



代码标签: 粒子 风暴 爆炸 动画 效果

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<!DOCTYPE html>
<html >
  <meta charset="UTF-8">


body {
    padding: 0;


<canvas id="c"></canvas>

<script id="shader-fs" type="x-shader/x-fragment">
				#ifdef GL_ES
				  precision highp float;
    		void main(void) {
    		 gl_FragColor = vec4(0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 1.0);

  <script id="shader-vs" type="x-shader/x-vertex">
    	attribute vec3 vertexPosition;

  	uniform mat4 modelViewMatrix;
  	uniform mat4 perspectiveMatrix;

   	void main(void) {
  		gl_Position = perspectiveMatrix * modelViewMatrix * vec4(  vertexPosition, 1.0);
        window.onload = loadScene;

var canvas, gl,
  numLines = 40000;
var target = [];
var randomTargetXArr = [], randomTargetYArr = [];
drawType = 2;

 * Initialises WebGL and creates the 3D scene.
function loadScene() {
  //    Get the canvas element
  canvas = document.getElementById("c");
  //    Get the WebGL context
  gl = canvas.getContext("experimental-webgl");
  //    Check whether the WebGL context is available or not
  //    if it's not available exit
  if (!gl) {
    alert("There's no WebGL context available.");
  //    Set the viewport to the canvas width and height
  cw = window.innerWidth;
  ch = window.innerHeight;
  canvas.width = cw;
  canvas.height = ch;
  gl.viewport(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);

  //    Load the vertex shader that's defined in a separate script
  //    block at the top of this page.
  //    More info about shaders: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shader_Model
  //    More info about GLSL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GLSL
  //    More info about vertex shaders: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vertex_shader

  //    Grab the script element
  var vertexShaderScript = document.getElementById("shader-vs");
  var vertexShader = gl.createShader(gl.VERTEX_SHADER);
  gl.shaderSource(vertexShader, vertexShaderScript.text);
  if (!gl.getShaderParameter(vertexShader, gl.COMPILE_STATUS)) {
    alert("Couldn't compile the vertex shader");

  //    Load the fragment shader that's defined in a separate script
  //    More info about fragment shaders: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fragment_shader
  var fragmentShaderScript = document.getElementById("shader-fs");
  var fragmentShader = gl.createShader(gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER);
  gl.shaderSource(fragmentShader, fragmentShaderScript.text);
  if (!gl.getShaderParameter(fragmentShader, gl.COMPILE_STATUS)) {
    alert("Couldn't compile the fragment shader");

  //    Create a shader program.
  gl.program = gl.createProgram();
  gl.attachShader(gl.program, vertexShader);
  gl.attachShader(gl.program, fragmentShader);
  if (!gl.getProgramParameter(gl.program, gl.LINK_STATUS)) {
    alert("Unable to initialise shaders");
  //    Install the program as part of the current rendering state
  //    Get the vertexPosition attribute from the linked shader program
  var vertexPosition = gl.getAttribLocation(gl.program, "vertexPosition");
  //    Enable the vertexPosition vertex attribute array. If enabled, the array
  //    will be accessed an used for rendering when calls are made to commands like
  //    gl.drawArrays, gl.drawElements, etc.

  //    Clear the color buffer (r, g, b, a) with the specified color
  gl.clearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
  //    Clear the depth buffer. The value specified is clamped to the range [0,1].
  //    More info about depth buffers: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Depth_buffer
  //    Enable depth testing. This is a technique used for hidden surface removal.
  //    It assigns a value (z) to each pixel that represents the distance from this
  //    pixel to the viewer. When another pixel is drawn at the same location the z
  //    values are compared in order to determine which pixel should be drawn.

  gl.blendFunc(gl.SRC_ALPHA, gl.ONE);

  //    Specify which function to use for depth buffer comparisons. It compares the
  //    value of the incoming pixel against the one stored in the depth buffer.
  //    Possible values are (from the OpenGL documentation):
  //    GL_NEVER - Never passes.
  //    GL_LESS - Passes if the incoming depth value is less than the stored depth value.
  //    GL_EQUAL - Passes if the incoming depth value is equal to the stored depth value.
  //    GL_LEQUAL - Passes if the incoming depth value is less than or equal to the stored depth value.
  //    GL_GREATER - Passes if the incoming depth value is greater than the stored depth value.
  //    GL_NOTEQUAL - Passes if the incoming depth value is not equal to the stored depth value.
  //    GL_GEQUAL - Passes if the incoming depth value is greater than or equal to the stored depth value.
  //    GL_ALWAYS - Always passes.

  //    Now create a shape.
  //    First create a vertex buffer in which we can store our data.
  var vertexBuffer = gl.createBuffer();
  //    Bind the buffer object to the ARRAY_BUFFER target.
  gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, vertexBuffer);
  //    Specify the vertex positions (x, y, z)

  // ------------------


  // ------------------

  vertices = new Float32Array(vertices);
  velocities = new Float32Array(velocities);

  thetaArr = new Float32Array(thetaArr);
  velThetaArr = new Float32Array(velThetaArr);
  velRadArr = new Float32Array(velRadArr);

  //    Creates a new data store for the vertices array which is bound to the ARRAY_BUFFER.
  //    The third paramater indicates the usage pattern of the data store. Possible values are
  //    (from the OpenGL documentation):
  //    The frequency of access may be one of these:
  //    STREAM - The data store contents will be modified once and used at most a few times.
  //    STATIC - The data store contents will be modified once and used many times.
  //    DYNAMIC - The data store contents will be modified repeatedly and used many times.
  //    The nature of access may be one of these:
  //    DRAW - The data store contents are modified by the application, and used as the source for
  //           GL drawing and image specification commands.
  //    READ - The data store contents are modified by reading data from the GL, and used to return
  //           that data when queried by the application.
  //    COPY - The data store contents are modified by reading data from the GL, and used as the source
  //           for GL drawing and image specification commands.
  gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, vertices, gl.DYNAMIC_DRAW);

  //    Clear the color buffer and the depth buffer

  //    Define the viewing frustum parameters
  //    More info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viewing_frustum
  //    More info: https://knol.google.com/k/view-frustum
  var fieldOfView = 30.0;
  var aspectRatio = canvas.width / canvas.height;
  var nearPlane = 1.0;
  var farPlane = 10000.0;
  var top = nearPlane * Math.tan(fieldOfVi.........完整代码请登录后点击上方下载按钮下载查看
