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} .lottery-level-header { margin-top: 0.4rem; } } @media screen and (min-width: 1921px) and (max-width: 2559px) { } @media screen and (width: 2560px) { /* 标题 */ .lottery-title { width: 16.07rem; } /* 窗帘 */ .lottery-banner .top-curtain { width: 18.71rem; } /* 春字 */ .lottery-banner .left:after, .lottery-banner .right:after { width: 10.16rem; height: 15.45rem; } /* tab 距离春字的距离 */ .lottery-tabs-nav { padding: 0rem 4.73rem; } /* tab */ .lottery-tabs .lottery-tabs-nav .tab { width: 5.5rem; height: 1.69rem; font-size: 0.66rem; margin-bottom: 0.98rem; } .lottery-tabs .lottery-tabs-nav .on { background: url("//repo.bfw.wiki/bfwrepo/images/choujiang/tab_active.png") no-repeat center top; background-size: 100% 100%; width: 5.5rem; height: 1.69rem; color: #d34436; } /* 奖品图片位置 */ .lottery-tabs .lottery-tabs-content .prize .goods-img { width: 6.99rem; } /* add & subtract */ .lottery-tabs .lottery-tabs-nav .special .add { top: 0.06rem; right: -1rem; } .lottery-tabs .lottery-tabs-nav .special .subtract { top: 0.06rem; 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