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box-shadow: none; } /* line 86, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ input[type='checkbox']:checked ~ .flexy-column .bar[aria-valuenow] .percentage:before { width: 90%; } /* line 93, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ input[type='checkbox']:checked ~ .flexy-column .bar[aria-valuenow].heat-gradient .tooltip { background-color: #ec0071; border-bottom: 1px solid #d30065; } /* line 97, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ input[type='checkbox']:checked ~ .flexy-column .bar[aria-valuenow].heat-gradient .tooltip:after { border-bottom-color: #ec0071; } /* line 102, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ input[type='checkbox']:checked ~ .flexy-column .bar[aria-valuenow] .tooltip { left: 90%; } /* line 104, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ input[type='checkbox']:checked ~ .flexy-column .bar[aria-valuenow] .tooltip:before { content: '90%'; } /* line 110, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .dots-pattern .percentage:before { background: radial-gradient(rgba(254, 254, 254, 0.5) 10%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 5%) 0 0, radial-gradient(rgba(254, 254, 254, 0.5) 10%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 5%) 0.5em 0.5em; background-size: 1em 1em; } /* line 120, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar.heat-gradient .face-position.left { background-color: rgba(241, 196, 15, 0.8); } /* line 124, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar.heat-gradient .percentage:before { /* Permalink - use to edit and share this gradient: http://colorzilla.com/gradient-editor/#ec545b+0,ec5799+100 */ background-color: rgba(241, 196, 15, 0.8); /* Old browsers */ background: -moz-linear-gradient(left, rgba(241, 196, 15, 0.8) 0%, rgba(236, 0, 113, 0.6) 100%); /* FF3.6+ */ background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, right top, color-stop(0%, rgba(241, 196, 15, 0.8)), color-stop(100%, rgba(236, 0, 113, 0.6))); /* Chrome,Safari4+ */ background: -webkit-linear-gradient(left, rgba(241, 196, 15, 0.8) 0%, rgba(236, 0, 113, 0.6) 100%); /* Chrome10+,Safari5.1+ */ background: -o-linear-gradient(left, rgba(241, 196, 15, 0.8) 0%, rgba(236, 0, 113, 0.6) 100%); /* Opera 11.10+ */ background: -ms-linear-gradient(left, rgba(241, 196, 15, 0.8) 0%, rgba(236, 0, 113, 0.6) 100%); /* IE10+ */ background: linear-gradient(to right, rgba(241, 196, 15, 0.8) 0%, rgba(236, 0, 113, 0.6) 100%); /* W3C */ filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='$color1', endColorstr='$color2',GradientType=1 ); /* IE6-9 */ background-size: 16em; } /* line 136, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar.heat-gradient .volume-lights.shine:before { box-shadow: -2em 1.6em 3em -1em rgba(241, 196, 15, 0.3), 2em 1.6em 3em -1em rgba(236, 0, 113, 0.3); } /* line 140, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar.heat-gradient[valuenow="100"] .face-position.right { background-color: rgba(236, 0, 113, 0.6); } /* line 146, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar.ruler .percentage:before { background-image: linear-gradient(rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1) 1px, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 1px), linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1) 1px, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 1px), linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.08) 1px, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 1px); background-size: 1em 1em, 1.6em 2em, .8em 2em; } /* line 153, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar.ruler-2 .percentage:before { background-image: linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1) 0.8em, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 1px), linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.14) 0.8em, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 1px), linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.18) 0.8em, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 1px), linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.22) 0.8em, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 1px), linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.26) 0.8em, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 1px), linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3) 0.8em, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 1px), linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.34) 0.8em, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 1px), linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.38) 0.8em, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 1px), linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.42) 0.8em, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 1px); background-size: 16em 1em; background-position: 1.6em 0, 3.2em 0, 4.8em 0, 6.4em 0, 8em 0, 9.6em 0, 11.2em 0, 12.8em 0, 14.4em 0; } /* line 167, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar.ruler-3 .percentage:before { background-image: linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1) 0.8em, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 1px); background-size: 1.6em 2em; } /* line 172, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar.move .bar-face.face-position.floor, .bar.rotate .bar-face.face-position.floor { transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out; } /* line 176, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar.move:hover { transform: rotateX(60deg) translateZ(0.1em); } /* line 178, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar.move:hover .bar-face.face-position.floor.volume-lights { box-shadow: 0 -0.1em 1em rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15), 0 0.35em 0.2em -8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15), 0 -0.75em 1.75em rgba(254, 254, 254, 0.6); } /* line 185, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar.rotate.hover, .bar.rotate:hover { transform: rotateX(60deg) rotate(90deg); } /* line 188, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar.rotate.hover .bar-face.face-position.floor.volume-lights, .bar.rotate:hover .bar-face.face-position.floor.volume-lights { box-shadow: 0 0 1em rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3), 0.2em 0 0.1em -5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3), -0.5em 0 1.75em rgba(254, 254, 254, 0.6); } /* line 193, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar.rotate.hover .bar-face.face-position.shine:before, .bar.rotate:hover .bar-face.face-position.shine:before { box-shadow: none; } /* line 199, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .tooltip { font-size: .65em; font-weight: bold; margin: 1.85em 0 0 -.5em; display: inline-block; position: absolute; line-height: 1em; height: 1em; width: 1em; left: 0; background-color: #ff6db3; color: #fefefe; border-bottom: 1px solid #ff53a5; box-shadow: 0 0.05em 0.1em -0.02em rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4), 0 0.1em 0.6em rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3); transition: all 0.5s ease-out; } /* line 217, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .tooltip:after, .tooltip:before { display: inline-block; font-size: .25em; position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; width: 100%; } /* line 228, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .tooltip:after { content: ''; height: 0; width: 0; margin: -.75em 0 0 1em; border: 1em solid transparent; border-bottom-color: #ff6db3; border-top-width: 0; transition: all 0.5s ease-out; } /* line 239, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .tooltip:before { height: 100%; text-align: center; } /* line 244, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .tooltip.pos-2 { box-shadow: none; margin-top: -.6em; transform: rotateX(-90deg) translateY(-0.5em); transform-origin: 50% 100%; } /* line 250, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .tooltip.pos-2:after { margin: 3.75em 0 0 1em; border-bottom-color: inherit; border-bottom-width: 0; border-top-width: 1em; border-top-color: #ff6db3; } /* line 258, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .tooltip.pos-2 .shadow { display: inline-block; width: 20%; height: .02em; background-color: transparent; position: absolute; left: 40%; bottom: 0; box-shadow: 0 0.7em 0.05em black, 0 0.7em 0.3em black; } /* line 271, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .tooltip.white { background-color: #fefefe; border-bottom: 1px solid #e5e5e5; color: #444444; box-shadow: 0 0.08em 0.1em 0em rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 0 0.1em 1.6em rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); } /* line 276, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .tooltip.white:after { border-bottom-color: #fefefe; } /* line 286, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='1'] .tooltip { left: 1%; } /* line 289, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='1'] .tooltip:before { content: "1%"; } /* line 294, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='1'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip { background-color: #f0c20f; border-bottom: 1px solid #d8af0e; } /* line 16, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='1'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip:after { border-bottom-color: #f0c20f; } /* line 286, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='2'] .tooltip { left: 2%; } /* line 289, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='2'] .tooltip:before { content: "2%"; } /* line 294, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='2'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip { background-color: #f0c010; border-bottom: 1px solid #d9ad0e; } /* line 16, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='2'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip:after { border-bottom-color: #f0c010; } /* line 286, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='3'] .tooltip { left: 3%; } /* line 289, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='3'] .tooltip:before { content: "3%"; } /* line 294, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='3'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip { background-color: #f0be11; border-bottom: 1px solid #daac0e; } /* line 16, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='3'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip:after { border-bottom-color: #f0be11; } /* line 286, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='4'] .tooltip { left: 4%; } /* line 289, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='4'] .tooltip:before { content: "4%"; } /* line 294, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='4'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip { background-color: #f0bc12; border-bottom: 1px solid #dbab0e; } /* line 16, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='4'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip:after { border-bottom-color: #f0bc12; } /* line 286, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='5'] .tooltip { left: 5%; } /* line 289, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='5'] .tooltip:before { content: "5%"; } /* line 294, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='5'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip { background-color: #f0ba13; border-bottom: 1px solid #dca90e; } /* line 16, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='5'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip:after { border-bottom-color: #f0ba13; } /* line 286, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='6'] .tooltip { left: 6%; } /* line 289, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='6'] .tooltip:before { content: "6%"; } /* line 294, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='6'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip { background-color: #f0b814; border-bottom: 1px solid #dca80e; } /* line 16, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='6'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip:after { border-bottom-color: #f0b814; } /* line 286, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='7'] .tooltip { left: 7%; } /* line 289, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='7'] .tooltip:before { content: "7%"; } /* line 294, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='7'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip { background-color: #f0b615; border-bottom: 1px solid #dda60e; } /* line 16, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='7'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip:after { border-bottom-color: #f0b615; } /* line 286, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='8'] .tooltip { left: 8%; } /* line 289, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='8'] .tooltip:before { content: "8%"; } /* line 294, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='8'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip { background-color: #f0b416; border-bottom: 1px solid #dea50e; } /* line 16, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='8'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip:after { border-bottom-color: #f0b416; } /* line 286, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='9'] .tooltip { left: 9%; } /* line 289, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='9'] .tooltip:before { content: "9%"; } /* line 294, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='9'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip { background-color: #f0b217; border-bottom: 1px solid #dfa30e; } /* line 16, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='9'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip:after { border-bottom-color: #f0b217; } /* line 286, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='10'] .tooltip { left: 10%; } /* line 289, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='10'] .tooltip:before { content: "10%"; } /* line 294, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='10'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip { background-color: #f0b018; border-bottom: 1px solid #e0a20f; } /* line 16, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='10'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip:after { border-bottom-color: #f0b018; } /* line 286, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='11'] .tooltip { left: 11%; } /* line 289, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='11'] .tooltip:before { content: "11%"; } /* line 294, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='11'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip { background-color: #f0ae19; border-bottom: 1px solid #e1a00f; } /* line 16, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='11'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip:after { border-bottom-color: #f0ae19; } /* line 286, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='12'] .tooltip { left: 12%; } /* line 289, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='12'] .tooltip:before { content: "12%"; } /* line 294, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='12'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip { background-color: #f0ac1a; border-bottom: 1px solid #e29f0f; } /* line 16, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='12'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip:after { border-bottom-color: #f0ac1a; } /* line 286, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='13'] .tooltip { left: 13%; } /* line 289, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='13'] .tooltip:before { content: "13%"; } /* line 294, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='13'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip { background-color: #f0aa1b; border-bottom: 1px solid #e39d0f; } /* line 16, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='13'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip:after { border-bottom-color: #f0aa1b; } /* line 286, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='14'] .tooltip { left: 14%; } /* line 289, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='14'] .tooltip:before { content: "14%"; } /* line 294, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='14'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip { background-color: #f0a81c; border-bottom: 1px solid #e39b0f; } /* line 16, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='14'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip:after { border-bottom-color: #f0a81c; } /* line 286, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='15'] .tooltip { left: 15%; } /* line 289, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='15'] .tooltip:before { content: "15%"; } /* line 294, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='15'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip { background-color: #f0a61d; border-bottom: 1px solid #e49a0f; } /* line 16, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='15'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip:after { border-bottom-color: #f0a61d; } /* line 286, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='16'] .tooltip { left: 16%; } /* line 289, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='16'] .tooltip:before { content: "16%"; } /* line 294, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='16'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip { background-color: #f0a41e; border-bottom: 1px solid #e5980f; } /* line 16, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='16'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip:after { border-bottom-color: #f0a41e; } /* line 286, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='17'] .tooltip { left: 17%; } /* line 289, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='17'] .tooltip:before { content: "17%"; } /* line 294, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='17'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip { background-color: #f0a21f; border-bottom: 1px solid #e6960f; } /* line 16, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='17'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip:after { border-bottom-color: #f0a21f; } /* line 286, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='18'] .tooltip { left: 18%; } /* line 289, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='18'] .tooltip:before { content: "18%"; } /* line 294, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='18'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip { background-color: #f0a020; border-bottom: 1px solid #e79410; } /* line 16, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='18'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip:after { border-bottom-color: #f0a020; } /* line 286, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='19'] .tooltip { left: 19%; } /* line 289, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='19'] .tooltip:before { content: "19%"; } /* line 294, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='19'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip { background-color: #f09e21; border-bottom: 1px solid #e89210; } /* line 16, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='19'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip:after { border-bottom-color: #f09e21; } /* line 286, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='20'] .tooltip { left: 20%; } /* line 289, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='20'] .tooltip:before { content: "20%"; } /* line 294, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='20'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip { background-color: #f09c22; border-bottom: 1px solid #e99010; } /* line 16, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='20'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip:after { border-bottom-color: #f09c22; } /* line 286, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='21'] .tooltip { left: 21%; } /* line 289, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='21'] .tooltip:before { content: "21%"; } /* line 294, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='21'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip { background-color: #ef9a23; border-bottom: 1px solid #e88e11; } /* line 16, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='21'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip:after { border-bottom-color: #ef9a23; } /* line 286, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='22'] .tooltip { left: 22%; } /* line 289, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='22'] .tooltip:before { content: "22%"; } /* line 294, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='22'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip { background-color: #ef9824; border-bottom: 1px solid #e98c11; } /* line 16, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='22'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip:after { border-bottom-color: #ef9824; } /* line 286, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='23'] .tooltip { left: 23%; } /* line 289, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='23'] .tooltip:before { content: "23%"; } /* line 294, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='23'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip { background-color: #ef9625; border-bottom: 1px solid #e98a11; } /* line 16, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='23'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip:after { border-bottom-color: #ef9625; } /* line 286, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='24'] .tooltip { left: 24%; } /* line 289, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='24'] .tooltip:before { content: "24%"; } /* line 294, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='24'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip { background-color: #ef9426; border-bottom: 1px solid #ea8811; } /* line 16, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='24'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip:after { border-bottom-color: #ef9426; } /* line 286, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='25'] .tooltip { left: 25%; } /* line 289, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='25'] .tooltip:before { content: "25%"; } /* line 294, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='25'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip { background-color: #ef9327; border-bottom: 1px solid #eb8711; } /* line 16, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='25'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip:after { border-bottom-color: #ef9327; } /* line 286, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='26'] .tooltip { left: 26%; } /* line 289, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='26'] .tooltip:before { content: "26%"; } /* line 294, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='26'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip { background-color: #ef9128; border-bottom: 1px solid #ec8512; } /* line 16, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='26'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip:after { border-bottom-color: #ef9128; } /* line 286, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='27'] .tooltip { left: 27%; } /* line 289, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='27'] .tooltip:before { content: "27%"; } /* line 294, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='27'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip { background-color: #ef8f29; border-bottom: 1px solid #ed8312; } /* line 16, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='27'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip:after { border-bottom-color: #ef8f29; } /* line 286, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='28'] .tooltip { left: 28%; } /* line 289, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='28'] .tooltip:before { content: "28%"; } /* line 294, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='28'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip { background-color: #ef8d2a; border-bottom: 1px solid #ed8012; } /* line 16, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='28'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip:after { border-bottom-color: #ef8d2a; } /* line 286, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='29'] .tooltip { left: 29%; } /* line 289, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='29'] .tooltip:before { content: "29%"; } /* line 294, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='29'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip { background-color: #ef8b2b; border-bottom: 1px solid #ed7e13; } /* line 16, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='29'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip:after { border-bottom-color: #ef8b2b; } /* line 286, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='30'] .tooltip { left: 30%; } /* line 289, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='30'] .tooltip:before { content: "30%"; } /* line 294, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='30'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip { background-color: #ef892c; border-bottom: 1px solid #ed7c14; } /* line 16, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='30'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip:after { border-bottom-color: #ef892c; } /* line 286, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='31'] .tooltip { left: 31%; } /* line 289, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='31'] .tooltip:before { content: "31%"; } /* line 294, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='31'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip { background-color: #ef872d; border-bottom: 1px solid #ed7915; } /* line 16, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='31'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip:after { border-bottom-color: #ef872d; } /* line 286, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='32'] .tooltip { left: 32%; } /* line 289, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='32'] .tooltip:before { content: "32%"; } /* line 294, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='32'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip { background-color: #ef852e; border-bottom: 1px solid #ed7716; } /* line 16, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='32'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip:after { border-bottom-color: #ef852e; } /* line 286, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='33'] .tooltip { left: 33%; } /* line 289, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='33'] .tooltip:before { content: "33%"; } /* line 294, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='33'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip { background-color: #ef832f; border-bottom: 1px solid #ed7517; } /* line 16, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='33'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip:after { border-bottom-color: #ef832f; } /* line 286, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='34'] .tooltip { left: 34%; } /* line 289, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='34'] .tooltip:before { content: "34%"; } /* line 294, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='34'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip { background-color: #ef8130; border-bottom: 1px solid #ed7318; } /* line 16, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='34'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip:after { border-bottom-color: #ef8130; } /* line 286, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='35'] .tooltip { left: 35%; } /* line 289, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='35'] .tooltip:before { content: "35%"; } /* line 294, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='35'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip { background-color: #ef7f31; border-bottom: 1px solid #ed7019; } /* line 16, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='35'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip:after { border-bottom-color: #ef7f31; } /* line 286, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='36'] .tooltip { left: 36%; } /* line 289, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='36'] .tooltip:before { content: "36%"; } /* line 294, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='36'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip { background-color: #ef7d32; border-bottom: 1px solid #ed6e1a; } /* line 16, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='36'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip:after { border-bottom-color: #ef7d32; } /* line 286, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='37'] .tooltip { left: 37%; } /* line 289, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='37'] .tooltip:before { content: "37%"; } /* line 294, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='37'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip { background-color: #ef7b33; border-bottom: 1px solid #ed6c1b; } /* line 16, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='37'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip:after { border-bottom-color: #ef7b33; } /* line 286, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='38'] .tooltip { left: 38%; } /* line 289, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='38'] .tooltip:before { content: "38%"; } /* line 294, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='38'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip { background-color: #ef7934; border-bottom: 1px solid #ed691c; } /* line 16, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='38'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip:after { border-bottom-color: #ef7934; } /* line 286, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='39'] .tooltip { left: 39%; } /* line 289, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='39'] .tooltip:before { content: "39%"; } /* line 294, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='39'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip { background-color: #ef7735; border-bottom: 1px solid #ed671d; } /* line 16, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='39'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip:after { border-bottom-color: #ef7735; } /* line 286, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='40'] .tooltip { left: 40%; } /* line 289, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='40'] .tooltip:before { content: "40%"; } /* line 294, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='40'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip { background-color: #ef7536; border-bottom: 1px solid #ed651e; } /* line 16, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='40'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip:after { border-bottom-color: #ef7536; } /* line 286, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='41'] .tooltip { left: 41%; } /* line 289, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='41'] .tooltip:before { content: "41%"; } /* line 294, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='41'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip { background-color: #ee7337; border-bottom: 1px solid #ec631f; } /* line 16, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='41'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip:after { border-bottom-color: #ee7337; } /* line 286, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='42'] .tooltip { left: 42%; } /* line 289, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='42'] .tooltip:before { content: "42%"; } /* line 294, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='42'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip { background-color: #ee7138; border-bottom: 1px solid #ec6021; } /* line 16, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='42'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip:after { border-bottom-color: #ee7138; } /* line 286, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='43'] .tooltip { left: 43%; } /* line 289, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='43'] .tooltip:before { content: "43%"; } /* line 294, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='43'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip { background-color: #ee6f39; border-bottom: 1px solid #ec5e22; } /* line 16, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='43'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip:after { border-bottom-color: #ee6f39; } /* line 286, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='44'] .tooltip { left: 44%; } /* line 289, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='44'] .tooltip:before { content: "44%"; } /* line 294, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='44'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip { background-color: #ee6d3a; border-bottom: 1px solid #ec5c23; } /* line 16, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='44'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip:after { border-bottom-color: #ee6d3a; } /* line 286, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='45'] .tooltip { left: 45%; } /* line 289, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='45'] .tooltip:before { content: "45%"; } /* line 294, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='45'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip { background-color: #ee6b3b; border-bottom: 1px solid #ec5924; } /* line 16, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='45'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip:after { border-bottom-color: #ee6b3b; } /* line 286, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='46'] .tooltip { left: 46%; } /* line 289, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='46'] .tooltip:before { content: "46%"; } /* line 294, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='46'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip { background-color: #ee693c; border-bottom: 1px solid #ec5725; } /* line 16, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='46'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip:after { border-bottom-color: #ee693c; } /* line 286, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='47'] .tooltip { left: 47%; } /* line 289, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='47'] .tooltip:before { content: "47%"; } /* line 294, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='47'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip { background-color: #ee673d; border-bottom: 1px solid #ec5526; } /* line 16, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='47'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip:after { border-bottom-color: #ee673d; } /* line 286, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='48'] .tooltip { left: 48%; } /* line 289, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='48'] .tooltip:before { content: "48%"; } /* line 294, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='48'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip { background-color: #ee653e; border-bottom: 1px solid #ec5227; } /* line 16, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='48'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip:after { border-bottom-color: #ee653e; } /* line 286, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='49'] .tooltip { left: 49%; } /* line 289, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='49'] .tooltip:before { content: "49%"; } /* line 294, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='49'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip { background-color: #ee633f; border-bottom: 1px solid #ec5028; } /* line 16, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='49'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip:after { border-bottom-color: #ee633f; } /* line 286, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='50'] .tooltip { left: 50%; } /* line 289, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='50'] .tooltip:before { content: "50%"; } /* line 294, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='50'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip { background-color: #ee6240; border-bottom: 1px solid #ec4f29; } /* line 16, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='50'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip:after { border-bottom-color: #ee6240; } /* line 286, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='51'] .tooltip { left: 51%; } /* line 289, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='51'] .tooltip:before { content: "51%"; } /* line 294, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='51'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip { background-color: #ee6040; border-bottom: 1px solid #ec4d29; } /* line 16, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='51'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip:after { border-bottom-color: #ee6040; } /* line 286, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='52'] .tooltip { left: 52%; } /* line 289, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='52'] .tooltip:before { content: "52%"; } /* line 294, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='52'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip { background-color: #ee5e41; border-bottom: 1px solid #ec4a2a; } /* line 16, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='52'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip:after { border-bottom-color: #ee5e41; } /* line 286, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='53'] .tooltip { left: 53%; } /* line 289, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='53'] .tooltip:before { content: "53%"; } /* line 294, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='53'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip { background-color: #ee5c42; border-bottom: 1px solid #ec482b; } /* line 16, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='53'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip:after { border-bottom-color: #ee5c42; } /* line 286, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='54'] .tooltip { left: 54%; } /* line 289, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='54'] .tooltip:before { content: "54%"; } /* line 294, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='54'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip { background-color: #ee5a43; border-bottom: 1px solid #ec452c; } /* line 16, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='54'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip:after { border-bottom-color: #ee5a43; } /* line 286, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='55'] .tooltip { left: 55%; } /* line 289, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='55'] .tooltip:before { content: "55%"; } /* line 294, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='55'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip { background-color: #ee5844; border-bottom: 1px solid #ec432d; } /* line 16, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='55'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip:after { border-bottom-color: #ee5844; } /* line 286, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='56'] .tooltip { left: 56%; } /* line 289, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='56'] .tooltip:before { content: "56%"; } /* line 294, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='56'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip { background-color: #ee5645; border-bottom: 1px solid #ec412e; } /* line 16, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='56'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip:after { border-bottom-color: #ee5645; } /* line 286, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='57'] .tooltip { left: 57%; } /* line 289, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='57'] .tooltip:before { content: "57%"; } /* line 294, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='57'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip { background-color: #ee5446; border-bottom: 1px solid #ec3e2f; } /* line 16, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='57'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip:after { border-bottom-color: #ee5446; } /* line 286, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='58'] .tooltip { left: 58%; } /* line 289, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='58'] .tooltip:before { content: "58%"; } /* line 294, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='58'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip { background-color: #ee5247; border-bottom: 1px solid #ec3c30; } /* line 16, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='58'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip:after { border-bottom-color: #ee5247; } /* line 286, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='59'] .tooltip { left: 59%; } /* line 289, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='59'] .tooltip:before { content: "59%"; } /* line 294, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='59'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip { background-color: #ee5048; border-bottom: 1px solid #ec3a31; } /* line 16, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='59'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip:after { border-bottom-color: #ee5048; } /* line 286, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='60'] .tooltip { left: 60%; } /* line 289, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='60'] .tooltip:before { content: "60%"; } /* line 294, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='60'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip { background-color: #ee4e49; border-bottom: 1px solid #ec3732; } /* line 16, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='60'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip:after { border-bottom-color: #ee4e49; } /* line 286, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='61'] .tooltip { left: 61%; } /* line 289, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='61'] .tooltip:before { content: "61%"; } /* line 294, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='61'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip { background-color: #ed4c4a; border-bottom: 1px solid #eb3533; } /* line 16, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='61'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip:after { border-bottom-color: #ed4c4a; } /* line 286, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='62'] .tooltip { left: 62%; } /* line 289, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='62'] .tooltip:before { content: "62%"; } /* line 294, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='62'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip { background-color: #ed4a4b; border-bottom: 1px solid #eb3334; } /* line 16, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='62'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip:after { border-bottom-color: #ed4a4b; } /* line 286, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='63'] .tooltip { left: 63%; } /* line 289, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='63'] .tooltip:before { content: "63%"; } /* line 294, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='63'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip { background-color: #ed484c; border-bottom: 1px solid #eb3135; } /* line 16, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='63'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip:after { border-bottom-color: #ed484c; } /* line 286, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='64'] .tooltip { left: 64%; } /* line 289, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='64'] .tooltip:before { content: "64%"; } /* line 294, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='64'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip { background-color: #ed464d; border-bottom: 1px solid #eb2f37; } /* line 16, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='64'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip:after { border-bottom-color: #ed464d; } /* line 286, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='65'] .tooltip { left: 65%; } /* line 289, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='65'] .tooltip:before { content: "65%"; } /* line 294, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='65'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip { background-color: #ed444e; border-bottom: 1px solid #eb2d38; } /* line 16, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='65'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip:after { border-bottom-color: #ed444e; } /* line 286, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='66'] .tooltip { left: 66%; } /* line 289, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='66'] .tooltip:before { content: "66%"; } /* line 294, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='66'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip { background-color: #ed424f; border-bottom: 1px solid #eb2b39; } /* line 16, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='66'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip:after { border-bottom-color: #ed424f; } /* line 286, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='67'] .tooltip { left: 67%; } /* line 289, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='67'] .tooltip:before { content: "67%"; } /* line 294, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='67'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip { background-color: #ed4050; border-bottom: 1px solid #eb293b; } /* line 16, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='67'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip:after { border-bottom-color: #ed4050; } /* line 286, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='68'] .tooltip { left: 68%; } /* line 289, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='68'] .tooltip:before { content: "68%"; } /* line 294, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='68'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip { background-color: #ed3e51; border-bottom: 1px solid #eb273c; } /* line 16, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='68'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip:after { border-bottom-color: #ed3e51; } /* line 286, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='69'] .tooltip { left: 69%; } /* line 289, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='69'] .tooltip:before { content: "69%"; } /* line 294, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='69'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip { background-color: #ed3c52; border-bottom: 1px solid #eb253d; } /* line 16, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='69'].heat-gradient .heat-gradient-tooltip:after { border-bottom-color: #ed3c52; } /* line 286, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='70'] .tooltip { left: 70%; } /* line 289, ../scss/custom-bars.scss */ .bar[aria-valuenow='70'.........完整代码请登录后点击上方下载按钮下载查看