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<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> </head> <body style="background: #2C2F33; font-family: arial;"> <main id="reactapp"> </main> <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script> <script> function _extends() {_extends = Object.assign || function (target) {for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {var source = arguments[i];for (var key in source) {if (, key)) {target[key] = source[key];}}}return target;};return _extends.apply(this, arguments);}const MONO_FONT = { fontFamily: "Fira Mono, monospace" }; const SANS_FONT = { fontFamily: "Open Sans, sans-serif" }; const TITLE_FONT = { fontFamily: "Catamaran, sans-serif" }; const MONOKAI_COLOURS = [ "#F8F8F0", // 0 ghost-white "#F8F8F2", // 1 light-ghost-white "#CCC", // 2 light-gray "#888", // 3 gray "#49483E", // 4 brown-gray "#282828", // 5 dark-gray "#E6DB74", // 6 yellow "#66D9EF", // 7 blue "#F92672", // 8 pink "#AE81FF", // 9 purple "#75715E", // 10 brown "#FD971F", // 11 orange "#FFD569", // 12 light-orange "#A6E22E", // 13 green "#529B2F" // 14 sea-green ]; 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}, description: "A little tool and Discord Bot for emulating text from a popular MMO", metadata: { Created: "2018" } }, "Spell Templates": { type: "file", onDoubleClick: () => {"/"); }, description: "A progressive web app for doing some math checking for Dungeons and Dragons grid mechanics", metadata: { Created: "2018" } }, "SenseHAT Listener": { type: "file", onDoubleClick: () => {"/"); }, description: "A frontend public controller for an 8x8 LED grid (SenseHAT) attached to a Raspberry Pi", metadata: { Created: "2019" } }, "": { type: "file", onDoubleClick: () => {"/"); }, description: "Built this site essentially from scratch using React, Babel and hosted on a Raspberry Pi", metadata: { Created: "2020" } } } } } }; const EDU_HISTORY_TERMINAL = [ { string: "EDUCATION\n\n", bold: true, color: 2 }, { string: "University of Calgary ", bold: true, color: 4 }, { string: "[2013-2017]\n", bold: false, color: undefined }, { string: "\t[Calgary, AB]\n", bold: false, color: undefined }, { string: "\tGraduated 2017\n", bold: false, color: 6 }, { string: "\tBachelor of Science ", bold: true, color: 7 }, { string: "--", bold: false, color: 6 }, { string: " Computer Science\n\n", bold: true, color: 4 }, { string: "Lindsay Thurber Comprehensive High School ", bold: true, color: 4 }, { string: "[2008-2012]\n", bold: false, color: undefined }, { string: "\t[Red Deer, AB]\n", bold: false, color: undefined }, { string: "\tGraduated 2012\n", bold: false, color: 6 }, { string: "\tHonor Roll\n\n", bold: true, color: 7 }]; const WORK_HISTORY_IDE = { "": { bodyChunks: [ { string: "README\n\n", bold: true, color: 8 }, { string: "Each job is a file in the left hand sidebar, each named <jobtitle>-<company>.md!\n", color: 7 }] }, "": { bodyChunks: [ { string: "Software Developer II", bold: true, color: 8 }, { string: " -- ", bold: false, color: undefined }, { string: "Shaw\n", bold: true, color: 11 }, { string: "Calgary, Alberta\n", bold: true, color: 6 }, { string: "[Apr 2019 – Present]\n", bold: false, color: 13 }, { string: "--\n", bold: false, color: 0 }, { string: "Software Developer I", bold: true, color: 8 }, { string: " -- ", bold: false, color: undefined }, { string: "Shaw\n", bold: true, color: 11 }, { string: "Calgary, Alberta\n", bold: true, color: 6 }, { string: "[Jul 2017 – Apr 2019]\n", bold: false, color: 13 }, { string: "--\n", bold: false, color: 0 }, { string: "Description:\n", bold: true, color: 7 }, { string: "Worked on a multipurpose team to develop internal and external facing tools. Worked with ", bold: false, color: 1 }, { string: "Docker, Kubernetes, NodeJS, React, ", bold: true, color: 1 }, { string: "and tons of other technologies. \n", bold: false, color: 1 }, { string: "I personally created a tool for generating ", bold: false, color: 1 }, { string: "LQIP", bold: true, color: 9 }, { string: "s (Low Quality Image Previews) dynamically with a request to an API. ", bold: false, color: 1 }, { string: "The images were cached for a configurable time and could linked to or embedded.", bold: false, color: 1 }] }, "": { bodyChunks: [ { string: "IT Support Asst.", bold: true, color: 8 }, { string: " -- ", bold: false, color: undefined }, { string: "Calgary Immigrant Educational Society\n", bold: true, color: 11 }, { string: "Calgary, Alberta\n", bold: true, color: 6 }, { string: "[Jun 2016 – Aug 2016]\n", bold: false, color: 13 }, { string: "--\n", bold: false, color: 0 }, { string: "Description:\n", bold: true, color: 7 }, { string: "As part of a summer contract, I performed full IT support for a staff of over 50 people across 2 locations. ", bold: false, color: 1 }, { string: "Performed all duties independently for 1 month while IT manager was on vacation. Assisted staff in setting up accounts, email, printing. ", bold: false, color: 1 }, { string: "Maintained ", bold: false, color: 1 }, { string: "SQL ", bold: true, color: 9 }, { string: "database. Managed server for all staff accounts and data. Relocated users and hardware.", bold: false, color: 1 }] }, "": { bodyChunks: [ { string: "Reznet Tech Support", bold: true, color: 8 }, { string: " -- ", bold: false, color: undefined }, { string: "University of Calgary\n", bold: true, color: 11 }, { string: "Calgary, Alberta\n", bold: true, color: 6 }, { string: "[Sep 2013 – Jun 2014]\n", bold: false, color: 13 }, { string: "--\n", bold: false, color: 0 }, { string: "Description:\n", bold: true, color: 7 }, { string: "Assisted students with technical issues related to the university residence network and other basic issues.", bold: false, color: 1 }] }, "": { bodyChunks: [ { string: "Cashier", bold: true, color: 8 }, { string: " -- ", bold: false, color: undefined }, { string: "IKEA\n", bold: true, color: 11 }, { string: "Calgary, Alberta\n", bold: true, color: 6 }, { string: "[Jun 2014 – Sep 2014]\n", bold: false, color: 13 }, { string: "--\n", bold: false, color: 0 }, { string: "Description:\n", bold: true, color: 7 }, { string: "Helped customers scan purchases on regular and self checkout, assisted customers in finding things throughout the store, counted money and ensured the workplace was organized.", bold: false, color: 1 }, { string: "--\n", bold: true, color: 4 }, { string: "Hardlines Team Member", bold: true, color: 8 }, { string: " -- ", bold: false, color: undefined }, { string: "Target\n", bold: true, color: 11 }, { string: "Red Deer, Alberta\n", bold: true, color: 6 }, { string: "[May 2013 - Aug 2013]\n", bold: false, color: 13 }, { string: "--\n", bold: false, color: 0 }, { string: "Description:\n", bold: true, color: 7 }, { string: "Tasked with stocking shelves, assisting customers, working the cash register and organizing displays and shelves. Worked cooperatively with many other team members on a daily basis.", bold: false, color: 1 }, { string: "--\n", bold: true, color: 4 }, { string: "Shop Hand", bold: true, color: 8 }, { string: " -- ", bold: false, color: undefined }, { string: "Source Energy Sales & Rentals\n", bold: true, color: 11 }, { string: "Blackfalds, Alberta\n", bold: true, color: 6 }, { string: "[Jul 2010 - Oct 2012]\n", bold: false, color: 13 }, { string: "--\n", bold: false, color: 0 }, { string: "Description:\n", bold: true, color: 7 }, { string: "As a part time job while in high school I was tasked with cleaning the shop on the evenings and weekends, as well as doing miscellaneous labour. Occasionally ran errands and picked up office supplies etc.", bold: false, color: 1 }, { string: "--\n", bold: true, color: 4 }, { string: "Server", bold: true, color: 8 }, { string: " -- ", bold: false, color: undefined }, { string: "Tim Hortons\n", bold: true, color: 11 }, { string: "Red Deer, Alberta\n", bold: true, color: 6 }, { string: "[Nov 2008 - Jul 2010]\n", bold: false, color: 13 }, { string: "--\n", bold: false, color: 0 }, { string: "Description:\n", bold: true, color: 7 }, { string: "Was tasked with handling cash and operating the cash register as well as taking orders for customers and preparing their food both in the storefront and drive thru.", bold: false, color: 1 }, { string: "--\n", bold: true, color: 4 }] } }; class Site extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { windows: {}, heldWindow: undefined, windowZOrder: [], activeWindow: undefined, windowCounter: 0 }; this.newWindow = function () { let winSet =; let counter = this.state.windowCounter; let id = "" + (counter + 1); let newWindow = { pos: { x: Math.random() * (window.innerWidth * 0.9), y: Math.random() * (window.innerHeight - 200) }, id: id, title: counter % 2 == 0 ? "Terminal " + id : id, folded: false, hidden: false, type: counter % 2 == 0 ? "terminal" : "default", props: {} }; if (newWindow.type === "terminal") { newWindow.props.bodyChunks = [ { string: "pi@thor", bold: true, color: 0 }, { string: ":" }, { string: "~/rileylahddotme ", bold: true, color: 1 }, { string: "python3 -m http.server\n" }, { string: "Serving HTTP on port 8000 ( ...\n" }, { string: ' - - [24/Jul/2020 15:12:40] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 -\n' }, { string: ' - - [24/Jul/2020 15:12:40] "GET /js/main.js HTTP/1.1" 200 -\n' }, { string: ' - - [24/Jul/2020 15:12:40] "GET /js/rileylahddotme-react.min.js HTTP/1.1" 200 -\n' }, { string: " - - [24/Jul/2020 15:12:40] code 404, message File not found\n" }, { string: ' - - [24/Jul/2020 15:12:40] "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 404 -\n' }]; } newWindow.children = React.createElement("div", { style: { backgroundColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0.5)", height: "250px", width: "200px", color: "rgb(75,75,75)" } }, "Test"); winSet[id] = newWindow; this.setState({ windows: winSet, windowCounter: counter + 1 }); this.makeWindowActive(new Event("dummy"), id); }; this.eduWindow = function () { let winSet =; let counter = this.state.windowCounter; let id = "edu"; if (winSet[id]) { winSet[id].folded = false; winSet[id].hidden = false; this.setState({ windows: winSet }); this.makeWindowActive(new Event("dummy"), id); return; } let newWindow = { pos: { x: Math.random() * 200, y: Math.random() * 200 }, id: id, title: "", folded: false, hidden: false, type: "terminal", props: {} }; newWindow.props.bodyChunks = EDU_HISTORY_TERMINAL; winSet[id] = newWindow; this.setState({ windows: winSet }); }; this.ideWindow = function () { let winSet =; let counter = this.state.windowCounter; let id = "ide"; if (winSet[id]) { winSet[id].folded = false; winSet[id].hidden = false; this.setState({ windows: winSet }); this.makeWindowActive(new Event("dummy"), id); return; } let newWindow = { pos: { x: Math.random() * 200, y: Math.random() * 200 }, id: id, title: "", folded: false, hidden: false, type: "ide", props: {} }; newWindow.props.windowHeight = "500px"; newWindow.props.windowWidth = "700px"; newWindow.props.defaultCurrentTab = ""; newWindow.props.files = WORK_HISTORY_IDE; winSet[id] = newWindow; this.setState({ windows: winSet }); }; this.browserWindow = function () { let winSet =; let counter = this.state.windowCounter; let id = "browser"; if (winSet[id]) { winSet[id].folded = false; winSet[id].hidden = false; this.setState({ windows: winSet }); this.makeWindowActive(new Event("dummy"), id); return; } let newWindow = { pos: { x: Math.random() * 200, y: Math.random() * 200 }, id: id, title: "", folded: false, hidden: false, type: "browser", props: { startUrl: "" }, children: React.createElement("div", { style: { height: "300px", width: "600px", background: "green" } }, React.createElement("div", { style: { display: "flex", height: "100%", flexDirection: "column", justifyContent: "center" } }, React.createElement("div", { style: { margin: "0px auto", fontSize: "30px", fontWeight: "bold", color: "white", letterSpacing: ".5em", paddingLeft: ".5em", ...TITLE_FONT } }, "RILEY LAHD"), React.createElement("div", { style: { margin: "0px auto", display: "flex", flexDirection: "row", justifyContent: "space-evenly", minWidth: "50%" } }, React.createElement("a", { href: "#", style: {} }, "A"), React.createElement("a", { href: "#", style: {} }, "B"), React.createElement("a", { href: "#", style: {} }, "C"), React.createElement("a", { href: "", style: {} }, "D"), React.createElement("a", { href: "#", style: {} }, "E")))) }; // links: github, linkedin, codepen, email, keybase winSet[id] = newWindow; this.setState({ windows: winSet }); }; this.fileExplorerWindow = function () { let winSet =; let counter = this.state.windowCounter; let id = "fileexplorer"; if (winSet[id]) { winSet[id].folded = false; winSet[id].hidden = false; this.setState({ windows: winSet }); this.makeWindowActive(new Event("dummy"), id); return; } let newWindow = { pos: { x: Math.random() * 200, y: Math.random() * 200 }, id: id, title: "", folded: false, hidden: false, type: "fileexplorer", props: { startPath: "/home/rlahd", fileTree: FILE_TREE_HOBBIES } }; winSet[id] = newWindow; this.setState({ windows: winSet }); }; this.grabWindow = function (ev, id) { ev.preventDefault(); this.makeWindowActive(ev, id); if (ev.targetTouches) { ev = ev.targetTouches[0]; } this.setState({ heldWindow: id, windowPickupPos: { x: ev.pageX, y: ev.pageY } }); }; this.releaseWindow = function () { this.setState({ heldWindow: undefined }); }; this.moveWindow = function (ev) { ev.preventDefault(); if (![this.state.heldWindow]) { this.releaseWindow(); return; } let oldPos =[this.state.heldWindow].pos; if (ev.targetTouches) { ev = ev.changedTouches[0]; console.log("MOVE", { x: ev.pageX, y: ev.pageX }); ev.movementX = ev.pageX - this.state.windowPickupPos.x; ev.movementY = ev.pageY - this.state.windowPickupPos.y; } let newPos = { x: oldPos.x + ev.movementX, y: oldPos.y + ev.movementY }; .........完整代码请登录后点击上方下载按钮下载查看