



代码标签: 火焰 动画 效果

下面为部分代码预览,完整代码请点击下载或在bfwstudio webide中打开

<!DOCTYPE html>
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  <canvas id="gc">You have the worst browser ever! No support for canvas!!!!!</canvas>


    <script >
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    this.getColor = function(x, y, w, h) {
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    this.distance = function(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
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        return Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
    this.angle = function(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
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    this.randomColor = function() {
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    this.average = function(list) {
        return list.reduce(function(a, b) {
            return a + b;
        }) / list.length;
function TDScene(drawClass) {
    this.dc = drawClass;
    this.centerX = this.dc.width/2;
    this.centerY = this.dc.height/2;
    this.camera = {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0};
    this.cubes = [];
    this.XCubes = [];
    var top = this;
    this.init = function() {
        this.tdlist = [];
        var c1 = 0;
        var c2 = 0;
        var c3 = 0.65;
        for (var i = 0; i < 50000; i++) {
          //c1 = ((i*i*i*i)/1000000);
          c1 += c2;
          c2 += c3;
    this.add = function(cube) {
        cube.dir -= 45;
        if (!(typeof cube.img != 'undefined'))
            cube.img = "https://aaserver.net/images/ship2.png";
        if (cube.type == "x")
            this.XCubes.push({x: cube.x, y: cube.y, z: cube.z, width: cube.width, height: cube.height, lengthN: cube.lengthN, color: cube.color, dir: cube.dir, twod: cube.twod, sel: cube.sel, id: cube.id, img: cubue.img});
            this.cubes.push({x: cube.x, y: cube.y, z: cube.z, width: cube.width, height: cube.height, lengthN: cube.lengthN, color: cube.color, dir: cube.dir, twod: cube.twod, sel: cube.sel, id: cube.id, img: cube.img});
    this.rotCube = function(x, y, z, width, height, length, color, dir, twod, sel) {
        if (!(typeof twod != 'undefined'))
            twod = false;
        if (!(typeof sel != 'undefined'))
            sel = false;
        if (!(typeof dir != 'undefined'))
            dir = 0;
        this.cubes.push({x: x, y: y, z: z, width: width, height: height, lengthN: length, color: color, dir: dir, twod: twod, sel: sel});
    this.rotCubeY = function(x, y, z, width, height, length, color, dir, twod, sel) {
        if (!(typeof twod != 'undefined'))
            twod = false;
        if (!(typeof sel != 'undefined'))
            sel = false;
        this.cubes.push({x: x, y: y, z: z, width: width, height: height, lengthN: length, color: color, dir: dir, twod: twod, sel: sel});
    this.rotCubeX = function(x, y, z, width, height, length, color, dir, twod, sel) {
        if (!(typeof twod != 'undefined'))
            twod = false;
        if (!(typeof sel != 'undefined'))
            sel = false;
        this.XCubes.push({x: x, y: y, z: z, width: width, height: height, lengthN: length, color: color, dir: dir, twod: twod, sel: sel});
    this.sort_by = function(field, reverse, primer){

       var key = primer ? 
           function(x) {return primer(x[field])} : 
           function(x) {return x[field]};
       reverse = !reverse ? 1 : -1;
       return function (a, b) {
           return a = key(a), b = key(b), reverse * ((a > b) - (b > a));
    this.dynamicSort = function(property) {
        var sortOrder = 1;
        if(property[0] === "-") {
            sortOrder = -1;
            property = property.substr(1);
        return function (a,b) {
            var result = (a[property] < b[property]) ? -1 : (a[property] > b[property]) ? 1 : 0;
            return result * sortOrder;
    this.draw = function() {
        for (var i = 0; i < top.cubes.length; i++) {
            var strokeSize = 2;
            var x = top.cubes[i].x;
            var y = top.cubes[i].y;
            var z = top.cubes[i].z;
            var width = top.cubes[i].width;
            var height = top.cubes[i].height;
            var length = top.cubes[i].lengthN;
            var color = top.cubes[i].color;
            var dir = top.cubes[i].dir;
            var twod = top.cubes[i].twod;
            var sel = top.cubes[i].sel;
            var img = top.cubes[i].img;
          var a = {x: x, z: z};
          a.x += Math.cos((0+dir) * Math.PI / 180)/2*width;
          a.z += Math.sin((0+dir) * Math.PI / 180)*10*length;
          var b = {x: x, z: z};
          b.x += Math.cos((90+dir) * Math.PI / 180)/2*width;
          b.z += Math.sin((90+dir) * Math.PI / 180)*10*length;
          var ct = {x: x, z: z};
          ct.x += Math.cos((180+dir) * Math.PI / 180)/2*width;
          ct.z += Math.sin((180+dir) * Math.PI / 180)*10*length;
          var d = {x: x, z: z};
          d.x += Math.cos((-90+dir) * Math.PI / 180)/2*width;
          d.z += Math.sin((-90+dir) * Math.PI / 180)*10*length;
          a.z = Math.ceil(a.z)
          b.z = Math.ceil(b.z)
          ct.z = Math.ceil(ct.z)
          d.z = Math.ceil(d.z)
          var e = this.point(a.x+this.camera.x, y+this.camera.y, a.z+this.camera.z);
          var f = this.point(b.x+this.camera.x, y+this.camera.y, b.z+this.camera.z);
          var g = this.point(ct.x+this.camera.x, y+this.camera.y, ct.z+this.camera.z);
          var h = this.point(d.x+this.camera.x, y+this.camera.y, d.z+this.camera.z);
          var it = {x: x, z: z};
          it.x += Math.cos((0+dir) * Math.PI / 180)/2*width;
          it.z += Math.sin((0+dir) * Math.PI / 180)*10*length;
          var j = {x: x, z: z};
          j.x += Math.cos((90+dir) * Math.PI / 180)/2*width;
          j.z += Math.sin((90+dir) * Math.PI / 180)*10*length;
          var k = {x: x, z: z};
          k.x += Math.cos((180+dir) * Math.P.........完整代码请登录后点击上方下载按钮下载查看
