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To use it, define a seed pattern on the left, and use the “generate” button. A neural network will dream up a continuation to your seed pattern.</p> <p>Using the <a href="https://github.com/tensorflow/magenta/tree/master/magenta/models/drums_rnn">Drums RNN</a> (pretrained) model from <a href="https://magenta.tensorflow.org/">Google Magenta</a>, and <a href="https://goo.gl/magenta/js">Magenta.js</a> + <a href="https://js.tensorflow.org/">TensorFlow.js</a> + <a href="https://tonejs.github.io/">Tone.js</a>.</p> <p>A pen by <a href="https://twitter.com/teropa">@teropa</a>.</p> </div> <script type="text/javascript" src="//repo.bfw.wiki/bfwrepo/js/babel.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="//repo.bfw.wiki/bfwrepo/js/lodash-min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="//repo.bfw.wiki/bfwrepo/js/magentamusic.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="//repo.bfw.wiki/bfwrepo/js/jquery-3.2.1.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="//repo.bfw.wiki/bfwrepo/js/materialize.1.0.0.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="//repo.bfw.wiki/bfwrepo/js/web-animations.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="//repo.bfw.wiki/bfwrepo/js/webmidi.min.js"></script> <script> const DRUM_CLASSES = [ 'Kick', 'Snare', 'Hi-hat closed', 'Hi-hat open', 'Tom low', 'Tom mid', 'Tom high', 'Clap', 'Rim' ]; const TIME_HUMANIZATION = 0.01; let Tone = mm.Player.tone; let sampleBaseUrl = '//repo.bfw.wiki/bfwrepo/sound/tones'; let reverb = new Tone.Convolver( `${sampleBaseUrl}/small-drum-room.wav` ).toMaster(); reverb.wet.value = 0.35; let snarePanner = new Tone.Panner().connect(reverb); new Tone.LFO(0.13, -0.25, 0.25).connect(snarePanner.pan).start(); let drumKit = [ new Tone.Players({ high: `${sampleBaseUrl}/808-kick-vh.mp3`, med: `${sampleBaseUrl}/808-kick-vm.mp3`, low: `${sampleBaseUrl}/808-kick-vl.mp3` }).toMaster(), new Tone.Players({ high: `${sampleBaseUrl}/flares-snare-vh.mp3`, med: `${sampleBaseUrl}/flares-snare-vm.mp3`, low: `${sampleBaseUrl}/flares-snare-vl.mp3` }).connect(snarePanner), new Tone.Players({ high: `${sampleBaseUrl}/808-hihat-vh.mp3`, med: `${sampleBaseUrl}/808-hihat-vm.mp3`, low: `${sampleBaseUrl}/808-hihat-vl.mp3` }).connect(new Tone.Panner(-0.5).connect(reverb)), new Tone.Players({ high: `${sampleBaseUrl}/808-hihat-open-vh.mp3`, med: `${sampleBaseUrl}/808-hihat-open-vm.mp3`, low: `${sampleBaseUrl}/808-hihat-open-vl.mp3` }).connect(new Tone.Panner(-0.5).connect(reverb)), new Tone.Players({ high: `${sampleBaseUrl}/slamdam-tom-low-vh.mp3`, med: `${sampleBaseUrl}/slamdam-tom-low-vm.mp3`, low: `${sampleBaseUrl}/slamdam-tom-low-vl.mp3` }).connect(new Tone.Panner(-0.4).connect(reverb)), new Tone.Players({ high: `${sampleBaseUrl}/slamdam-tom-mid-vh.mp3`, med: `${sampleBaseUrl}/slamdam-tom-mid-vm.mp3`, low: `${sampleBaseUrl}/slamdam-tom-mid-vl.mp3` }).connect(reverb), new Tone.Players({ high: `${sampleBaseUrl}/slamdam-tom-high-vh.mp3`, med: `${sampleBaseUrl}/slamdam-tom-high-vm.mp3`, low: `${sampleBaseUrl}/slamdam-tom-high-vl.mp3` }).connect(new Tone.Panner(0.4).connect(reverb)), new Tone.Players({ high: `${sampleBaseUrl}/909-clap-vh.mp3`, med: `${sampleBaseUrl}/909-clap-vm.mp3`, low: `${sampleBaseUrl}/909-clap-vl.mp3` }).connect(new Tone.Panner(0.5).connect(reverb)), new Tone.Players({ high: `${sampleBaseUrl}/909-rim-vh.wav`, med: `${sampleBaseUrl}/909-rim-vm.wav`, low: `${sampleBaseUrl}/909-rim-vl.wav` }).connect(new Tone.Panner(0.5).connect(reverb)) ]; let midiDrums = [36, 38, 42, 46, 41, 43, 45, 49, 51]; let reverseMidiMapping = new Map([ [36, 0], [35, 0], [38, 1], [27, 1], [28, 1], [31, 1], [32, 1], [33, 1], [34, 1], [37, 1], [39, 1], [40, 1], [56, 1], [65, 1], [66, 1], [75, 1], [85, 1], [42, 2], [44, 2], [54, 2], [68, 2], [69, 2], [70, 2], [71, 2], [73, 2], [78, 2], [80, 2], [46, 3], [67, 3], [72, 3], [74, 3], [79, 3], [81, 3], [45, 4], [29, 4], [41, 4], [61, 4], [64, 4], [84, 4], [48, 5], [47, 5], [60, 5], [63, 5], [77, 5], [86, 5], [87, 5], [50, 6], [30, 6], [43, 6], [62, 6], [76, 6], [83, 6], [49, 7], [55, 7], [57, 7], [58, 7], [51, 8], [52, 8], [53, 8], [59, 8], [82, 8] ]); let temperature = 1.0; let outputs = { internal: { play: (drumIdx, velocity, time) => { drumKit[drumIdx].get(velocity).start(time); } } }; let rnn = new mm.MusicRNN( '//repo.bfw.wiki/bfwrepo/model/drum_kit_rnn' ); Promise.all([ rnn.initialize(), new Promise(res => Tone.Buffer.on('load', res)) ]).then(([vars]) => { let state = { patternLength: 32, seedLength: 4, swing: 0.55, pattern: [[0], [], [2]].concat(_.times(32, i => [])), tempo: 120 }; let stepEls = [], hasBeenStarted = false, oneEighth = Tone.Time('8n').toSeconds(), activeOutput = 'internal', midiClockSender = null, midiClockStartSent = false, activeClockInput = 'none', currentSchedulerId, stepCounter; function generatePattern(seed, length) { let seedSeq = toNoteSequence(seed); return rnn .continueSequence(seedSeq, length, temperature) .then(r => seed.concat(fromNoteSequence(r, length))); } function getStepVelocity(step) { if (step % 4 === 0) { return 'high'; } else if (step % 2 === 0) { return 'med'; } else { return 'low'; } } function humanizeTime(time) { return time - TIME_HUMANIZATION / 2 + Math.random() * TIME_HUMANIZATION; } function tick(time = Tone.now() - Tone.context.lookAhead) { if (_.isNumber(stepCounter) && state.pattern) { stepCounter++; if (midiClockSender) midiClockSender(time, stepCounter); let stepIdx = stepCounter % state.pattern.length; let isSwung = stepIdx % 2 !== 0; if (isSwung) { time += (state.swing - 0.5) * oneEighth; } let velocity = getStepVelocity(stepIdx); let drums = state.pattern[stepIdx]; drums.forEach(d => { let humanizedTime = stepIdx === 0 ? time : humanizeTime(time); outputs[activeOutput].play(d, velocity, humanizedTime); visualizePlay(humanizedTime, stepIdx, d); }); } } function startPattern() { stepCounter = -1; midiClockStartSent = false; updatePlayPauseIcons(); } function stopPattern() { stepCounter = null; updatePlayPauseIcons(); } function visualizePlay(time, stepIdx, drumIdx) { Tone.Draw.schedule(() => { if (!stepEls[stepIdx]) return; let animTime = oneEighth * 4 * 1000; let cellEl = stepEls[stepIdx].cellEls[drumIdx]; if (cellEl.classList.contains('on')) { let baseColor = stepIdx < state.seedLength ? '#e91e63' : '#64b5f6'; cellEl.animate( [ { transform: 'translateZ(-100px)', backgroundColor: '#fad1df' }, { transform: 'translateZ(50px)', offset: 0.7 }, { transform: 'translateZ(0)', backgroundColor: baseColor } ], { duration: animTime, easing: 'cubic-bezier(0.23, 1, 0.32, 1)' } ); } }, time); } function renderPattern(regenerating = false) { let seqEl = document.querySelector('.sequencer .steps'); while (stepEls.length > state.pattern.length) { let { stepEl, gutterEl } = stepEls.pop(); stepEl.remove(); if (gutterEl) gutterEl.remove(); } .........完整代码请登录后点击上方下载按钮下载查看