代码标签: processing canvas 可爱 卡通 寿司 跳舞 筷子 夹起 动画
下面为部分代码预览,完整代码请点击下载或在bfwstudio webide中打开
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <style> * { margin: 0; box-sizing: border-box; overflow: hidden; } body { background: #DC284B; width: 100%; height: 100vh; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; } body canvas { box-shadow: 0.2em 0.2em 2em #0008; border: none; outline: none; } </style> </head> <body > <canvas id="canvas"></canvas> <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script> <script > var sketchProc = function(processingInstance) { with (processingInstance) { size(600, 600); frameRate(60); smooth(); var Logo = (function() { Logo = function(args) { this.scale = args.scale || 1.0; this.x = args.x || 600 * 0.5 * this.scale; this.y = args.y || 600 * 0.4 * this.scale; this.colors = { back: color(220, 40, 75), outline: color(5, 5, 5), from: color(102, 99, 98), to: color(13, 13, 13), text: color(35, 40, 60) }; this.font = args.font || createFont("Trebuchet MS"); this.gray = { words: "G R A Y W O L F", index: 0, timer: 0, delay: 2 }; = { opacity: 0, y: height * 1.2, }; this.img = undefined; this.imgs = []; this.splits = { left: undefined, right: undefined }; this.timer = 0; this.states = { a: { delay: 30, duration: 120, }, b: { delay: 30 }, c: { delay: 55 }, d: { delay: 45, x: 0 } }; this.state = "a"; this.done = false; this.complete = false; this.hover = false; this.init(); }; Logo.prototype = { init: function() { var gx = createGraphics(600, 600, P2D); gx.background(0, 0); gx.fill(255); //inner gx.beginShape(); gx.vertex(300, 137); gx.vertex(377, 150); gx.vertex(454, 118); gx.vertex(410, 213); gx.vertex(429, 202); gx.vertex(464, 279); gx.vertex(396, 361); gx.vertex(381, 316); gx.vertex(341, 399); gx.vertex(300, 443); gx.vertex(259, 399); gx.vertex(219, 316); gx.vertex(204, 361); gx.vertex(136, 279); gx.vertex(171, 202); gx.vertex(190, 213); gx.vertex(146, 118); gx.vertex(223, 150); gx.endShape(CLOSE); var shape = gx.get(115, 90, 370, 355); gx.noStroke(); for(var i = 90; i <= 445; i++) { gx.fill(gx.lerpColor(, this.colors.from, i/445)); gx.rect(115, i, 370, 1); } gx.stroke(150, 20); gx.strokeWeight(1); for(var i = 0; i < 200; i++) { gx.line(random(115, 485), random(90, 445), random(115, 485), random(90, 445)); } gx.filter(BLUR, 2.5); var grad = gx.get(115, 90, 370, 355); grad.mask(shape); gx.background(this.colors.back); gx.background(0, 0); gx.noStroke(); gx.fill(this.colors.outline); //outer gx.beginShape(); gx.vertex(300, 126); gx.vertex(376, 138); gx.vertex(480, 92); gx.vertex(437, 187); gx.vertex(482, 283); gx.vertex(396, 364); gx.vertex(383, 344); gx.vertex(354, 404); gx.vertex(300, 444); gx.vertex(246, 404); gx.vertex(217, 344); gx.vertex(204, 364); gx.vertex(118, 283); gx.vertex(163, 187); gx.vertex(120, 92); gx.vertex(224, 138); gx.endShape(CLOSE); gx.image(grad, 115, 90); fill(this.colors.outline); //nose gx.beginShape(); gx.vertex(300, 372); gx.vertex(323, 367); gx.vertex(320, 382); gx.vertex(300, 400); gx.vertex(280, 382); gx.vertex(277, 367); gx.endShape(CLOSE); //left eye gx.beginShape(); gx.vertex(324, 341); gx.vertex(320, 268); gx.vertex(428, 231); gx.vertex(378, 290); gx.vertex(358, 278); gx.vertex(372, 280); gx.vertex(390, 257); gx.vertex(334, 277); gx.endShape(CLOSE); //right eye gx.beginShape(); gx.vertex(276, 341); gx.vertex(280, 268); gx.vertex(172, 231); gx.vertex(222, 290); gx.vertex(244, 278); gx.vertex(228, 280); gx.vertex(210, 257); gx.vertex(266, 277); gx.endShape(CLOSE); this.img = gx.get(115, 90, 370, 355); //generate pieces of image for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { for(var j = 0; j < 10; j++) { this.imgs.push({ img: gx.get(115 + 37 * i, 90 + 35.5 * j, 37, 35.5), w: 37, h: 35.5, dx: 115 + 37 * i + 18.5, dy: 90 + 35.5 * j + 17.75, x: random(-width, width * 2), y: random(-height, height * 2), angle: ~~random(3600) }); } } }, draw: function() { if(!this.complete) { pushMatrix(); scale(this.scale); pushStyle(); switch(this.state) { case "a": background(this.colors.back); if(this.timer++ >= this.states.a.delay) { for(var i = 0; i < this.imgs.length; i++) { var item = this.imgs[i]; item.x = lerp(item.x, item.dx, 0.1); item.y = lerp(item.y, item.dy, 0.1); item.angle = lerp(item.angle, 0, 0.1); imageMode(CENTER); pushMatrix(); translate(item.x, item.y - 28); rotate(radians(item.angle)); image(item.img, 0, 0, item.w, item.h); popMatrix(); } if(this.timer >= this.states.a.duration) { this.state = "b"; this.timer = 0; } } break; case "b": background(this.colors.back); imageMode(CENTER); image(this.img, this.x / this.scale, this.y / this.scale); if(this.timer++ >= this.states.b.delay) { textFont(this.font); textAlign(CENTER, CENTER); textSize(40); fill(this.colors.text); if(this.gray.index < this.gray.words.length && this.gray.timer++ >= this.gray.delay) { this.gray.index++; this.gray.timer = 0; } text(this.gray.words.substring(0, this.gray.index), this.x / this.scale, this.y * 2 / this.scale); = constrain( + 7, 0, 255); = ~~lerp(, this.y * 2.1, 0.030); textSize(30); fill(this.colors.text,; text("P R E S E N T S", this.x / this.scale, / this.scale); } if(this.gray.index === this.gray.words.length) { this.state = "c"; this.timer = 0; } break; case "c": background(this.colors.back); imageMode(CENTER); image(this.img, this.x / this.scale, this.y / this.scale); textFont(this.font); textAlign(CENTER, CENTER); textSize(40); fill(this.colors.text); text(this.gray.words.substring(0,完整代码请登录后点击上方下载按钮下载查看