



代码标签: swiper 图文 九宫格 图文 切换 幻灯片

下面为部分代码预览,完整代码请点击下载或在bfwstudio webide中打开

<!DOCTYPE html>
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/* BUTTON */

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    <div class="swiper">
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          <div class="content">
            <h1>The Colosseum</h1>
              The Colosseum is a huge amphitheater in Rome, Italy. A very long
              time ago, the ancient Romans built it for exciting shows and
              fights, especially gladiator contests. The Colosseum which is made
              of strong materials like concrete and sand is a a symbol of
              ancient Roman engineering and entertainment.
            <div class="btn">More about<span class="btn-border"></span></div>

          <div class="image-container">
              style="--i: 2"
              alt="" />

              style="--i: 6"
              alt="" />

              style="--i: 8"
              alt="" />

              style="--i: 4"
              alt="" />

              style="--i: 1"
              alt="" />

              style="--i: 9"
              alt="" />

              style="--i: 7"
