



代码标签: three 天空 鸟群 飞翔 鼠标 交互 背景 动画

下面为部分代码预览,完整代码请点击下载或在bfwstudio webide中打开

<!DOCTYPE html>
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  color: white;
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#cloud div::before,
#cloud div::after {
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  width: 100vw;
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          animation-delay: calc(
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  opacity: 0;
#cloud div::before {
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#cloud div::after {
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  transform: scale3d(-1, 1, 1); /*左右反転*/
#cloud div#cloud_layer2::before,
#cloud div#cloud_layer2::after {
  background-image: url(;
#cloud div#cloud_layer2::before {
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#cloud div#cloud_layer2::after {
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.arrows path.a3 {
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<body translate="no">

<canvas id='canvas'></canvas>
<div id='cloud'>
  <div id='cloud_layer1'></div>
  <div id='cloud_layer2'></div>
      <h1>Sky and Birds</h1>

    <svg class="arrows">
      <path class="a1" d="M0 0 L30 32 L60 0"></path>
      <path class="a2" d="M0 20 L30 52 L60 20"></path>
      <path class="a3" d="M0 40 L30 72 L60 40"></path>
  <section><svg class="arrows">
      <path class="a1" d="M0 0 L30 32 L60 0"></path>
      <path class="a2" d="M0 20 L30 52 L60 20"></path>
      <path class="a3" d="M0 40 L30 72 L60 40"></path>

<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>

    <script type="importmap">
    "imports": {
      "three": "//",
      "three/addons/": "//"
      <script  type="module">

"use strict";

import * as THREE from "three";

import { GPUComputationRenderer as e } from "three/addons/misc/GPUComputationRenderer.js";

!function () {
  function n() {
    h = window.innerWidth / 2,
    y = window.innerHeight / 2,
    u.aspect = window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight,
    m.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);
  function t(e) {
    !1 !== e.isPrimary && (v = e.clientX - h, p = e.clientY - y);
  const o = {
    color1: "turquoise",
    color2: "#aaaaaa",
    colorMode: "lerpGradient",
    alphaBackground: !0,
    separation: 21,
    alignment: 20,
    cohesion: 20,
    freedom: 0.75,
    speedLimit: 10,
    birdSize: 1,
    wingSpan: 20,
    numRatio: 0.3 };

  o.color1 = o.color1 || "red",
  o.color2 = o.color2 || "#aaaaaa",
  o.colorMode = o.colorMode || "varianceGradient",
  o.alphaBackground = o.alphaBackground || !1,
  o.bgColor = o.bgColor || "white",
  o.separation = o.separation || 20,
  o.alignment = o.alignment || 20,
  o.cohesion = o.cohesion || 20,
  o.freedom = o.freedom || 0.75,
  o.speedLimit = o.speedLimit || 10,
  o.birdSize = o.birdSize || 1,
  o.wingSpan = o.wingSpan || 20,
  o.numRatio = o.numRatio || 1;
  const i = 32,
  a = Math.round(i * i * o.numRatio),
  r =
  "uniform float time;\nuniform float delta;\n\nvoid main() {\n\n  vec2 uv = gl_FragCoord.xy / resolution.xy;\n  vec4 tmpPos = texture2D( texturePosition, uv );\n  vec3 position =;\n  vec3 velocity = texture2D( textureVelocity, uv ).xyz;\n\n  float phase = tmpPos.w;\n\n  phase = mod( ( phase + delta +\n    length( velocity.xz ) * delta * 3. +\n    max( velocity.y, 0.0 ) * delta * 6. ), 62.83 );\n\n  gl_FragColor = vec4( position + velocity * delta * 15. , phase );\n\n}",
  l =
  "uniform float time;\nuniform float testing;\nuniform float delta; // about 0.016\nuniform float separationDistance; // 20\nuniform float alignmentDistance; // 40\nuniform float cohesionDistance;\nuniform float speedLimit;\nuniform float freedomFactor;\nuniform vec3 predator;\n\nconst float width = resolution.x;\nconst float height = resolution.y;\n\nconst float PI = 3.141592653589793;\nconst float PI_2 = PI * 2.0;\n// const float VISION = PI * 0.55;\n\nfloat zoneRadius = 40.0;\nfloat zoneRadiusSquared = 1600.0;\n\nfloat separationThresh = 0.45;\nfloat alignmentThresh = 0.65;\n\nconst float UPPER_BOUNDS = BOUNDS;\nconst float LOWER_BOUNDS = -UPPER_BOUNDS;\n\nfloat rand(vec2 co){\n  return fract(sin(dot(co.xy ,vec2(12.9898,78.233))) * 43758.5453);\n}\n\nvoid main() {\n\n  zoneRadius = separationDistance + alignmentDistance + cohesionDistance;\n  separationThresh = separationDistance / zoneRadius;\n  alignmentThresh = ( separationDistance + alignmentDistance ) / zoneRadius;\n  zoneRadiusSquared = zoneRadius * zoneRadius;\n\n\n  vec2 uv = gl_FragCoord.xy / resolution.xy;\n  vec3 birdPosition, birdVelocity;\n\n  vec3 selfPosition = texture2D( texturePosition, uv ).xyz;\n  vec3 selfVelocity = texture2D( textureVelocity, uv ).xyz;\n\n  float dist;\n  vec3 dir; // direction\n  float distSquared;\n\n  float separationSquared = separationDistance * separationDistance;\n  float cohesionSquared = cohesionDistance * cohesionDistance;\n\n  float f;\n  float percent;\n\n  vec3 velocity = selfVelocity;\n\n  float limit = speedLimit;\n  \n  dir = predator * UPPER_BOUNDS - selfPosition;\n  dir.z = 0.;\n  // dir.z *= 0.6;\n  dist = length( dir );\n  distSquared = dist * dist;\n\n  float preyRadius = 150.0;\n  float preyRadiusSq = preyRadius * preyRadius;\n\n  // move birds away from predator\n  if (dist < preyRadius) {\n\n    f = ( distSquared / preyRadiusSq - 1.0 ) * delta * 100.;\n    velocity += normalize( dir ) * f;\n    limit += 5.0;\n  }\n\n  // if (testing == 0.0) {}\n  // if ( rand.........完整代码请登录后点击上方下载按钮下载查看
