



代码标签: grapejs 自定义 按钮 pannel 面板 示例 代码

下面为部分代码预览,完整代码请点击下载或在bfwstudio webide中打开

<!DOCTYPE html>

    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="//">
    <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="//">
    <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
        $primaryColor: #444;
    $secondaryColor: #ddd;
    $tertiaryColor: #804f7b;
    $quaternaryColor: #d278c9;
      body, html {
              margin: 0;
              font: caption;
              height: 100%;
    /* We can remove the border we've set at the beginnig */
    #gjs {
      border: none;
    /* Theming */
    /* Primary color for the background */
    .gjs-one-bg {
      background-color: #78366a;
    /* Secondary color for the text color */
    .gjs-two-color {
      color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7);
    /* Tertiary color for the background */
    .gjs-three-bg {
      background-color: #ec5896;
      color: white;
    /* Quaternary color for the text color */
    .gjs-four-color-h:hover {
      color: #ec5896;
        /* Let's highlight canvas boundaries */
    #gjs {
      border: 3px solid #444;
    /* Reset some default styling */
    .gjs-cv-canvas {
      top: 0;
      width: 100%;
      height: 100%;
.gjs-block {
  width: auto;
  height: auto;
  min-height: auto;
       .panel__top {
  padding: 0;
  width: 100%;
  display: flex;
  position: initial;
  justify-content: center;
  justify-content: space-between;

    .panel__basic-actions {
      position: initial;
    .panel__switcher {
  position: initial;
    .editor-row {
  display: flex;
  justify-content: flex-start;
  align-items: stretch;
  flex-wrap: nowrap;
  height: 300px;

.editor-canvas {
  flex-grow: 1;

.panel__right {
  flex-basis: 230px;
  position: relative;
  overflow-y: auto;
    .editor-canvas {
      flex-grow: 1;
    .panel__devices {
  position: initial;

    <div class="panel__top">
        <div class="panel__basic-actions"></div>
        <div class="panel__devices"></div>
        <div class="panel__switcher"></div>
    <div class="editor-row">
        <div class="editor-canvas">
            <div id="gjs"></div>
        <div class="panel__right">
            <div class="layers-container"></div>
            <div class="styles-container"></div>
            <div class="traits-container"></div>
    <div id="blocks"></div>

        var editor = grapesjs.init({
             // Indicate where to init the editor. You can also pass an HTMLElement
  container: '#gjs',
  // Get the content for the canvas directly from the element
  // As an alternative we could use: `components: '<h1>Hello World Component!</h1>'`,
  fromElement: true,
  // Size of the editor
  height: '80%',
  width: 'auto',
  layerManager: {
    appendTo: '.layers-container'
  deviceManager: {
    devices: [{
        name: 'Desktop',
        width: '', // default size
      }, {
        name: 'Mobile',
        width: '320px', // this value will be used on canvas width
        widthMedia: '480px', // this value will be used in CSS @media
  // We define a default panel as a sidebar to contain layers
