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<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <style> html,body { margin:0; padding:0; width:100%; height:100%; } #gradient-canvas { width:100%; height:100%; --gradient-color-1: #ef008f; --gradient-color-2: #6ec3f4; --gradient-color-3: #7038ff; --gradient-color-4: #ffba27; } </style> </head> <body> <canvas id="gradient-canvas" data-js-darken-top data-transition-in> <!-- Remove data-js-darken-top to keep the same brightness in the upper part of the canvas --> </canvas> <script> /* * Stripe WebGl Gradient Animation * All Credits to Stripe.com * ScrollObserver functionality to disable animation when not scrolled into view has been disabled and * commented out for now. * https://kevinhufnagl.com */ //Converting colors to proper format function normalizeColor(hexCode) { return [(hexCode >> 16 & 255) / 255, (hexCode >> 8 & 255) / 255, (255 & hexCode) / 255]; }["SCREEN", "LINEAR_LIGHT"].reduce((hexCode, t, n) => Object.assign(hexCode, { [t]: n }), {}); //Essential functionality of WebGl //t = width //n = height class MiniGl { constructor(canvas, width, height, debug = false) { const _miniGl = this, debug_output = -1 !== document.location.search.toLowerCase().indexOf("debug=webgl"); _miniGl.canvas = canvas, _miniGl.gl = _miniGl.canvas.getContext("webgl", { antialias: true }), _miniGl.meshes = []; const context = _miniGl.gl; width && height && this.setSize(width, height), _miniGl.lastDebugMsg, _miniGl.debug = debug && debug_output ? function (e) { const t = new Date(); t - _miniGl.lastDebugMsg > 1e3 && console.log("---"), console.log(t.toLocaleTimeString() + Array(Math.max(0, 32 - e.length)).join(" ") + e + ": ", ...Array.from(arguments).slice(1)), _miniGl.lastDebugMsg = t; } : () => {}, Object.defineProperties(_miniGl, { Material: { enumerable: false, value: class { constructor(vertexShaders, fragments, uniforms = {}) { const material = this; function getShaderByType(type, source) { const shader = context.createShader(type); return context.shaderSource(shader, source), context.compileShader(shader), context.getShaderParameter(shader, context.COMPILE_STATUS) || console.error(context.getShaderInfoLog(shader)), _miniGl.debug("Material.compileShaderSource", { source: source }), shader; } function getUniformVariableDeclarations(uniforms, type) { return Object.entries(uniforms).map(([uniform, value]) => value.getDeclaration(uniform, type)).join("\n"); } material.uniforms = uniforms, material.uniformInstances = []; const prefix = "\n precision highp float;\n "; material.vertexSource = `\n ${prefix}\n attribute vec4 position;\n attribute vec2 uv;\n attribute vec2 uvNorm;\n ${getUniformVariableDeclarations(_miniGl.commonUniforms, "vertex")}\n ${getUniformVariableDeclarations(uniforms, "vertex")}\n ${vertexShaders}\n `, material.Source = `\n ${prefix}\n ${getUniformVariableDeclarations(_miniGl.commonUniforms, "fragment")}\n ${getUniformVariableDeclarations(uniforms, "fragment")}\n ${fragments}\n `, material.vertexShader = getShaderByType(context.VERTEX_SHADER, material.vertexSource), material.fragmentShader = getShaderByType(context.FRAGMENT_SHADER, material.Source), material.program = context.createProgram(), context.attachShader(material.program, material.vertexShader), context.attachShader(material.program, material.fragmentShader), context.linkProgram(material.program), context.getProgramParameter(material.program, context.LINK_STATUS) || console.error(context.getProgramInfoLog(material.program)), context.useProgram(material.program), material.attachUniforms(void 0, _miniGl.commonUniforms), material.attachUniforms(void 0, material.uniforms); } //t = uniform attachUniforms(name, uniforms) { //n = material const material = this; void 0 === name ? Object.entries(uniforms).forEach(([name, uniform]) => { material.attachUniforms(name, uniform); }) : "array" == uniforms.type ? uniforms.value.forEach((uniform, i) => material.attachUniforms(`${name}[${i}]`, uniform)) : "struct" == uniforms.type ? Object.entries(uniforms.value).forEach(([uniform, i]) => material.attachUniforms(`${name}.${uniform}`, i)) : (_miniGl.debug("Material.attachUniforms", { name: name, uniform: uniforms }), material.uniformInstances.push({ uniform: uniforms, location: context.getUniformLocation(material.program, name) })); }} }, Uniform: { enumerable: !1, value: class { constructor(e) { this.type = "float", Object.assign(this, e); this.typeFn = { float: "1f", int: "1i", vec2: "2fv", vec3: "3fv", vec4: "4fv", mat4: "Matrix4fv" }[ this.type] || "1f", this.update(); } update(value) { void 0 !== this.value && context[`uniform${this.typeFn}`](value, 0 === this.typeFn.indexOf("Matrix") ? this.transpose : this.value, 0 === this.typeFn.indexOf("Matrix") ? this.value : null); } //e - name //t - type //n - length getDeclaration(name, type, length) { const uniform = this; if (uniform.excludeFrom !== type) { if ("array" === uniform.type) return uniform.value[0].getDeclaration(name, type, uniform.value.length) + `\nconst int ${name}_length = ${uniform.value.length};`; if ("struct" === uniform.type) { let name_no_prefix = name.replace("u_", ""); return name_no_prefix = name_no_prefix.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + name_no_prefix.slice(1), `uniform struct ${name_no_prefix} {\n` + Object.entries(uniform.value).map(([name, uniform]) => uniform.getDeclaration(name, type). replace(/^uniform/, "")). join("") + `\n} ${name}${length > 0 ? `[${length}]` : ""};`; } return `uniform ${uniform.type} ${name}${length > 0 ? `[${length}]` : ""};`; } }} }, PlaneGeometry: { enumerable: !1, value: class { constructor(width, height, n, i, orientation) { context.createBuffer(), this.attributes = { position: new _miniGl.Attribute({ target: context.ARRAY_BUFFER, size: 3 }), uv: new _miniGl.Attribute({ target: context.ARRAY_BUFFER, size: 2 }), uvNorm: new _miniGl.Attribute({ target: context.ARRAY_BUFFER, size: 2 }), index: new _miniGl.Attribute({ target: context.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, size: 3, type: context.UNSIGNED_SHORT }) }, this.setTopology(n, i), this.setSize(width, height, orientation); } setTopology(e = 1, t = 1) { const n = this; n.xSegCount = e, n.ySegCount = t, n.vertexCount = (n.xSegCount + 1) * (n.ySegCount + 1), n.quadCount = n.xSegCount * n.ySegCount * 2, n.attributes.uv.values = new Float32Array(2 * n.vertexCount), n.attributes.uvNorm.values = new Float32Array(2 * n.vertexCount), n.attributes.index.values = new Uint16Array(3 * n.quadCount); for (let e = 0; e <= n.ySegCount; e++) for (let t = 0; t <= n.xSegCount; t++) { const i = e * (n.xSegCount + 1) + t; if (n.attributes.uv.values[2 * i] = t / n.xSegCount, n.attributes.uv.values[2 * i + 1] = 1 - e / n.ySegCount, n.attributes.uvNorm.values[2 * i] = t / n.xSegCount * 2 - 1, n.attributes.uvNorm.values[2 * i + 1] = 1 - e / n.ySegCount * 2, t < n.xSegCount && e < n.ySegCount) { const s = e * n.xSegCount + t; n.attributes.index.values[6 * s] = i, n.attributes.index.values[6 * s + 1] = i + 1 + n.xSegCount, n.attributes.index.values[6 * s + 2] = i + 1, n.attributes.index.values[6 * s + 3] = i + 1, n.attributes.index.values[6 * s + 4] = i + 1 + n.xSegCount, n.attributes.index.values[6 * s + 5] = i + 2 + n.xSegCount; } } n.attributes.uv.update(), n.attributes.uvNorm.update(), n.attributes.index.update(), _miniGl.debug("Geometry.setTopology", { uv: n.attributes.uv, uvNorm: n.attributes.uvNorm, index: n.attributes.index }); } setSize(width = 1, height = 1, orientation = "xz") { const geometry = this; geometry.width = width, geometry.height = height, geometry.orientation = orientation, geometry.attributes.position.values && geometry.attributes.position.values.length === 3 * geometry.vertexCount || ( geometry.attributes.position.values = new Float32Array(3 * geometry.vertexCount)); const o = width / -2, r = height / -2, segment_width = width / geometry.xSegCount, segment_height = height / geometry.ySegCount; for (let yIndex = 0; yIndex <= geometry.ySegCount; yIndex++) { const t = r + yIndex * segment_height; for (let xIndex = 0; xIndex <= geometry.xSegCount; xIndex++) { const r = o + xIndex * segment_width, l = yIndex * (geometry.xSegCount + 1) + xIndex; geometry.attributes.position.values[3 * l + "xyz".indexOf(orientation[0])] = r, geometry.attributes.position.values[3 * l + "xyz".indexOf(orientation[1])] = -t; } } geometry.attributes.position.update(), _miniGl.debug("Geometry.setSize", { position: geometry.attributes.position }); }} }, Mesh: { enumerable: !1, value: class { constructor(geometry, material) { const mesh = this; mesh.geometry = geometry, mesh.material = material, mesh.wireframe = !1, mesh.attributeInstances = [], Object.entries(mesh.geometry.attributes).forEach(([e, attribute]) => { mesh.attributeInstances.push({ attribute: attribute, location: attribute.attach(e, mesh.material.program) }); }), _miniGl.meshes.push(mesh), _miniGl.debug("Mesh.constructor", { mesh: mesh }); } draw() { context.useProgram(this.material.program), this.material.uniformInstances.forEach(({ uniform: e, location: t }) => e.update(t)), this.attributeInstances.forEach(({ attribute: e, location: t }) => e.use(t)), context.drawElements(this.wireframe ? context.LINES : context.TRIANGLES, this.geometry.attributes.index.values.length, context.UNSIGNED_SHORT, 0); } remove() { _miniGl.meshes = _miniGl.meshes.filter(e => e != this); }} }, Attribute: { enumerable: !1, value: class { constructor(e) { this.type = context.FLOAT, this.normalized = !1, this.buffer = context.createBuffer(), Object.assign(this, e), this.update(); } update() { void 0 !== this.values && (context.bindBuffer(this.target, this.buffer), context.bufferData(this.target, this.values, context.STATIC_DRAW)); } attach(e, t) { const n = context.getAttribLocation(t, e); return this.target === context.ARRAY_BUFFER && (context.enableVertexAttribArray(n), context.vertexAttribPointer(n, this.size, this.type, this.normalized, 0, 0)), n; } use(e) { context.bindBuffer(this.target, this.buffer), this.target === context.ARRAY_BUFFER && (context.enableVertexAttribArray(e), context.vertexAttribPointer(e, this.size, this.type, this.normalized, 0, 0)); }} } }); const a = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]; _miniGl.commonUniforms = { projectionMatrix: new _miniGl.Uniform({ type: "mat4", value: a }), modelViewMatrix: new _miniGl.Uniform({ type: "mat4", value: a }), resolution: new _miniGl.Uniform({ type: "vec2", value: [1, 1] }), aspectRatio: new _miniGl.Uniform({ type: "float", value: 1 }) }; } setSize(e = 640, t = 480) { this.width = e, this.height = t, this.canvas.width = e, this.canvas.height = t, this.gl.viewport(0, 0, e, t), this.commonUniforms.resolution.value = [e, t], this.commonUniforms.aspectRatio.value = e / t, this.debug("MiniGL.setSize", { width: e, height: t }); } //left, right, top, bottom, near, far setOrthographicCamera(e = 0, t = 0, n = 0, i = -2e3, s = 2e3) { this.commonUniforms.projectionMatrix.value = [2 / this.width, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2 / this.height, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2 / (i - s), 0, e, t, n, 1], this.debug("setOrthographicCamera", this.commonUniforms.projectionMatrix.value); } render() { this.gl.clearColor(0, 0, 0, 0), this.gl.clearDepth(1), this.meshes.forEach(e => e.draw()); }} //Sets initial properties function e(object, propertyName, val) { return propertyName in object ? Object.defineProperty(object, propertyName, { value: val, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }) : object[propertyName] = val, object; } //Gradient object class Gradient { constructor(...t) { e(this, "el", void 0), e(this, "cssVarRetries", 0), e(this, "maxCssVarRetries", 200), e(this, "angle", 0), e(this, "isLoadedClass", !1), e(this, "isScrolling", !1), /*e(this, "isStatic", o.disableAmbientAnimations()),*/e(this, "scrollingTimeout", void 0), e(this, "scrollingRefreshDelay", 200), e(this, "isIntersecting", !1), e(this, "shaderFiles", void 0), e(this, "vertexShader", void 0), e(this, "sectionColors", void 0), e(this, "computedCanvasStyle", void 0), e(this, "conf", void 0), e(this, "uniforms", void 0), e(this, "t", 1253106), e(this, "last", 0), e(this, "width", void 0), e(this, "minWidth", 1111), e(this, "height", 600), e(this, "xSegCount", void 0), e(this, "ySegCount", void 0), e(this, "mesh", void 0), e(this, "material", void 0), e(this, "geometry", void 0), e(this, "minigl", void 0), e(this, "scrollObserver", void 0), e(this, "amp", 320), e(this, "seed", 5), e(this, "freqX", 14e-5), e(this, "freqY", 29e-5), e(this, "freqDelta", 1e-5), e(this, "activeColors", [1, 1, 1, 1]), e(this, "isMetaKey", !1), e(this, "isGradientLegendVisible", !1), e(this, "isMouseDown", !1), e(this, "handleScroll", () => { clearTimeout(this.scrollingTimeout), this.scrollingTimeout = setTimeout(this.handleScrollEnd, this.scrollingRefreshDelay), this.isGradientLegendVisible && this.hideGradientLegend(), this.conf.playing && (this.isScrolling = !0, this.pause()); }), e(this, "handleScrollEnd", () => { this.isScrolling = !1, this.isIntersecting && this.play(); }), e(this, "resize", () => { this.width = window.innerWidth, this.minigl.setSize(this.width, this.height), this.minigl.setOrthographicCamera(), this.xSegCount = Math.ceil(this.width * this.conf.density[0]), this.ySegCount = Math.ceil(this.height * this.conf.density[1]), this.mesh.geometry.setTopology(this.xSegCount, this.ySegCount), this.mesh.geometry.setSize(this.width, this.height), this.mesh.material.uniforms.u_shadow_power.value = this.width < 600 ? 5 : 6; }), e(this, "handleMouseDown", e => { this.isGradientLegendVisible && (this.isMetaKey = e.metaKey, this.isMouseDown = !0, !1 === this.conf.playing && requestAnimationFrame(this.animate)); }), e(this, "handleMouseUp", () => { this.isMouseDown = !1; }), e(this, "animate", e => { if (!this.shouldSkipFrame(e) || this.isMouseDown) { if (this.t += Math.min(e - this.last, 1e3 / 15), this.last = e, this.isMouseDown) { .........完整代码请登录后点击上方下载按钮下载查看