



代码标签: jquery d3 股权 组织 结构 图表

下面为部分代码预览,完整代码请点击下载或在bfwstudio webide中打开

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
<script type="text/javascript" src="//repo.bfw.wiki/bfwrepo/js/d3.3.5.5.js"></script>
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    			rootName = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx公司';
    		var drawing = function() {
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    			var downwardLength = 0,
    				upwardLength = 0;
    			var forUpward = true
    			var treeChart = function(d3Object) {
    				this.d3 = d3Object;
    				this.directions = ['upward', 'downward'];
    			treeChart.prototype.drawChart = function() {
    				// First get tree data for both directions.
    				this.treeData = {};
    				var that = this;
    				that.directions.forEach(function(direction) {
    					that.treeData[direction] = _this.rootData[direction];
    				// rootName = '上海冰鉴信息科技有限公司';
    				rootRectWidth = _this.rootName.length * 15;
    				upwardLength = _this.rootData.upward.children.length;
    				downwardLength = _this.rootData.downward.children.length;
    			treeChart.prototype.getTreeConfig = function() {
    				var treeConfig = {
    					'margin': {
    						'top': 10,
    						'right': 5,
    						'bottom': 0,
    						'left': 30
    				treeConfig.chartWidth = (1100 - treeConfig.margin.right - treeConfig.margin.left);
    				treeConfig.chartHeight = (600 - treeConfig.margin.top - treeConfig.margin.bottom);
    				treeConfig.centralHeight = treeConfig.chartHeight / 2;
    				treeConfig.centralWidth = treeConfig.chartWidth / 2;
    				treeConfig.linkLength = 120;
    				treeConfig.duration = 500; //动画时间
    				return treeConfig;
    			treeChart.prototype.graphTree = function(config) {
    				var that = this;
    				var d3 = this.d3;
    				var linkLength = config.linkLength;
    				var duration = config.duration;
    				var hasChildNodeArr = [];
    				var id = 0;
    				//        var diagonal = d3.svg.diagonal()
    				//          .projection(function(d) {
    				//            return [d.x, d.y];
    				//          });
    				// 曲线
    				// var diagonal = d3.svg.diagonal()
    				//     .source(function(d) {
    				//         return {
    				//             "x": d.source.x,
    				//             "y": d.source.name == 'origin' ? (forUpward ? d.source.y -20 :d.source.y + 20) : (forUpward ? d.source.y - 60 : d.source.y + 60)
    				//         };
    				//     })
    				//     .target(function(d) {
    				//         return {
    				//             "x": d.target.x,
    				//             "y": d.target.y
    				//         };
    				//     })
    				//     .projection(function(d) {
    				//         return [d.x, d.y];
    				//     });
    				var diagonal = function(obj) {
    					var s = obj.source;
    					var t = obj.target;
    					return (
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    						s.x +
    						"," +
    						s.y +
    						"L" +
    						s.x +
    						"," +
    						(s.y + (t.y - s.y) / 2) +
    						"L" +
    						t.x +
    						"," +
    						(s.y + (t.y - s.y) / 2) +
    						"L" +
    						t.x +
    						"," +
    				// d3.select("#zoomIn")
    				//     .on("click", function(d) {
    				//         zoom.scaleBy(svg, 0.9); // 执行该方法后 会触发zoom事件
    				//         let tran = d3.zoomTransform(svg.node());
    				//         // svg.attr("transform", `translate(${tran.x},${tran.y}),scale(${tran.k})`); // 您可以手动地更新
    				//         console.log(tran);
    				//     });
    				var zoom = d3.behavior.zoom()
    					.scaleExtent([0.5, 2])
    					.on('zoom', redraw);
    				var svg = d3.select('#D3svg')
    					.attr('width', config.chartWidth + config.margin.right + config.margin.left)
    					.attr('height', config.chartHeight + config.margin.top + config.margin.bottom)
    					.attr('xmlns', 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg')
    					.on('mousedown', disableRightClick)
    					.on('dblclick.zoom', null);
    				var treeG = svg.append('g')
    					.attr('class', 'gbox')
    					.attr('transform', 'translate(' + config.margin.left + ',' + config.margin.top + ')');
    				var markerDown = svg.append("marker")
    					.attr("id", "resolvedDown")
    					.attr("markerUnits", "strokeWidth") //设置为strokeWidth箭头会随着线的粗细发生变化
    					.attr("markerUnits", "userSpaceOnUse")
    					.attr("viewBox", "0 0 12 12") //坐标系的区域
    					.attr("refX", 30) //箭头坐标
    					.attr("refY", 6)
    					.attr("markerWidth", 12) //标识的大小
    					.attr("markerHeight", 12)
    					.attr("orient", "90") //绘制方向,可设定为:auto(自动确认方向)和 角度值
    					.attr("stroke-width", 2) //箭头宽度
    					// .attr("d", "M0,-5L10,0L0,5") //箭头的路径
    					.attr("d", "M2,2 L12,6 L2,10 L4,6 L2,2") //箭头的路径
    					.attr('fill', '#000'); //箭头颜色
    				var markerUp = svg.append("marker")
    					.attr("id", "resolvedUp")
    					.attr("markerUnits", "strokeWidth") //设置为strokeWidth箭头会随着线的粗细发生变化
    					.attr("markerUnits", "userSpaceOnUse")
    					.attr("viewBox", "0 0 12 12") //坐标系的区域
    					.attr("refX", -30) //箭头坐标
    					.attr("refY", 6)
    					.attr("markerWidth", 12) //标识的大小
    					.attr("markerHeight", 12)
    					.attr("orient", "90") //绘制方向,可设定为:auto(自动确认方向)和 角度值
    					.attr("stroke-width", 2) //箭头宽度
    					.attr("d", "M2,2 L12,6 L2,10 L4,6 L2,2") //箭头的路径
    					.attr('fill', '#000'); //箭头颜色
    				// Initialize the tree nodes and update chart.
    				for (var d in this.directions) {
    					var direction = this.directions[d];
    					var data = that.treeData[direction];
    					data.x0 = config.centralWidth;
    					data.y0 = config.centralHeight;
    					update(data, data, treeG);
    				function update(source, originalData, g) {
    					console.log('source', source)
    					console.log('originalData', originalData)
    					var direction = originalData['direction'];
    					forUpward = direction == 'upward';
    					var node_class = direction + 'Node';
    					var link_class = direction + 'Link';
    					var downwardSign = (forUpward) ? -1 : 1;
    					var nodeColor = (forUpward) ? '#37592b' : '#51a56e';
    					var isExpand = false;
    					var statusUp = true;
    					var statusDown = true;
    					var nodeSpace = 130;
    					var tree = d3.layout.tree().so.........完整代码请登录后点击上方下载按钮下载查看
