



代码标签: 一个 电视 tv 列表 详情 效果

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<!DOCTYPE html>
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<div class="app">
    <h1>HOT MOVIE</h1>
    <div class="search"><svg><use xlink:href="#ico-search"></use></svg></div>
  <h2>Most Popular Movies</h2>
  <section class="movies">
    <div class="movie">
      <img src="//repo.bfw.wiki/bfwrepo/image/5fc1ae951e91a.png" alt="" class="poster" />
      <div class="title">Room</div>
      <div class="info">
        <span class="length">117 min</span>
        <span class="year">2015</span>
      <div class="desc">
        Jack is a young boy of 5 years old who has lived all his life in one room. He believes everything within it are the only real things in the world. But what will happen when his Ma suddenly tells him that there are other things outside of Room?
    <div class="movie">
      <img src="//repo.bfw.wiki/bfwrepo/image/5fc1aecf36d5a.png" alt="" class="poster" />
      <div .........完整代码请登录后点击上方下载按钮下载查看
