代码标签: phaser-arcade-physic 模拟 池塘 放 鱼 自由 游动 参数 调节
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<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en" > <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=1024"> <style> html, body { height: 100%; } body { margin: 0; padding: 0; background: #111; color: #eee; font: caption; } #version { position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; padding: 0; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) } </style> </head> <body > <footer><div id=version></div></footer> <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script> <script > /* global colors, Phaser, Tweakpane */ const TIMESCALE = 1; const ZOOM = 1; const PHYSICS_STEPS_PER_SEC = 60; const DEBUG = false; const DEBUG_PHYSICS = false; const options = { alignWeight: 0.8, cohereWeight: 0.4, containRadius: 512, containTime: 1, containWeight: 0.6, maxForce: 120, maxSpeed: 60, nearRange: 60, quantity: 100, separateRange: 15, separateWeight: 0.2, wanderRadius: 0.25, wanderSpeed: 360, wanderStrength: 0.5, wanderWeight: 1 }; const debugOptions = { acceleration: false, align: true, cohere: true, contain: true, nearRange: false, separate: true, separateRange: false, velocity: false, wander: true, wanderRadius: true }; const { hexColors } = colors; const RandomAngle = Phaser.Math.Angle.Random; const FloatBetween = Phaser.Math.FloatBetween; const RotateTo = Phaser.Math.RotateTo; const DegToRad = Phaser.Math.DegToRad; const Remove = Phaser.Utils.Array.Remove; const Vector2 = Phaser.Math.Vector2; const Circle = Phaser.Geom.Circle; const Line = Phaser.Geom.Line; const ZERO = Phaser.Math.Vector2.ZERO; const bodyIsEnabled = function (body) { return body.enable === true; }; const bodyIsFish = function (body) { return === "fish"; }; const getBodyCenter = function (body) { return; }; const getAvg = function (vectors, out) { out.reset(); for (const v of vectors) { out.add(v); } out.scale(1 / vectors.length); return out; }; const projectBody = function (body, time, pOut) { const { center, velocity } = body; return pOut.set(center.x + time * velocity.x, center.y + time * velocity.y); }; // Vector Phaser.Geom.Line.prototype.setFromPoints = function (a, b) { this.setTo(a.x, a.y, b.x, b.y); }; Phaser.Geom.Line.prototype.setEmpty = function () { this.setTo(0, 0, 0, 0); }; class Fish extends Phaser.GameObjects.Triangle { constructor(scene, x, y) { super(scene, x, y, 0, 4, 16, 0, 16, 8,, 0.8); = "fish"; // Steering forces this.fAlign = new Vector2(); this.fCohere = new Vector2(); this.fContain = new Vector2(); this.fSeparate = new Vector2(); this.fWander = new Vector2(); // Positions this.pCohere = new Vector2(); this.pContain = new Vector2(); this.pWander = new Vector2(); // Areas this.separateCirc = new Circle(); this.nearCirc = new Circle(); this.wanderCirc = new Circle(); // Debug draw this.debugWanderCirc = new Circle(); const { world } = this.scene.physics; this.wanderHost =, 0, 1, 1); world.enableBody(this.wanderHost); this.wanderBody = this.wanderHost.body; this.once("destroy", this.onDestroy, this); } onDestroy() { this.wanderHost.destroy(); this.wanderHost = null; this.wanderBody = null; } align(bodies, fAlign) { fAlign.reset(); if (bodies.length === 0) return fAlign; const dBody = new Vector2(); const vBody = new Vector2(); const vSum = new Vector2(); let productSum = 0; for (const body of bodies) { this.distanceTo(, dBody); const product = / dBody.length(); if (product <= 0) continue; productSum += product; vBody.copy(body.velocity).scale(product); vSum.add(vBody); } if (vSum.equals(ZERO)) return fAlign; vSum.scale(1 / productSum); this.steer(vSum, fAlign); return fAlign; } flee(pTarget, fFlee) { this.distanceFrom(pTarget, fFlee); // Desired velocity. fFlee.setLength(options.maxSpeed); return this.steer(fFlee, fFlee); } cohere(bodies, fCohere) { fCohere.reset(); if (bodies.length === 0) return fCohere; getAvg(, this.pCohere); return, fCohere); } distanceFrom(pTarget, dFrom) { return dFrom.copy(; } distanceTo(pTarget, dTo) { return dTo.copy(pTarget).subtract(; } draw(graphic) { const { acceleration, align, cohere, contain, nearRange, separate, separateRange, velocity, wander, wanderRadius } = debugOptions; if (align) { this.drawSteer(graphic, this.fAlign, hexColors.yellow); } if (cohere) { this.drawSteer(graphic, this.fCohere, hexColors.yellow); this.drawPoint(graphic, this.pCohere, hexColors.yellow); } if (contain) { this.drawSteer(graphic, this.fContain,; this.drawPoint(graphic, this.pContain,; } if (separate) { this.drawSteer(graphic, this.fSeparate, hexColors.yellow); } if (nearRange) { this.drawCircle(graphic, this.nearCirc, hexColors.gray); } if (separateRange) { this.drawCircle(graphic, this.separateCirc, hexColors.gray); } if (wander) { this.drawSteer(graphic, this.fWander, hexColors.fuchsia); this.drawCircle(graphic, this.debugWanderCirc, hexColors.fuchsia); } if (velocity) { this.drawSteer(graphic, this.body.velocity, hexColors.lime); } if (acceleration) { this.drawSteer(graphic, this.body.acceleration,; } } drawCircle(graphic, circle, color) { graphic.lineStyle(1, color).strokeCircleShape(circle); } drawLine(graphic, line, color) { graphic.lineStyle(1, color).strokeLineShape(line); } drawPoint(graphic, point, color) { graphic.fillStyle(color).fillPointShape(point, 3); } drawRect(graphic, rect, color) { graphic.lineStyle(1, color).strokeRectShape(rect); } drawSteer(graphic, fSteer, color) { const { x, y } =; graphic.lineStyle(1, color).lineBetween(x, y, x + fSteer.x, y + fSteer.y); } drawVector(graphic, vector, x, y, color) { graphic.lineStyle(1, color).lineBetween(x, y, x + vector.x, y + vector.y); } overlap(rect, includeDynamic, includeStatic) { const bodies = this.scene.physics.overlapRect( rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height, includeDynamic, includeStatic ); Remove(bodies, this.body); return bodies; } overlapCirc(circ, includeDynamic, includeStatic) { const bodies = this.scene.physics.overlapCirc( circ.x, circ.y, circ.radius, includeDynamic, includeStatic ); Remove(bodies, this.body); return bodies; } overlapPoint(point, includeDynamic, includeStatic) { const bodies = this.scene.physics.overlapRect( point.x, point.y, 1, 1, includeDynamic, includeStatic ); Remove(bodies, this.body); return bodies; } seek(pTarget, fSeek) { // Distance to target. this.distanceTo(pTarget, fSeek); // Desired velocity. fSeek.scale(PHYSICS_STEPS_PER_SEC); // Steering force. return this.steer(fSeek, fSeek); } separate(bodies, fSeparate) { fSeparate.reset(); if (bodies.length === 0) return fSeparate; // Distance to each body. 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