node_path = this._absolute_path(node); if (node_path.match('^' + current_path) && current_path.length) { this.pointer = node.parent; } }; this.cd = function(path) { if (path === undefined) { throw new Error('Missing argument: path'); } this.pointer = this._resolve_path(path); return this.pointer; }; this.cat = function(mode, path, contents) { if (path === undefined) { throw new Error('Missing argument: path'); } var segments = path.replace(/\/+$/g, '').split('/'); var parent = this._resolve_path(segments.slice(0, segments.length - 1).join('/')); var name = segments[segments.length - 1]; var node = parent.find(name)[0]; if (node && node.type !== 'file') { throw new Error('Not a file: ' + path); } else if (mode.length) { if (node === undefined) { node = this.tree.insert(name, parent, { type: 'file', contents: '' }); } node.contents = mode === '>' ? contents : node.contents + contents; } else { if (node === undefined) { throw new Error('File not found: ' + path); } return node.contents; } }; this.rm = function(path) { if (path === undefined) { throw new Error('Missing argument: path'); } var node = this._resolve_path(path.replace(/\/+$/g, '')); if (node.type !== 'file') { throw new Error('Not a file: ' + node.key); } this.tree.delete(node); }; this.rn = function(path, name) { if (path === undefined) { throw new Error('Missing argument: path'); } else if (name === undefined) { throw new Error('Missing argument: name'); } var node = this._resolve_path(path); if (node === this.tree.root) { throw new Error('You cannot rename the root directory.'); } var search = node.parent.find(name)[0]; if (search && search.type === node.type) { throw new Error('Rename failed. Name already taken.'); } node.key = name; }; this.cp = function(target, destination) { if (target === undefined) { throw new Error('Missing argument: target'); } else if (destination === undefined) { throw new Error('Missing argument: destination'); } target = typeof target === 'object' ? target : this._resolve_path(target); destination = typeof destination === 'object' ? destination : this._resolve_path(destination); var properties = { type: target.type }; if (properties.type === 'file') { properties.contents = target.contents; } var node = this.tree.insert(target.key, destination, properties); for (var i = 0; i < target.children.length; i++) { this.cp(target.children[i], node); } return node; }; this.mv = function(target, destination) { if (target === undefined) { throw new Error('Missing argument: target'); } else if (destination === undefined) { throw new Error('Missing argument: destination'); } target = typeof target === 'object' ? target : this._resolve_path(target); destination = typeof destination === 'object' ? destination : this._resolve_path(destination); this.tree.delete(target); return this.cp.call(this, target, destination); }; this.ls = function(path) { var node = path === undefined ? this.pointer : this._resolve_path(path); if (node.type === 'directory') { return node.children; } throw new Error('Not a directory: ' + path); }; this.whereis = function(query) { if (query === undefined) { throw new Error('Missing argument: query'); } return this.tree.search(query); }; this._resolve_path = function(path) { path = path.match('^\/') ? path : './' + path; path = path.split('/'); var parent = path[0].length ? this.pointer : this.tree.root; for (var i = !path[0].length ? 1 : 0; i < path.length; i++) { if (path[i] === '..') { if (parent === this.tree.root) { throw new Error('No more directories beyond root directory.'); } parent = parent.parent; } else if (path[i] !== '.' && path[i].length) { parent = parent.find(path[i])[0]; if (parent === undefined) { throw new Error('Path not found: ' + path.slice(0, i + 1).join('/')); } } } return parent; }; this._absolute_path = function(node) { var path = []; while (node !== null) { path.unshift(node.key); node = node.parent; } return path.join('/'); }; } return VirtualFileSystem; }); $(document).ready(function() { filesystem.initialize(); components.initialize(); windows.initialize(); system.initialize(); }); var filesystem = { instance: new VirtualFileSystem(), initialize: function() { filesystem.instance.mkdir('Documents'); filesystem.instance.mkdir('Pictures'); filesystem.instance.mkdir('Music'); filesystem.instance.mkdir('Videos'); filesystem.instance.mkdir('Documents/Academics'); filesystem.instance.mkdir('Documents/Projects'); filesystem.instance.mkdir('Documents/Work'); filesystem.instance.mkdir('Documents/Codes'); filesystem.instance.mkdir('Documents/Academics/cmsc142'); filesystem.instance.mkdir('Documents/Academics/cmsc141'); filesystem.instance.mkdir('Documents/Academics/sts40'); filesystem.instance.mkdir('Documents/Academics/cmsc198.1'); filesystem.instance.mkdir('Documents/Codes/Javascript'); filesystem.instance.mkdir('Documents/Codes/Python'); filesystem.instance.mkdir('Documents/Codes/Ruby'); filesystem.instance.cat('>', 'Documents/Academics/cmsc142/mp1.c', 'hello world'); filesystem.instance.cat('>', 'Documents/Academics/cmsc142/mp2.c', 'hello world again'); filesystem.instance.cat('>', 'Documents/Codes/Javascript/sample.js', 'this is a sample javascript file'); filesystem.instance.cat('>', 'Documents/Codes/Javascript/script.js', 'this is another sample javascript file'); filesystem.instance.cat('>', 'Documents/Codes/Python/sample.py', 'this is a sample python file'); filesystem.instance.cat('>', 'Documents/Codes/Ruby/sample.rb', 'this is a sample ruby file'); Window.favorites = ['/Documents', '/Pictures', '/Music', 'Videos']; }, resolve_path: function(path) { return path === undefined ? filesystem.instance.tree.root : filesystem.instance._resolve_path(path); }, absolute_path: function(path) { return this.instance._absolute_path(path); } }; var components = { initialize: function() { components.icons(); components.textareas(); components.huds(); }, icons: function() { windows.desktop.on('mousedown', '.icon', function(e) { if (e.ctrlKey) { $(this).toggleClass('highlighted'); } else { $('.icon').removeClass('highlighted'); $(this).addClass('highlighted'); } var target = $(this).closest('.window'); if (target.length) { windows.focus(windows.instance(target)); } }); windows.desktop.on('dblclick', '.icon[data-application]', function(e) { $(this).removeClass('highlighted'); windows.spawn($(this).data('application')); }); windows.desktop.on('dblclick', '.window .icon', function(e) { $(this).removeClass('highlighted'); var target = windows.instance($(this).closest('.window')); target.icons_handler(e); }); windows.desktop.on('mousedown', function(e) { if (!$(e.target).hasClass('icon')) { $('.icon').removeClass('highlighted'); } if (!$(e.target).closest('.contextmenu').length) { $('.contextmenu').addClass('hidden'); } }); }, textareas: function() { windows.desktop.on('keydown', 'textarea', function(e) { var target = windows.instance($(this).closest('.window')); if (e.keyCode === 9) { e.preventDefault(); } else if (e.keyCode === 13 && $(this).attr('data-capture-enter') === 'true') { e.preventDefault(); target.textarea_handler(e); } else if (e.ctrlKey && (e.keyCode === 76 || e.keyCode === 68 || e.keyCode === 83)) { e.preventDefault(); target.keyboard_handler(e); } else if (e.keyCode === 27) { target.keyboard_handler(e); } else if ($(thi.........完整代码请登录后点击上方下载按钮下载查看