



代码标签: css 模拟 神经 网络 过程 代码

下面为部分代码预览,完整代码请点击下载或在bfwstudio webide中打开

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" >

  <meta charset="UTF-8">

    padding: 5vw;
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    --inputX: 0;
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    --weights2-4: 0.9815925299039976;
    /* propogate */
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    --output3b: calc(max(0, var(--output3a)) + var(--output3bias));   
    --output4b: calc(max(0, var(--output4a)) + var(--output4bias)); 
    /* categorise */
    --maxOut: max(var(--output1b), var(--output2b), var(--output3b), var(--output4b));
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input:checked + label{
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#x-04y08:checked ~ .vars{
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#x-02y08:checked ~ .vars{
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#x02y08:checked ~ .vars{
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#x04y08:checked ~ .vars{
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#x06y08:checked ~ .vars{
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#x08y08:checked ~ .vars{
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#x-08y06:checked ~ .vars{
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#x-06y06:checked ~ .vars{
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#x-04y06:checked ~ .vars{
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#x-02y06:checked ~ .vars{
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#x02y06:checked ~ .vars{
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#x04y06:checked ~ .vars{
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#x06y06:checked ~ .vars{
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#x08y06:checked ~ .vars{
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#x-08y04:checked ~ .vars{
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#x-06y04:checked ~ .vars{
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#x-04y04:checked ~ .vars{
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#x-02y04:checked ~ .vars{
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#x02y04:checked ~ .vars{
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#x04y04:checked ~ .vars{
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#x06y04:checked ~ .vars{
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#x08y04:checked ~ .vars{
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#x-08y02:checked ~ .vars{
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#x-06y02:checked ~ .vars{
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#x-04y02:checked ~ .vars{
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#x-02y02:checked ~ .vars{
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#x02y02:checked ~ .vars{
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#x04y02:checked ~ .vars{
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#x06y02:checked ~ .vars{
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#x08y02:checked ~ .vars{
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#x-08y-02:checked ~ .vars{
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#x-06y-02:checked ~ .vars{
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#x-04y-02:checked ~ .vars{
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#x-02y-02:checked ~ .vars{
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#x02y-02:checked ~ .vars{
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#x04y-02:checked ~ .vars{
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#x06y-02:checked ~ .vars{
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#x08y-02:checked ~ .vars{
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#x-08y-04:checked ~ .vars{
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#x-06y-04:checked ~ .vars{
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#x-04y-04:checked ~ .vars{
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    --inputY: -0.4;
#x-02y-04:checked ~ .vars{
    --inputX: -0.2;
    --inputY: -0.4;
#x02y-04:checked ~ .vars{
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    --inputY: -0.4;
#x04y-04:checked ~ .vars{
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#x06y-04:checked ~ .vars{
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#x08y-04:checked ~ .vars{
    --inputX: 0.8;
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#x-08y-06:checked ~ .vars{
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#x-06y-06:checked ~ .vars{
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#x-04y-06:checked ~ .vars{
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#x-02y-06:checked ~ .vars{
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#x02y-06:checked ~ .vars{
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#x04y-06:checked ~ .vars{
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    --inputY: -0.6;
#x06y-06:checked ~ .vars{
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    --inputY: -0.6;
#x08y-06:checked ~ .vars{
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#x-08y-08:checked ~ .vars{
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#x-06y-08:checked ~ .vars{
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    --inputY: -0.8;
#x-04y-08:checked ~ .vars{
    --inputX: -0.4;
    --inputY: -0.8;
#x-02y-08:checked ~ .vars{
    --inputX: -0.2;
    --inputY: -0.8;
#x02y-08:checked ~ .vars{
    --inputX: 0.2;
    --inputY: -0.8;
#x04y-08:checked ~ .vars{
    --inputX: 0.4;
    --inputY: -0.8;
#x06y-08:checked ~ .vars{
    --inputX: 0.6;
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#x08y-08:checked ~ .vars{
    --inputX: 0.8;
    --inputY: -0.8;

    width: var(--col);
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    width: var(--col);
    height: var(--col);
    background: linear-gradient(var(--switch3));
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    content: "input 1: " counter(input1);
    counter-reset: input2 var(--input2);
    position: absolute;
    content: "input 2: " counter(input2);

    counter-reset: output1 calc(var(--output1b) * 100000);
    position: absolute;
    content: "output 1: " counter(output1);
    counter-reset: output2 calc(var(--output2b) * 100000);
    position: absolute;
    content: "output 2: " counter(output2);
    counter-reset: output3 calc(var(--output3b) * 100000);
    position: absolute;
    content: "output 3: " counter(output3);
    counter-reset: output4 calc(var(--output4b) * 100000);
    position: absolute;
    content: "output 4: " counter(output4);

    counter-reset: maxOut calc(var(--maxOut) * 100000);
    position: absolute;
    content: "Max Output: " counter(maxOut);

    counter-reset: output1c var(--output1c);
    position: absolute;
    content: "x < 0 AND y < 0: " counter(output1c);
    counter-reset: output2c var(--output2c);
    position: absolute;
    content: "x > 0 AND y < 0: " counter(output2c);
    counter-reset: output3c var(--output3c);
    position: absolute;
    content: "x < 0 AND y > 0: " counter(output3c);
    counter-reset: output4c var(--output4c);
    position: absolute;
    content: "x > 0 AND y > 0: " counter(output4c);

    counter-reset: weights1-1 calc(var(--weights1-1) * 1000000);
    position: absolute;
    content: "weights1-1: " counter(weights1-1);
    counter-reset: weights1-2 calc(var(--weights1-2) * 1000000);
    position: absolute;
    content: "weights1-2: " counter(weights1-2);
    counter-reset: weights1-3 calc(var(--weights1-3) * 1000000);
    position: absolute;
    content: "weights1-3: " counter(weights1-3);
    counter-reset: weights1-4 calc(var(--weights1-4) * 1000000);
    position: absolute;
    content: "weights1-4: " counter(weights1-4);
    counter-reset: weights2-1 calc(var(--weights2-1) * 1000000);
    position: absolute;
    content: "weights2-1: " counter(weights2-1);
    counter-reset: weights2-2 calc(var(--weights2-2) * 1000000);
    position: absolute;
    content: "weights2-2: " counter(weights2-2);
    counter-reset: weights2-3 calc(var(--weights2-3) * 1000000);
    position: absolute;
    content: "weights2-3: " counter(weights2-3);
    counter-reset: weights2-4 calc(var(--weights2-4) * 1000000);
    position: absolute;
    content: "weights2-4: " counter(weights2-4);


<body >
  <h1>Pure CSS neural network</h1>
<p>In the first section you can choose a coordinate that is the input (x and y values)</p>
<p>Once you have chosen a coordinate we use CSS to run that input through a simple neural network (pre-trained) and the guess will be displayed in the second section</p>
<p>In the third section it is possible to view some of the values generated by the system to show that the CSS is indeed operating like a neural network</p>

<h2 id="inputs">Inputs</h2>
