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<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>BFW NEW PAGE</title> <script id="bfwone" data="dep=vue@2.6.1&err=0" type="text/javascript" src="//"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> "use strict"; bready(function() { use(["ace/ace"], function() { // Component var VueAceEditor = { // simplified model handling using `value` prop and `input` event for $emit props: ['value', 'id', 'options'], // add dynmic class and id (if not set) based on component tag template: "\n <div :id=\"id ? id: $options._componentTag +'-'+ _uid\" \n :class=\"$options._componentTag\">\n <slot></slot>\n </div>\n ", watch: { value: function () { // two way binding – emit changes to parent this.$emit('input', this.value); // update value on external model changes if (this.oldValue !== this.value) { this.editor.setValue(this.value, 1); } } }, mounted: function () { var _this = this; // editor this.editor = window.ace.edit(this.$; // deprecation fix this.editor.$blockScrolling = Infinity; // ignore doctype warnings var session = this.editor.getSession(); session.on("changeAnnotation", function () { var a = session.getAnnotations(); var b = a.slice(0).filter(function (item) { return item.text.indexOf('DOC') == -1; }); if (a.length > b.length) session.setAnnotations(b); }); // editor options // this.options = this.options || {}; // opinionated option defaults this.options.maxLines = this.options.maxLines || Infinity; this.options.printMargin = this.options.printMargin || false; this.options.highlightActiveLine = this.options.highlightActiveLine || false; // hide cursor if (this.options.cursor === 'none' || this.options.cursor === false) { this.editor.renderer.$ = 'none'; delete this.options.cursor; } // add missing mode and theme paths if (this.options.mode && this.options.mode.indexOf('ace/mode/') === -1) { this.options.mode = "ace/mode/" + this.options.mode; } if (this.options.theme && thi.........完整代码请登录后点击上方下载按钮下载查看