



代码标签: three 三维 逼真 光线 玻璃 反射 立体 空间 相册

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<html lang="en" >


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canvas {
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  cursor: grab;

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  Attempt to animate Roller (in 146.) with greensock 

  Each roller has a gsap timeline animation 
  The timeline animation has 4 segments:
     | 0to90 | 90to180 | 180to270 | 270to360
     ^0d     ^90d      ^180d      ^270d       (labels)
  Each segment has 2 tracks, roll and slide;
  The first segment has a extra track for fade-in:
     0d      90d       180d       270d
     |roll   |roll     |roll      |roll
     |slide  |slide    |slide     |slide


<script async type="text/javascript" src="//" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

<script type="importmap">
    "imports": {
      "three": "//",
      "three/addons/": "//"
<base target='_top'>

<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
      <script type="module">
import * as THREE from 'three'
import { OrbitControls } from 'three/addons/controls/OrbitControls.js'

// ----
// params
// ----

// credit: Katsiaryna Endruszkiewicz at unsplash -
const ALBEDO_URLS = [

// credit: mrdoob - three.js/examples/textures/
const ENV_URL = '//'

// ----
// Roller
// ----

class Roller extends THREE.Group {
  #angle // angle rotated around X, in degree
  #pivot // used to lift up, and slide
  #mesh // self rotates 0..=90d; geom rotates 'mult of 90d'
  #slide_speed_fn // speed of pivot sliding wrt angle

   * @param {THREE.Mesh} mesh
   * @param {function} slide_speed_fn
  constructor(mesh, slide_speed_fn) {
    this.#mesh = mesh
    this.#mesh.matrixAutoUpdate = false
    this.#pivot = new THREE.Group()

    this.#angle = 0.0
    this.#slide_speed_fn = slide_speed_fn
    this.rolled_angle = 0.0

  get rolled_angle() {
    return this.#angle

  set rolled_angle(new_angle) {
    const old_angle = this.#angle
    const delta_angle = new_angle - old_angle
    const delta_quarter_idx = (new_angle / 90 | 0) - (old_angle / 90 | 0)

    // alpha: geom rotation in degree; multiplier of 90d
    // beta: mesh rotation in degree
    const alpha = delta_quarter_idx * 90
    const beta = (delta_quarter_idx ? new_angle : delta_angle) % 90

    // Reset mesh transform if old_angle jumps over quarter(s)
    if (delta_quarter_idx !== 0) {

    // Rotate `mesh.geometry` by {alpha} quarters
    this.#mesh.geometry.rotateX(-alpha * Math.PI / 180)

    // Re-compute bbox

    const bottom = this.#mesh.geometry.boundingBox.min.y
    const near_or_far = (new_angle > 0)
      ? this.#mesh.geometry.boundingBox.min.z // far
      : this.#mesh.geometry.boundingBox.max.z // near

    // Rotate the mesh around -X at center-bottom-far origin
    const tf1 = new THREE.Matrix4().makeTranslation(0, -bottom, -near_or_far)
    const tf2 = new THREE.Matrix4().makeRotationX(-beta * Math.PI / 180)
    const tf3 = new THREE.Matrix4().makeTranslation(0, bottom, near_or_far)

    // Lift up pivot, and slide towards +Z
