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function getParameterByName(name) {
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function generarImagen() {
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function toggleAll(d) {
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function wrap(text, width) {
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var _queryTreeSort = function(options) {
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var _makeTree = function(options) {
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var _renderTree = function(tree) {
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Tributos", "path" :"100,20,1"},{"id": "12961", "parentid": "1", "name": "Área de Persoal e Organización", "path" :"100,20,1"},{"id": "14175", "parentid": "12961", "name": "Servizo de Organización", "path" :"100,20,1,12961"},{"id": "13420", "parentid": "12961", "name": "Servizo de Sistemas e Soporte", "path" :"100,20,1,12961"},{"id": "13424", "parentid": "12961", "name": "Servizo de Informática e Administración Electrónica", "path" :"100,20,1,12961"},{"id": "165", "parentid": "12961", "name": "Servizo de Planificación e Xestión de Recursos Humanos", "path" :"100,20,1,12961"},{"id": "13421", "parentid": "13420", "name": "Sección de Soporte e Atención a Usuarios", "path" :"100,20,1,12961,13420"},{"id": "13423", "parentid": "13420", "name": "Sección de Sistemas e Infraestruturas", "path" :"100,20,1,12961,13420"},{"id": "13422", "parentid": "13424", "name": "Sección de Administración Electrónica", "path" :"100,20,1,12961,13424"},{"id": "13425", "parentid": "13424", "name": "Sección de Asistencia Informática", "path" :"100,20,1,12961,13424"},{"id": "11", "parentid": "14175", "name": "Sección de Formación", "path" :"100,20,1,12961,14175"},{"id": "13428", "parentid": "14175", "name": "Sección de Organización", "path" :"100,20,1,12961,14175"},{"id": "4498", "parentid": "14175", "name": "Sección da Organización da Prevención de Riscos Laborais", "path" :"100,20,1,12961,14175"},{"id": "6199", "parentid": "165", "name": "Sección de Xestión de Recursos Humanos", "path" :"100,20,1,12961,165"},{"id": "7672", "parentid": "165", "name": "Sección de Planificación de Recursos Humanos", "path" :"100,20,1,12961,165"},{"id": "10233", "parentid": "6199", "name": "Negociado de Seguridade Social I", "path" :"100,20,1,12961,165,6199"},{"id": "10232", "parentid": "6199", "name": "Negociado de Nóminas", "path" :"100,20,1,12961,165,6199"},{"id": "14179", "parentid": "6199", "name": "Negociado de Xestión", "path" :"100,20,1,12961,165,6199"},{"id": "14188", "parentid": "6199", "name": "Negociado de Seguridade Social II", "path" :"100,20,1,12961,165,6199"},{"id": "10231", "parentid": "7672", "name": "Negociado de Planificación I", "path" :"100,20,1,12961,165,7672"},{"id": "14925", "parentid": "7672", "name": "Negociado de Planificación II", "path" :"100,20,1,12961,165,7672"},{"id": "9", "parentid": "13477", "name": "Servizo de Xestión de Plans", "path" :"100,20,1,13477"},{"id": "7674", "parentid": "13477", "name": "Servizo de Vías e Obras", "path" :"100,20,1,13477"},{"id": "166", "parentid": "13477", "name": "Servizo de Arquitectura e Mantemento", "path" :"100,20,1,13477"},{"id": "14202", "parentid": "13477", "name": "Servizo de Apoio Técnico a Municipios", "path" :"100,20,1,13477"},{"id": "149", "parentid": "13477", "name": "Servizo de Asistencia Técnica Urbanística", "path" :"100,20,1,13477"},{"id": "7665", "parentid": "166", "name": "Sección de Arquitectura e Mantemento", "path" :"100,20,1,13477,166"},{"id": "19", "parentid": "9", "name": "Sección de Plans Especiais", "path" :"100,20,1,13477,9"},{"id": "18", "parentid": "9", "name": "Sección de Plans Provinciais", "path" :"100,20,1,13477,9"},{"id": "10238", "parentid": "18", "name": "Negociado de Plans Provinciais", "path" :"100,20,1,13477,9,18"},{"id": "10237", "parentid": "19", "name": "Negociado de Plans Especiais", "path" :"100,20,1,13477,9,19"},{"id": "135", "parentid": "136", "name": "Servizo de Contabilidade", "path" :"100,20,1,136"},{"id": "151", "parentid": "136", "name": "Servizo de Orzamentos, Estudos e Asistencia Económica", "path" :"100,20,1,136"},{"id": "2647", "parentid": "136", "name": "Servizo de Fiscalización e Control Financeiro", "path" :"100,20,1,136"},{"id": "15886", "parentid": "135", "name": "Sección de Contabilidade III", "path" :"100,20,1,136,135"},{"id": "6190", "parentid": "135", "name": "Sección de Contabilidad I", "path" :"100,20,1,136,135"},{"id": "6191", "parentid": "135", "name": "Sección de Contabilidade II", "path" :"100,20,1,136,135"},{"id": "15887", "parentid": "15886", "name": "Negociado VI", "path" :"100,20,1,136,135,15886"},{"id": "14181", "parentid": "6190", "name": "Negociado II", "path" :"100,20,1,136,135,6190&qu.........完整代码请登录后点击上方下载按钮下载查看
