下面为部分代码预览,完整代码请点击下载或在bfwstudio webide中打开
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en" > <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <style> body { background: url(//repo.bfw.wiki/bfwrepo/image/5fdd387b774b6.png) !important; height: 100vh !important; width: 100vw !important; background-size: cover !important; background-repeat: no-repeat !important; font-family: "Brush Script MT", cursive; } .footer { position: fixed; left: 0; bottom: 0; width: 100%; background: rgb(2, 0, 36); background: linear-gradient( 0deg, rgba(2, 0, 36, 1) 0%, rgba(9, 9, 121, 1) 35%, rgba(0, 212, 255, 1) 100% ); color: white; text-align: center; /* height: 7%; */ padding-top: 2%; padding-bottom: 1.7%; font-size: 16px; } .footer a { color: white; } .blink { animation: blink 0.5s infinite; animation-delay: 500ms; } @keyframes blink { to { opacity: 0; } } .typing { display: flex; margin-top: 10%; } .header-sub-title, h2 { font-weight: 600; font-size: 40px; color: #ff6b6b; padding-right: 0.1em; text-transform: uppercase; } </style> </head> <body translate="no" > <embed src="https://www.gmajormusictheory.org/Freebies/Intermediate/Level1mp3/HeShallFeed.mp3" width="180" height="90" loop="true" autostart="false" hidden="true" /> <script > let simpleParallax; function Snowfall(params) { const snowfall = this; let CANVAS_WIDTH = 600; let CANVAS_HEIGHT = 400; const TOTAL_SNOWFLAKES = 6000; const FALL_TIME = 13; const TOTAL_SNOWFLAKE_LAYERS = 8; const BLOW_DISTANCE = 400; let snowfallLayersByIndex = []; let snowfallLayersByCanvasId = []; let bSimpleParallaxLibLoaded = false; let coreSnowflakeStylesNd; let skyNd = getVal(params, "skyNode", document.body); const moonlitEvening = { skyColor1: "#2B3C46", skyColor2: "#3363A1", flakeColors: ["#61899e", "#61899e"] }; try { window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", domContentLoaded); function domContentLoaded(evt) { try { CANVAS_WIDTH = screen.width + BLOW_DISTANCE * 2; CANVAS_HEIGHT = screen.height + 100; let bSkyStyleBuilt = false; let sSnowySkyClass = "snowySky"; if (typeof SimpleParallax !== "undefined") { simpleParallax = new SimpleParallax({ maxMovement: BLOW_DISTANCE * 2 }); bSimpleParallaxLibLoaded = true; } // end if coreSnowflakeStylesNd = document.getElementById("coreSnowflakeStyles"); if ( coreSnowflakeStylesNd === null || typeof coreSnowflakeStylesNd === "undefined" ) { coreSnowflakeStylesNd = document.createElement("style"); coreSnowflakeStylesNd.id = "coreSnowflakeStyles"; let s = []; //s.push("") //s.push(" ") if ( skyNd.style.background === "" && skyNd.style.backgroundImage === "" ) { let dt = new Date(); let nCode = dt.getTime(); sSnowySkyClass = sSnowySkyClass + nCode + ""; s.push("." + sSnowySkyClass + " {"); s.push(" height: 100%;"); s.push(" background-image: linear-gradient(#2B3C46, #3363A1);"); s.push(" padding:0px;"); s.push(" margin:0px;"); s.push(" overflow:hidden;"); s.push(" background-repeat: no-repeat;"); s.push(" background-attachment: fixed;"); s.push("}"); s.push(""); bSkyStyleBuilt = true; } // end if s.push(".snowFlakes {"); s.push(" position:absolute;"); s.push(" top:0px;"); s.push(" left:0px;"); s.push(" overflow:hidden;"); s.push(" opacity:.8;"); s.push("}"); s.push(""); s.push(".iAmHidden {"); s.push(" display:none;"); s.push("}"); if (!bSimpleParallaxLibLoaded) { s.push(""); s.push(".snowLayer {"); s.push(" position:absolute;"); s.push(" left:-" + BLOW_DISTANCE + "px;"); s.push(" top:-" + BLOW_DISTANCE + "px;"); s.push(" overflow:hidden;"); s.push("}"); } // end if coreSnowflakeStylesNd.innerHTML = s.join("\n"); document.body.appendChild(coreSnowflakeStylesNd); if (bSkyStyleBuilt) { skyNd.className = sSnowySkyClass; } // end if } // end if setupSnowFlakeLayers(); } catch (err) { logErr(err); } // end of try/catch block } // end of domContentLoaded() function setupSnowFlakeLayers() { try { let flakeColors = []; for (let n = 0; n < TOTAL_SNOWFLAKE_LAYERS; n++) { flakeColors.push("white"); // set defaults } // next n // furthest away is darkest flakeColors[0] = "#61899e"; flakeColors[1] = "#61899e"; flakeColors[2] = "#81a0b1"; flakeColors[3] = "#81a0b1"; flakeColors[4] = "#d0dce2"; flakeColors[5] = "#eff3f5"; for (let n = 0; n < TOTAL_SNOWFLAKE_LAYERS; n++) { let dv; if (bSimpleParallaxLibLoaded) { const layer = simpleParallax.addLayer(); dv = layer.domNode; } else { // no parallax... dv = document.createElement("div"); dv.className = "snowLayer"; dv.style.width = CANVAS_WIDTH + "px"; dv.style.height = CANVAS_HEIGHT + "px"; dv.style.margin = "0px"; dv.style.padding = "0px"; dv.style.boxSizing = "border-box"; document.body.appendChild(dv); } // end if/else drawSnowFlakesForLayer(n + 1, dv, flakeColors[n]); } // next n } catch (err) { logErr(err); } // end of try/catch block } // end of setupSnowFlakeLayers() function drawSnowFlakesForLayer(nCanvas, cntrNd, siFlakeColor) { try { const canvasA = document.createElement("canvas"); const canvasB = document.createElement("canvas"); const aniStyle = document.createElement("style"); canvasA.id = "sn" + nCanvas + "_A"; canvasB.id = "sn" + nCanvas + "_B"; let sFlakeColor = "white"; if (typeof siFlakeColor === "string") { sFlakeColor = siFlakeColor; } // end if drawSnowflakesOnCanvas(canvasA, nCanvas, sFlakeColor); drawSnowflakesOnCanvas(canvasB, nCanvas, sFlakeColor); cntrNd.appendChild(canvasA); cntrNd.appendChild(canvasB); let nRange = BLOW_DISTANCE * 2; let xOffset = intRnd(nRange) - Math.floor(nRange / 2); const s = []; // s.push("") s.push("@keyframes snowfall" + nCanvas + "Part1 {"); 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