



代码标签: gojs 拖动 分组

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<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <script src="//repo.bfw.wiki/bfwrepo/js/go.js"></script>

  <div id="allSampleContent" class="p-4 w-full">
    <script id="code">
    function init() {

      myDiagram = new go.Diagram("myDiagramDiv",
            // when a drag-drop occurs in the Diagram's background, make it a top-level node
            mouseDrop: e => finishDrop(e, null),
            layout:  // Diagram has simple horizontal layout
              new go.GridLayout(
                { wrappingWidth: Infinity, alignment: go.GridLayout.Position, cellSize: new go.Size(1, 1) }),
            "commandHandler.archetypeGroupData": { isGroup: true, text: "Group", horiz: false },
            "undoManager.isEnabled": true

      // The one template for Groups can be configured to be either layout out its members
      // horizontally or vertically, each with a different default color.

      function makeLayout(horiz) {  // a Binding conversion function
        if (horiz) {
          return new go.GridLayout(
              wrappingWidth: Infinity, alignment: go.GridLayout.Position,
              cellSize: new go.Size(1, 1), spacing: new go.Size(4, 4)
        } else {
          return new go.GridLayout(
              wrappingColumn: 1, alignment: go.GridLayout.Position,
              cellSize: new go.Size(1, 1), spacing: new go.Size(4, 4)

      function defaultColor(horiz) {  // a Binding conversion function
        return horiz ? "rgba(255, 221, 51, 0.55)" : "rgba(51,211,229, 0.5)";

      function defaultFont(horiz) {  // a Binding conversion function
        return horiz ? "bold 20px sans-serif" : "bold 16px sans-serif";

      // this function is used to highlight a Group that the selection may be dropped into
      function highlightGroup(e, grp, show) {
        if (!grp) return;
        e.handled = true;
        if (show) {
          // cannot depend on the grp.diagram.selection in the case of external drag-and-drops;
          // instead depend on the DraggingTool.draggedParts or .copiedParts
          var tool = grp.diagram.toolManager.draggingTool;
          var map = tool.draggedParts || tool.copiedParts;  // this is a Map
          // now we can check to see if the Group will accept membership of the dragged Parts
          if (grp.canAddMembers(map.toKeySet())) {
            grp.isHighlighted = true;
        grp.isHighlighted = false;

      // Upon a drop onto a Group, we try to add the selection as members of the Group.
      // Upon a drop onto the background, or onto a top-level Node, make selection top-level.
      // If this is OK, we're done; otherwise we cancel the operation to rollback everything.
      function finishDrop(e, grp) {
        var ok = (grp !== null
          ? grp.addMembers(grp.diagram.selection, true)
          : e.diagram.commandHandler.addTopLevelParts(e.diagram.selection, true));
        if (!ok) e.diagram.currentTool.doCancel();

      myDiagram.groupTemplate =
        new go.Group("Auto",
            background: "blue",
            ungroupable: true,
            // highlight when dragging into the Group
            mouseDragEnter: (e, grp, prev) => highlightGroup(e, grp, true),
            mouseDragLeave: (e, grp, next) => highlightGroup(e, grp, false),
            computesBoundsAfterDrag: true,
            // when the selection is dropped into a Group, add the selected Parts into that Group;
            // if it fails, cancel the tool, rolling back any changes
            mouseDrop: finishDrop,
            handlesDragDropForMembers: true,  // don't need to define handlers on member Nodes and Links
            // Groups containing Groups lay out their members horizontally
            layout: makeLayout(false)
          .bind("layout", "horiz", makeLayout)
          .bind(new go.Binding("background", "isHighlighted", h => h ? "rgba(255,0,0,0.2)" : "transparent").ofObject())
          .add(new go.Shape("Rectangle",
            { fill: null, stroke: defaultColor(false), fill: defaultColor(false), strokeWidth: 2 })
            .bind("stroke", "horiz", defaultColor)
            .bind("fill", "horiz", defaultColor))
            new go.Panel("Vertical")  // title above Placeholder
              .add(new go.Panel("Horizontal",  // button next to TextBlock
                { stretch: go.GraphObject.Horizontal, background: defaultColor(false) })
                .bind("background", "horiz", defaultColor)
                .add(go.GraphObject.make("SubGraphExpanderButton", { alignment: go.Spot.Right, margin: 5 }))
                .add(new go.TextBlock(
                    alignment: go.Spot.Left,
                    editable: true,
                    margin: 5,
                    font: defaultFont(false),
                    opacity: 0.95,  // allow some color to show through
                    stroke: "#404040"
                  .bind("font", "horiz", defaultFont)
                  .bind("text", "text", null, null)) // `null` as the fourth argument makes this a two-way binding
              )  // end Horizontal Panel
              .add(new go.Placeholder({ padding: 5, alignment: go.Spot.TopLeft }))
          )  // end Vertical Panel

      myDiagram.nodeTemplate =
        new go.Node("Auto",
          { // dropping on a Node is the same as dropping on its containing Group, even if it's top-level
            mouseDrop: (e, node) => finishDrop(e, node.containingGroup)
          .add(new go.Shape("RoundedRectangle", { fill: "rgba(172, 230, 0, 0.9)", stroke: "white", strokeWidth: 0.5 }))
          .add(new go.TextBlock(
              margin: 7,
              editable: true,
              font: "bold 13px sans-serif",
              opacity: 0.90
            .bind("text", "text", null, null));  // `null` as the fourth argument ma.........完整代码请登录后点击上方下载按钮下载查看
