


代码描述:gojs实现家族族谱图及弹窗编辑效果代码, 弹出图层编辑是使用jquery.fancybox插件实现。

代码标签: gojs 家族 族谱图 弹窗 编辑

下面为部分代码预览,完整代码请点击下载或在bfwstudio webide中打开

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" >

  <meta charset="UTF-8">

body {
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;

body {
  box-sizing: border-box;
  padding: 10px;

.chart {
  box-sizing: border-box;
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
  border: 1px solid #000;

.hidden {
  display: none;
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="//repo.bfw.wiki/bfwrepo/css/jquery.fancybox.3.5.7.css">

<script type="text/javascript" src="//repo.bfw.wiki/bfwrepo/js/jquery-3.2.1.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//repo.bfw.wiki/bfwrepo/js/go.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//repo.bfw.wiki/bfwrepo/js/jquery.fancybox.3.5.7.js"></script>

  <div id="familyDiagram" class="chart"></div>
<form id="form1" action="" method="post" class="hidden">
    <input type="text" value="陳〇〇" name="name" />
    <input type="text" value="2010-10-31" name="birthday" />
    <select name="gender">
      <option value="M">男性</option>
      <option value="F" selected>女性</option>
    <select name="relation">
      <option value="">兒女</option>
    <input type="submit" value="送出" />

function init() {
  var $ = go.GraphObject.make;
  myDiagram =
    $(go.Diagram, "familyDiagram", {
    initialAutoScale: go.Diagram.Uniform,
    "undoManager.isEnabled": true,
    maxSelectionCount: 1,
    isReadOnly: true,
    //isEnabled: false,
    allowSelect: false,
    nodeSelectionAdornmentTemplate: $(go.Adornment, "Auto", {
      layerName: "Grid"
                                      $(go.Shape, "Circle", {
      fill: "yellow",
      stroke: null
    layout: $(GenogramLayout, {
      direction: 90,
      layerSpacing: 30,
      columnSpacing: 10

  function findHeadShot(gender) {
    return gender === "M" ? "https://png.pngtree.com/svg/20170705/498034869c.png" :
    //return "./images/" + gender + ".png";

  // two different node templates, one for each sex,
  // named by the category value in the node data object
  // myDiagram.nodeTemplateMap.add("M",  // male
  //   $(go.Node, "Vertical",
  //     // { locationSpot: go.Spot.Center, locationObjectName: "ICON" },
  //     $(go.Panel,
  //       // { name: "ICON" },
  //       $(go.Shape, "Square",
  //         { width: 40, height: 40, strokeWidth: 2, fill: "white", portId: "" }
  //       )
  //       // $(go.Picture,
  //       //   { width: 40, height: 40, imageStretch: go.GraphObject.UniformToFill },
  //       //   new go.Binding("source", "key", findHeadShot)
  //       // )
  //     ),
  //     $(go.TextBlock,
  //       { textAlign: "center", maxSize: new go.Size(80, NaN) },
  //       new go.Binding("text", "n")
  //     )
  //   )
  // );

                                $(go.Node, "Vertical", {
    /* selectable: true, */
    click: function (e, obj) {
      /* console.log(obj);  */
      console.log("Clicked on " + obj.part.data.key);
        src: '#form1',
        type: 'inline',
        opts: {
          touch: false,
          afterShow: function (instance, current) {
    // selectionChanged: function(part) {
    //   var shape = part.elt(0);
    //   // shape.fill = part.isSelected ? "red" : "white";
    //   console.log('selectionChanged');
    //   console.log(part);
    // }
                                  $(go.Panel, "Spot",
                                    $(go.Shape, "Circle", {
    width: 45,
    strokeWidth: 1,
    fill: "#aac8ff",
    portId: ""
                                    $(go.Panel, "Spot", {
    isClipping: true
                                      $(go.Shape, "Circle", {
    width: 40,
    strokeWidth: 0
                                      $(go.Picture, {
    width: 40,
    height: 40,
    imageStretch: go.GraphObject.UniformToFill
                                        new go.Binding("source", "gender", findHeadShot)
                                        $(go.Shape, {
    stroke: null,
    strokeWidth: 0,
    fill: "gray"
                                          new go.Binding("geometry", "", function () {
    return go.Geometry.parse("F M38 0 L40 0 40 2 2 40 0 40 0 38z");
                                        new go.Binding("visible", "", function (data) {
    return data.dead === true;
                                    new go.Binding("opacity", "", function (data) {
    return data.dead === true ? 0.2 : 1;
                                  $(go.TextBlock, {
    textAlign: "center",
    maxSize: new go.Size(80, NaN),
    margin: new go.Margin(5, 0, 0, 0)
                                    new go.Binding("text", "name")
                                  $(go.TextBlock, {
    maxSize: new go.Size(80, NaN),
    margin: new go.Margin(5, 0, 0, 0)
                                    new go.Binding("text", "birthday")
                                  $(go.TextBlock, {
    maxSize: new go.Size(80, NaN),
    margin: new go.Margin(5, 0, 0, 0)
                                    new go.Binding("text", "title"),
                                    new go.Binding("visible", "", function (data) {
    return data.title !== undefined;

  // myDiagram.nodeTemplateMap.add("F", // female
  //   $(go.Node, "Vertical", {
  //       locationSpot: go.Spot.Center,
  //       locationObjectName: "ICON"
  //     },
  //     $(go.Panel, {
  //         name: "ICON"
  //       },
  //       $(go.Shape, "Circle", {
  //         width: 40,
  //         height: 40,
  //         strokeWidth: 2,
  //         fill: "white",
  //         portId: ""
  //       })
  //     ),
  //     $(go.TextBlock, {
  //         textAlign: "center",
  //         maxSize: new go.Size(80, NaN)
  //       },
  //       new go.Binding("text", "name")
  //     )
  //   )
  // );

                                $(go.Node, "Vertical", {
    click: function (e, obj) {
      /* console.log(obj);  */
      console.log("Clicked on " + obj.part.data.key);
        src: '#form1',
        type: 'inline',
        opts: {
          touch: false,
          afterShow: function (instance, current) {
    // selectionChanged: function(part) {
    //   var shape = part.elt(0);
    //   // shape.fill = part.isSelected ? "red" : "white";
    //   console.log('selectionChanged');
    //   console.log(part);
    // }
                                  $(go.Panel, "Spot",
                                    $(go.Shape, "Circle", {
    width: 45,
    strokeWidth: 1,
    fill: "#ffaaca",
    portId: ""
                                    $(go.Panel, "Spot", {
    isClipping: true
                                      $(go.Shape, "Circle", {
    width: 40,
    strokeWidth: 0
                                      $(go.Picture, {
    width: 40,
    height: 40,
    imageStretch: go.GraphObject.UniformToFill
                                        new go.Binding("source", "gender", findHeadShot)
                                        $(go.Shape, {
    stroke: null,
    strokeWidth: 0,
    fill: "gray"
                                          new go.Binding("geometry", "", function () {
    return go.Geometry.parse("F M38 0 L40 0 40 2 2 40 0 40 0 38z");
                                        new go.Binding("visible", "", function (data) {
    return data.dead === true;
                                    new go.Binding("opacity", "", function (data) {
    return data.dead === true ? 0.2 : 1;
                                  $(go.TextBlock, {
    textAlign: "center",
    maxSize: new go.Size(80, NaN),
    margin: new go.Margin(5, 0, 0, 0)
                                    new go.Binding("text", "name")
                                  $(go.TextBlock, {
    maxSize: new go.Size(80, NaN),
    margin: new go.Margin(5, 0, 0, 0)
                                    new go.Binding("text", "birthday")
                                  $(go.TextBlock, {
    maxSize: new go.Size(80, NaN),
    margin: new go.Margin(5, 0, 0, 0)
                                    new go.Binding("text", "title"),
                                    new go.Binding("visible", "", function (data) {
    return data.title !== undefined;

  // the representation of each label node -- nothing shows on a Marriage Link
                                $(go.Node, {
    selectable: false,
    width: 1,
    height: 1,
    fromEndSegmentLength: 20

  // for parent-child relationships
  myDiagram.linkTemplate =
    $(go.Link, {
    routing: go.Link.Orthogonal,
    curviness: 15,
    layerName: "Background",
    selectable: false,
    fromSpot: go.Spot.Bottom,
    toSpot: go.Spot.Top
      $(go.Shape, {
    strokeWidth: 2

  // for marriage relationships
                                $(go.Link, {
    selectable: false
                                  $(go.Shape, {
    strokeWidth: 2,
    stroke: "blue"

  setupDiagram(myDiagram, [{
    key: 0,
    name: "陳俊德",
    birthday: '2000-01-01',
    gender: "M",
    father: -10,
    //mother: -11,
    wife: 1,
    title: '本人'
                             key: 1,
                             name: "Alice",
                             birthday: '2000-01-01',
                             gender: "F",
                             father: -12,
                             mother: -13,
                             title: '妻子'
                             key: 2,
                             name: "陳中啟",
                             birthday: '2000-01-01',
                             gender: "M",
                             father: 1,
                             mother: 0,
                             wife: 3,
                             title: '兒子'
                             key: 3,
                             name: "Barbara",
                             birthday: '2000-01-01',
                             gender: "F"
                             key: 4,
                             name: "陳凱諭",
                             birthday: '2000-01-01',
                             gender: "M",
                             father: 1,
                             mother: 0,
                             wife: 5,
                             title: '兒子'
                             key: 5,
                             name: "Brooke",
                             birthday: '2000-01-01',
                             gender: "F",
                             title: '兒媳'
                           // {
                           //     key: 6,
                           //     name: "陳伊菁",
                           //     birthday: '2000-01-01',
                           //     gender: "F",
                           //     father: 1,
                           //     mother: 0,
                           //     title: '女兒'
                           // },
                             key: 7,
                             name: "陳芝慧",
                             birthday: '2000-01-01',
                             gender: "F",
                             father: 1,
                             mother: 0,
                             title: '女兒'
                             key: 8,
                             name: "陳潔音",
                             birthday: '2000-01-01',
                             gender: "F",
                             father: 1,
                             mother: 0,
                             husband: 9,
                             title: '女兒'
                             key: 9,
                             name: "Chris",
                             birthday: '2000-01-01',
                             gender: "M",
                             title: '女婿'
                             key: 10,
                             name: "Ellie",
                             birthday: '2000-01-01',
                             gender: "F",
                             father: 3,
                             mother: 2
                             key: 11,
                             name: "Dan",
                             birthday: '2000-01-01',
                             gender: "M",
                             father: 3,
                             mother: 2
                             key: 12,
                             name: "Elizabeth",
                             birthday: '2000-01-01',
                             gender: "F",
                             husband: 13
                             key: 13,
                             name: "David",
                             birthday: '2000-01-01',
                             gender: "M",
                             father: 5,
                             mother: 4
                             key: 14,
                             name: "Emma",
                             birthday: '2000-01-01',
                             gender: "F",
                             father: 5,
                             mother: 4
                             key: 15,
                             name: "Evan",
                             birthday: '2000-01-01',
                             gender: "M",
                             father: 8,
                             mother: 9
                             key: 16,
                             name: "Ethan",
                             birthday: '2000-01-01',
                             gender: "M",
                             father: 8,
                             mother: 9
                             key: 17,
                             name: "Eve",
                             birthday: '2000-01-01',
                             gender: "F",
                             husband: 16
                             key: 18,
                             name: "Emily",
                             birthday: '2000-01-01',
                             gender: "F",
                             father: 8,
                             mother: 9
                             key: 19,
                             name: "Fred",
                             birthday: '2000-01-01',
                             gender: "M",
                             father: 17,
                             mother: 16
                             key: 20,
                             name: "Faith",
                             birthday: '2000-01-01',
                             gender: "F",
                             father: 17,
                             mother: 16
                             key: 21,
                             name: "Felicia",
                             birthday: '2000-01-01',
                             gender: "F",
                             father: 12,
                             mother: 13
                             key: 22,
                             name: "Frank",
                             birthday: '2000-01-01',
                             gender: "M",
                             father: 12,
                             mother: 13
                             key: 10000,
                             name: "aaaaaaaa1",
                             birthday: '2000-01-01',
                             gender: "M",
                             // father: 12,
                             // mother: 13
                             key: 10001,
                             name: "aaaaaaaa2",
                             birthday: '2000-01-01',
                             gender: "M",
                             // father: 12,
                             // mother: 13
                             key: 10002,
                             name: "aaaaaaaa3",
                             birthday: '2000-01-01',
                             gender: "M",
                             // father: 12,
                             // mother: 13
                             key: 10003,
                             name: "aaaaaaaa4",
                             birthday: '2000-01-01',
                             gender: "M",
                             // father: 12,
                             // mother: 13
                             key: 10004,
