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} to { font-size: 18px; } } </style> <script type="text/javascript"> /** * HTML5 Audio Visualizer Player * HTML5音乐可视化播放器 * 版本号:1.4.0 * Author:PoppinRubo * Github:https://github.com/PoppinRubo/HTML5VisualizationPlayer * License: MIT */ //创建一个对象方法 function Player() { //播放获取进度信息时间计时器 var timer; //加载超时计时 var overtime; //先把自己用变量储存起来,后面要用 var myself = this; //默认设置 myself.button = { //设置生成的控制按钮,默认开启 prev: true, //上一首 play: true, //播放,暂停 next: true, //下一首 volume: true, //音量 progressControl: true //进度控制 } myself.analyser = null; //定义事件默认空方法 myself.event = function (e) { //未设置事件方法就默认执行空方法 } //能量传出方法默认空方法 myself.energy = function (v) { //未设置能量传出就默认执行空方法 } //频谱配置初始化,外部调用就开始进行处理 this.init = function (object) { myself.playList = object.playList || [{ title: '播放列表为空', album: '', artist: '', mp3: '' }]; myself.autoPlay = object.autoPlay || false; myself.event = object.event || myself.event; myself.energy = object.energy || myself.energy; myself.button = object.button || myself.button; myself.color = object.color || null; myself.effect = object.effect || 0; //默认随机,效果为0表示随机切换效果 //记录是否处理过音频,保证createMediaElementSource只创建一次,多次创建会出现错误 myself.handle = 0; createParts(); } //改变效果 this.change = function (object) { myself.effect = object.effect || 0; myself.color = object.color || null; drawSpectrum(myself.analyser); } //实例化一个音频类型window.AudioContext function windowAudioContext() { //下面这些是为了统一Chrome和Firefox的AudioContext window.AudioContext = window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext || window.mozAudioContext || window.msAudioContext; window.requestAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame; window.cancelAnimationFrame = window.cancelAnimationFrame || window.webkitCancelAnimationFrame || window.mozCancelAnimationFrame || window.msCancelAnimationFrame; try { myself.audioContext = new AudioContext(); } catch (e) { console.log('您的浏览器不支持 AudioContext,信息:' + e); } } //创建播放部件 function createParts() { //创建audio var audio = document.createElement("AUDIO"); audio.crossOrigin = 'anonymous'; var player = document.getElementsByTagName("player")[0]; player.className = 'visualizer-player'; player.appendChild(audio); myself.player = player; myself.audio = audio; //音乐部件 var songInfo = document.createElement("div"); var control = document.createElement("div"); var playerShow = document.createElement("div"); var playerTime = document.createElement("div"); var progress = document.createElement("div"); var playerProgressBar = document.createElement("div"); songInfo.className = 'song-info'; control.className = 'player-control'; playerShow.className = 'player-show'; playerTime.className = 'player-time'; progress.className = 'progress'; playerProgressBar.className = 'player-progress-bar'; player.appendChild(songInfo); player.appendChild(control); player.appendChild(playerShow); playerShow.appendChild(playerTime); playerShow.appendChild(progress); progress.appendChild(playerProgressBar); myself.songInfo = songInfo; myself.progress = progress; myself.playerProgressBar = playerProgressBar; //创建控制按钮 var button = myself.button; //创建画布 var canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); canvas.height = 450; canvas.width = player.clientWidth; canvas.style.bottom = player.clientHeight + 'px'; player.appendChild(canvas); myself.canvas = canvas; if (button.prev) { //上一首,按钮创建 var prevBtn = document.createElement('i'); prevBtn.className = "icon-previous"; prevBtn.id = "playPrev"; prevBtn.title = "上一首"; prevBtn.innerHTML = ""; control.appendChild(prevBtn); //上一首,控制 var playPrev = document.getElementById("playPrev"); playPrev.onclick = function () { prev(); } } if (button.play) { //播放,暂停,按钮创建 var playBtn = document.createElement('i'); playBtn.className = "icon-play"; playBtn.id = "playControl"; playBtn.title = "播放"; playBtn.innerHTML = ""; playBtn.setAttribute('data', 'pause'); control.appendChild(playBtn); //播放,暂停,控制 var playControl = document.getElementById("playControl"); playControl.onclick = function () { play(); } } if (button.next) { //下一首,按钮创建 var nextBtn = document.createElement('i'); nextBtn.className = "icon-next"; nextBtn.id = "playNext"; nextBtn.title = "下一首"; nextBtn.innerHTML = ""; control.appendChild(nextBtn); //下一首,控制 var playNext = document.getElementById("playNext"); playNext.onclick = function () { next(); } } if (button.volume) { //按钮与音量控制条容器 var volumeBox = document.createElement('div'); volumeBox.id = "volumeBox"; control.appendChild(volumeBox); //音量,按钮创建 var volumeBtn = document.createElement('i'); volumeBtn.className = "icon-volume"; volumeBtn.id = "playVolume"; volumeBtn.title = "音量"; if (playBtn) { playBtn.setAttribute('data', 'normal'); } volumeBtn.innerHTML = ""; volumeBox.appendChild(volumeBtn); //音量控制条 var volumeBar = document.createElement('div'); volumeBar.id = "volumeBar"; volumeBox.appendChild(volumeBar); var volumeSize = document.createElement('div'); volumeSize.id = "volumeSize"; volumeBar.appendChild(volumeSize); volumeBar.onclick = function (event) { volumeChange(event, volumeBar, volumeSize); } //音量,点击控制,静音-恢复 var volumeBtn = document.getElementById("playVolume"); volumeBtn.onclick = function () { volume(); } } //显示时间容器 playerTime.innerHTML = "- 00:00 / 00:00 0%"; myself.playerTime = playerTime; //进度条 if (myself.button.progressControl) { var progress = myself.progress; progress.style.cursor = "pointer"; progress.onclick = function (event) { progressControl(event, progress); } } //调用实例化AudioContext windowAudioContext(); //加载地址方法,audio加入一个初始地址 var playList = myself.playList; //把列表第一个mp3地址设置到audio上 myself.audio.src = playList[0].mp3; //歌曲信息,创建 var songTitle = document.createElement('div'); songTitle.id = "songTitle"; songInfo.appendChild(songTitle); var album = document.createElement('div'); album.id = "album"; songInfo.appendChild(album); var span = document.createElement('span'); span.innerHTML = '-'; songInfo.appendChild(span); myself.division = span; var artist = document.createElement('div'); artist.id = "artist"; songInfo.appendChild(artist); //记录当前播放在数组里的位置 myself.nowPlay = 0; //信息设置 updates(); //获取存储音量 myself.audio.volume = volumeGetCookie(); //设置自动播放,开始播放 if (myself.autoPlay) { play(); } } //播放,暂停 控制 function play() { var playBtn = document.getElementById("playControl"); //播放控制 if (myself.audio.paused) { var playing = myself.audio.play(); playing.then(function () { //字符图标变化 if (playBtn) { playBtn.setAttribute("data", "play"); playBtn.title = "暂停"; playBtn.innerHTML = ""; } timer = setInterval(function () { //显示时长 showTime(); //获取就绪状态并处理相应 playerState(); }, 1000); //播放媒体信息更新 updates(); //处理播放数据,处理过就不再处理 if (myself.handle == 0) { playHandle(); } //如果存在提示则移除 var tips = document.getElementsByClassName('visualizer-player-tips'); if (tips.length > 0) { myself.player.removeChild(tips[0]); } }).catch(function () { //处理浏览器不支持自动播放情况 var tips = document.createElement("div"); tips.className = 'visualizer-player-tips'; tips.innerHTML = '浏览器不支持自动播放,点我开始播放'; tips.onclick = function () { myself.player.removeChild(tips); play(); }; myself.player.appendChild(tips); return false; }) } else { myself.audio.pause(); //字符图标变化 if (playBtn) { playBtn.setAttribute("data", "pause"); playBtn.title = "播放"; playBtn.innerHTML = ""; } window.clearInterval(timer); } //事件传出 myself.event({ eventType: "play", describe: "播放/暂停", playing: !myself.audio.paused }); } //播放媒体信息更新 function updates() { var list = myself.playList; var nowPlay = myself.nowPlay; var songTitle = document.getElementById("songTitle"); songTitle.innerHTML = list[nowPlay].title; songTitle.title = "歌曲:" + list[nowPlay].title; var songAlbum = document.getElementById("album"); var albumTitle = list[nowPlay].album || ''; songAlbum.innerHTML = "(" + (albumTitle) + ")"; songAlbum.style.display = albumTitle ? 'block' : 'none'; songAlbum.title = "所属专辑:" + albumTitle; .........完整代码请登录后点击上方下载按钮下载查看