下面为部分代码预览,完整代码请点击下载或在bfwstudio webide中打开
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <style> canvas { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; } </style> </head> <body> <canvas id=c></canvas> <script> var w = c.width = window.innerWidth, h = c.height = window.innerHeight, ctx = c.getContext('2d'), opts = { range: 180, baseConnections: 3, addedConnections: 5, baseSize: 5, minSize: 1, dataToConnectionSize: .4, sizeMultiplier: .7, allowedDist: 40, baseDist: 40, addedDist: 30, connectionAttempts: 100, dataToConnections: 1, baseSpeed: .04, addedSpeed: .05, baseGlowSpeed: .4, addedGlowSpeed: .4, rotVelX: .003, rotVelY: .002, repaintColor: '#111', connectionColor: 'hsla(200,60%,light%,alp)', rootColor: 'hsla(0,60%,light%,alp)', endColor: 'hsla(160,20%,light%,alp)', dataColor: 'hsla(40,80%,light%,alp)', wireframeWidth: .1, wireframeColor: '#88f', depth: 250, focalLength: 250, vanishPoint: { x: w / 2, y: h / 2 } }, squareRange = opts.range * opts.range, squareAllowed = opts.allowedDist * opts.allowedDist, mostDistant = opts.depth + opts.range, sinX = sinY = 0, cosX = cosY = 0, connections = [], toDevelop = [], data = [], all = [], tick = 0, totalProb = 0, animating = false, Tau = Math.PI * 2; ctx.fillStyle = '#222'; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, w, h); ctx.fillStyle = '#ccc'; ctx.font = '50px Verdana'; ctx.fillText('Calculating Nodes', w / 2 - ctx.measureText('Calculating Nodes').width / 2, h / 2 - 15); window.setTimeout(init, 4); // to render the loading screen function init() { connections.length = 0; data.length = 0; all.length = 0; toDevelop.length = 0; var connection = new Connection(0, 0, 0, opts.baseSize); connection.step = Connection.rootStep; connections.push(connection); all.push(connection); connection.link(); while (toDevelop.length > 0) { toDevelop[0].link(); toDevelop.shift(); } if (!animating) { animating = true; anim(); } } function Connection(x, y, z, size) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.z = z; this.size = size; this.screen = {}; this.links = []; this.probabilities = []; this.isEnd = false; this.glowSpeed = opts.baseGlowSpeed + opts.addedGlowSpeed * Math.random(); } Connection.prototype.link = function () { if (this.size < opts.minSize) return this.isEnd = true; var links = [], connectionsNum = opts.baseConnections + Math.random() * opts.addedConnections | 0, attempt = opts.connectionAttempts, alpha,beta,len, cosA,sinA,cosB,sinB, pos = {}, passedExisting,passedBuffered; while (links.length < connectionsNum && --attempt > 0) { alpha = Math.random() * Math.PI; beta = Math.random() * Tau; len = opts.baseDist + opts.ad.........完整代码请登录后点击上方下载按钮下载查看