代码标签: js+css 联系 我们 自适应 表单 反馈 交互
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<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <style> * { margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; } body { display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; height: 100vh; font-family: "Poppins", sans-serif; background: linear-gradient(90deg, #6190e8, #a7bfe8); } form { min-height: 40vh; width: min(90%, 1190px); background: white; color: #777474; border-radius: 2rem; padding: 3rem 5rem; display: flex; position: relative; } .title { color: #6391e8; } .contact-right, .contact-left { flex: 1; } .contact-right { display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: space-between; } .input { width: 100%; height: 100%; position: absolute; top: 0; border: none; outline: none; color: #777474; font-size: 1rem } .input-container { position: relative; margin-bottom: 3rem; } .placeholder { position: relative; z-index: 1; pointer-events: none; padding: 0.3rem 0rem; font-size: 0.6rem; opacity: 0.6; transform-origin: left; font-size: .8rem } .line-svg { position: 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fill="#5E5D9A" /> <path id="Vector_9" d="M23.0297 226.405C35.7482 226.405 46.0587 216.095 46.0587 203.376C46.0587 190.657 35.7482 180.347 23.0297 180.347C10.3105 180.347 0 190.657 0 203.376C0 216.095 10.3105 226.405 23.0297 226.405Z" fill="#5E5D9A" /> <path id="Vector_10" d="M192.998 229.379C205.717 229.379 216.028 219.069 216.028 206.349C216.028 193.631 205.717 183.32 192.998 183.32C180.279 183.32 169.969 193.631 169.969 206.349C169.969 219.069 180.279 229.379 192.998 229.379Z" fill="#5E5D9A" /> <path id="Vector_11" d="M141.342 109.706C149.635 106.928 154.106 97.9532 151.329 89.6601C148.551 81.367 139.576 76.8957 131.283 79.6733C122.99 82.4509 118.518 91.4262 121.296 99.7193C124.074 108.012 133.049 112.484 141.342 109.706Z" fill="#6392E8" /> <path id="Vector_12" d="M139.933 122.545C139.517 120.042 138.686 115.035 137.792 110.472L133.037 88.3867C133.037 88.3867 145.806 107.259 151.689 120.404C156.046 130.255 161.1 140.295 161.936 148.789L151.903 136.822L141.172 124.033L139.933 122.545Z" fill="#3A4279" /> <path id="Vector_13" d="M223.729 59.417L230.689 46.5684L223.729 59.417Z" fill="#E56441" /> <path id="Vector_14" d="M228.289 61.4987L235.874 49.5327L228.289 61.4987Z" fill="#E56441" /> <path id="Vector_15" d="M233.708 63.7991L238.043 56.5522L233.708 63.7991Z" fill="#E56441" /> <path id="Vector_16" d="M222.009 70.7293C221.972 66.2809 219.303 60.897 219.303 60.897L222.009 70.7293Z" fill="#E56441" /> <g id="hand"> <path id="Vector_17" d="M129.913 97.6787C127.487 85.7009 133.193 86.01 135.092 84.1054C135.092 84.1054 142.215 78.2313 147.643 83.7071C153.388 89.499 186.322 134.491 186.322 134.491L165.715 153.443L161.842 148.821L151.808 136.855L141.077 124.065L139.744 122.609L125.267 106.211C125.267 106.211 131.285 103.984 129.913 97.6787Z" fill="#6392E8" /> <path id="Vector_18" d="M206.904 83.8368C211.801 74.906 209.448 73.3898 211.531 68.308C213.583 63.3494 209.939 51.0583 213.428 52.734C216.916 54.4103 217.995 58.8642 217.995 58.8642C220.381 54.6442 222.578 46.8794 228.288 45.9904C234 45.1015 234.506 46.8989 237.743 49.5554C246.355 56.7207 235.373 67.4893 233.54 71.5903C232.361 74.1604 223.696 81.9969 222.736 83.7101L218.375 90.0359L206.904 83.8368Z" fill="#FFCCB3" /> <path id="Vector_19" d="M223.729 59.417L230.689 46.5684" stroke="#E56441" stroke-width="0.94666" stroke-linecap="round" /> <path id="Vector_20" d="M228.289 61.4987L235.874 49.5327" stroke="#E56441" stroke-width="0.94666" stroke-linecap="round" /> <path id="Vector_21" d="M233.708 63.7991L238.043 56.5522" stroke="#E56441" stroke-width="0.94666" stroke-linecap="round" /> <path id="Vector_22" d="M222.009 70.7293C221.972 66.2809 219.303 60.897 219.303 60.897" stroke="#E56441" stroke-width="0.94666" stroke-linecap="round" /> <path id="Vector_23" d="M165.542 134.132L207.445 78.3291C207.711 78.0012 208.091 77.784 208.508 77.7193C208.926 77.6539 209.354 77.7458 209.707 77.9776L220.68 85.2334C221.201 85.5871 221.572 86.1217 221.722 86.7329C221.872 87.3448 221.788 87.9908 221.488 88.5443L187.791 150.688L165.542 134.132Z" fill="#6392E8" /> </g> <path id="Vector_24" d="M175.722 157.701C183.472 157.701 189.754 151.419 189.754 143.669C189.754 135.92 183.472 129.637 175.722 129.637C167.972 129.637 161.689 135.92 161.689 143.669C161.689 151.419 167.972 157.701 175.722 157.701Z" fill="#6392E8" /> <path id="Vector_25" d="M113.496 71.77C113.496 71.77 137.01 77.9928 141.047 79.6079C145.084 81.2222 145.352 87.681 145.622 92.256C145.89 96.8304 144.987 199.573 144.987 199.573L92.9462 197.572L54.0278 174.79C54.0278 174.79 55.7194 93.2682 56.2583 89.5007C56.7964 85.7332 52.5673 82.4885 57.1514 80.5922L86.619 72.8.........完整代码请登录后点击上方下载按钮下载查看