下面为部分代码预览,完整代码请点击下载或在bfwstudio webide中打开
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <style> * { margin: 0; box-sizing: border-box; overflow: hidden; } body { background: #272829; width: 100%; height: 100vh; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; } body canvas { border: none; outline: none; } </style> </head> <body> <canvas id="canvas"></canvas> <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script> <script> var sketchProc = function(processingInstance) { with (processingInstance) { size(600, 600); frameRate(60); smooth(); var headColor = color(218, 89, 24, 210); var outlineColor = color(159, 67, 20); var mouthColor = color(244, 238, 43, 200); var mouthShadowColor = color(224, 131, 45); var eyeColor = color(244, 238, 43, 200); var eyeShadowColor = color(148, 61, 10); var stalkColor = color(28, 99, 10, 200); var backgroundColor = color(39, 40, 41); var webColor = color(255, 255, 255, 50); var spiderColor = color(0); var spiderStripeColor = color(201, 26, 26, 200); var particleColor = color(230, 62, 28, 50); var xOffset = -40; var yOffset = 60; var spiderYOffset = 0; var yDir = 1; //Particle object var Particle = function(position, acceleration, timeToLive, c, size) { this.acceleration = acceleration; this.velocity = new PVector(random(-1, 1), random(-1, 1)); this.position = position.get(); this.timeToLive = timeToLive; this.color = c; this.size = size; }; //Run the particle = function() { this.update(); this.display(); }; //Update the particle Particle.prototype.update = function() { this.velocity.add(this.acceleration); this.position.add(this.velocity); this.timeToLive -= 2; }; //Display the particle Particle.prototype.display = function() { noStroke(); fill(this.color); ellipse(this.position.x, this.position.y, this.size, this.size); }; //Check if the particle is dead Particle.prototype.isDead = function() { if (this.timeToLive < 0) { return true; } else { return false; } }; //Particle System object - manages the particles var ParticleSystem = function(position, acceleration, c, size) { this.origin = position.get(); this.acceleration = acceleration || new PVector(0, 0.08); this.particles = []; this.color = c || particleColor; this.size = size || 15; this.timeToLive = 60; }; //Add a new particle ParticleSystem.prototype.addParticle = function() { this.particles.push(new Particle(this.origin, this.acceleration, this.timeToLive, this.color, this.size)); }; //Run each of the particles in the system, and remove it if it's dead = function() { for(var i = this.particles.length-1; i >= 0; i--) { var p = this.particles[i];; if (p.isDead()) { this.particles.splice(i, 1); } } }; var pumpkin = function() { pushMatrix(); translate(xOffset, yOffset); //stalk fill(stalkColor); noStroke(); beginShape(); vertex(208, 108); bezierVertex(200, 55, 190, 60, 165, 60); bezierVertex(161, 65, 161, 70, 163, 75); bezierVertex(180, 75, 190, 67, 188, 108); endShape(); //head noStroke(); noFill(); fill(headColor); beginShape(); vertex(210, 110); bezierVertex(225, 103, 245, 103, 260, 110); //1 bezierVertex(350, 120, 350, 290, 260, 300); //2 bezierVertex(240, 310, 200, 310, 210, 305); //3 bezierVertex(210, 310, 190, 310, 190, 305); //bottom bezierVertex(170, 310, 160, 310, 140, 300); //-3 bezierVertex(50, 290, 50, 100, 140, 110); //-2 bezierVertex(155, 103, 175, 103, 190, 110); //-1 bezierVertex(195, 103, 205, 103, 210, 110);//top endShape(); //curves noFill(); stroke(outlineColor); stroke(201, 87, 12); strokeWeight(2); //top beginShape(); vertex(165, 130); bezierVertex(192, 98, 208, 98, 235, 130);//top endShape(); //1 beginShape(); vertex(212, 110); bezierVertex(225, 103, 245, 101, 270, 117); //1 endShape(); //2 beginShape(); vertex(260, 110); bezierVertex(350, 120, 350, 290, 260, 300); //2 endShape(); //3 beginShape(); vertex(280, 270); bezierVertex(280, 280, 275, 290, 260, 300); //3 bezierVertex(240, 310, 200, 310, 212, 305); //3 endShape(); //bottom beginShape(); vertex(230, 290); bezierVertex(210, 315, 190, 315, 170, 290); //bottom endShape(); //-3 beginShape(); vertex(188, 305); bezierVertex(170, 310, 160, 310, 140, 300); //-3 bezierVertex(132, 295, 120, 290, 120, 270); //-3 endShape(); //-2 beginShape(); vertex(140, 300); bezierVertex(50, 290, 50, 100, 140, 110); //-2 endShape(); //-1 beginShape(); vertex(130, 120); bezierVertex(155, 97, 175, 103, 188, 110); //-1 endShape(); //mouth (starting from the top/middle and moving clockwise fill(mouthColor); strokeWeight(1); beginShape(); vertex(193, 220); vertex(206, 220); vertex(209, 240); vertex(232, 241); vertex(234, 221); vertex(244, 222); vertex(246, 238); vertex(260, 234); vertex(259, 222); vertex(269, 220); vertex(271, 230); vertex(281, 228); vertex(282, 215); bezierVertex(295, 215, 300, 215, 312, 184); bezierVertex(310, 215, 310, 225, 279, 256); vertex(277, 248); vertex(270, 251); vertex(270, 263); vertex(263, 266); vertex(262, 257); vertex(250, 260); vertex(250, 270); vertex(239, 272); vertex(238, 262); vertex(218, 262); vertex(217, 273); vertex(205, 274); vertex(204, 262); vertex(190, 264); vertex(190, 274); vertex(176, 276); vertex(.........完整代码请登录后点击上方下载按钮下载查看