



代码标签: joint rappid 工厂 车间 机器 运转 运行 流程图 代码

下面为部分代码预览,完整代码请点击下载或在bfwstudio webide中打开

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" >

  <meta charset="UTF-8">

:root {
  --accent-color: #0075f2;
  --text-color: #131e29;
  --liquid-color: #f6f740;

/* Switch */

.jj-switch {
  font-family: sans-serif;
  font-size: 14px;
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
  background: white;
  border: 1px solid #cad8e3;
  position: static;
  padding: 3px;
  box-sizing: border-box;
  border-radius: 4px;
  color: var(--text-color);

.jj-switch-label {
  width: 100%;
  text-align: center;
  margin: 0 0 2px 0;

.jj-switch-on {
  background: var(--accent-color);
  color: #dde6ed;
  border-radius: 4px 0 0 4px;
  border: 1px solid var(--accent-color);
  width: 50%;
  height: 22px;

.jj-switch-off {
  background: #131e29;
  color: #dde6ed;
  border-radius: 0 4px 4px 0;
  border: 1px solid #131e29;
  width: 50%;
  height: 22px;
.jj-switch-off:disabled {
  background: #f2f5f8;
  color: #cad8e3;
  border: 1px solid #cad8e3;

/* Checkbox */

.jj-checkbox {
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
  background: white;
  border: 1px solid #cad8e3;
  position: static;
  box-sizing: border-box;
  border-radius: 4px;

.jj-checkbox-input {
  accent-color: var(--accent-color);

/* Slider */

.jj-slider {
  font-family: sans-serif;
  font-size: 14px;
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
  background: white;
  border: 1px solid #cad8e3;
  position: static;
  box-sizing: border-box;
  border-radius: 4px;
  padding: 3px;
  color: var(--text-color);

.jj-slider-input {
  accent-color: var(--accent-color);

.jj-slider-label {
  width: 100%;
  text-align: center;
  white-space: pre;

.jj-slider-output {
  width: 100%;
  text-align: center;
  white-space: pre;
  display: block;
  font-size: 11px;
  color: #40668c;

/* Application */

#paper-container {
  position: absolute;
  inset: 0 0 0 0;

#logo {
  position: absolute;
  top: 20px;
  right: 0;

#toolbar-container {
  position: absolute;
  top: 10px;
  left: 10px;
  font-family: sans-serif;
  color: var(--text-color);
  accent-color: var(--accent-color);

#toolbar-container [data-name="title"] {
  font-weight: 900;

<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="//">

<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
<!-- partial:index.partial.html -->
<div id="paper-container"></div>
<div id="toolbar-container"></div>

      <script  >
/*! JointJS+ v3.7.0 - HTML5 Diagramming Framework

Copyright (c) 2023 client IO


This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the JointJS+ License
, v. 2.0. If a copy of the JointJS+ License was not distributed with this
file, You can obtain one at
 or from the JointJS+ archive as was distributed by client IO. See the LICENSE file.*/

const { dia, shapes, util, ui } = joint;

const paperContainerEl = document.getElementById("paper-container");
const toolbarContainerEl = document.getElementById("toolbar-container");

// Custom view flags
const FLOW_FLAG = "FLOW";
const OPEN_FLAG = "OPEN";

// Constants
const LIQUID_COLOR = "#0EAD69";
const MAX_LIQUID_COLOR = "#ED2637";
const START_LIQUID = 70;
const PRESSURE_COLOR = "#1446A0";
const MAX_PRESSURE_COLOR = "#ED2637";"--liquid-color", LIQUID_COLOR);

// Pump metrics
const r = 30;
const d = 10;
const l = 3 * r / 4;
const step = 20;

class Pump extends dia.Element {
  defaults() {
    return {
      type: "Pump",
      size: {
        width: 100,
        height: 100 },

      power: 0,
      attrs: {
        root: {
          magnetSelector: "body" },

        body: {
          rx: "calc(w / 2)",
          ry: "calc(h / 2)",
          cx: "calc(w / 2)",
          cy: "calc(h / 2)",
          stroke: "gray",
          strokeWidth: 2,
          fill: "lightgray" },

        label: {
          text: "Pump",
          textAnchor: "middle",
          textVerticalAnchor: "top",
          x: "calc(0.5*w)",
          y: "calc(h+10)",
          fontSize: 14,
          fontFamily: "sans-serif",
          fill: "#350100" },

        rotorGroup: {
          transform: "translate(calc(w/2),calc(h/2))",
          event: "element:power:click",
          cursor: "pointer" },

        rotorFrame: {
          r: 40,
          fill: "#eee",
          stroke: "#666",
          strokeWidth: 2 },

        rotorBackground: {
          r: 34,
          fill: "#777",
          stroke: "#222",
          strokeWidth: 1,
          style: {
            transition: "fill 0.5s ease-in-out" } },

        rotor: {
          // d: `M ${a} ${a} ${b} ${r} -${b} ${r} -${a} ${a} -${r} ${b} -${r} -${b} -${a} -${a} -${b} -${r} ${b} -${r} ${a} -${a} ${r} -${b} ${r} ${b} Z`,
          d: `M 0 0 V ${r} l ${-d} ${-l} Z M 0 0 V ${-r} l ${d} ${l} Z M 0 0 H ${r} l ${-l} ${d} Z M 0 0 H ${-r} l ${l} ${-d} Z`,
          stroke: "#222",
          strokeWidth: 3,
          fill: "#bbb" } },

      ports: {
        groups: {
          pipes: {
            position: {
              name: "line",
              args: {
                start: { x: "calc(w / 2)", y: "calc(h)" },
                end: { x: "calc(w / 2)", y: 0 } } },

            markup: util.svg`
                            <rect @selector="pipeBody" />
                            <rect @selector="pipeEnd" />
            size: { width: 80, height: 30 },
            attrs: {
              portRoot: {
                magnetSelector: "pipeEnd" },

              pipeBody: {
                width: "calc(w)",
                height: "calc(h)",
                y: "calc(h / -2)",
                fill: {
                  type: "linearGradient",
                  stops: [
                  { offset: "0%", color: "gray" },
                  { offset: "30%", color: "white" },
                  { offset: "70%", color: "white" },
                  { offset: "100%", color: "gray" }],

                  attrs: {
                    x1: "0%",
                    y1: "0%",
                    x2: "0%",
                    y2: "100%" } } },

              pipeEnd: {
                width: 10,
                height: "calc(h+6)",
                y: "calc(h / -2 - 3)",
                stroke: "gray",
                strokeWidth: 3,
                fill: "white" } } } },

        items: [
          id: "left",
          group: "pipes",
          z: 1,
          attrs: {
            pipeBody: {
              x: "calc(-1 * w)" },

            pipeEnd: {
              x: "calc(-1 * w)" } } },

          id: "right",
          group: "pipes",
          z: 0,
          attrs: {
            pipeEnd: {
              x: "calc(w - 10)" } } }] } };


  preinitialize() {
    this.markup = util.svg /* xml */`
            <ellipse @selector="body" />
            <g @selector="rotorGroup">
                <circle @selector="rotorFrame" />
                <circle @selector="rotorBackground" />
                <path @selector="rotor" />
            <text @selector="label" />

  get power() {
    return this.get("power") || 0;

  set power(value) {
    this.set("power", value);

const PumpView = dia.ElementView.extend({
  presentationAttributes: dia.ElementView.addPresentationAttributes({
    power: [POWER_FLAG] }),

  initFlag: [dia.ElementView.Flags.RENDER, POWER_FLAG],

  powerAnimation: null,

  confirmUpdate(...args) {
    let flags =, ...args);
    if (this.hasFlag(flags, POWER_FLAG)) {
      flags = this.removeFlag(flags, POWER_FLAG);
    return flags;

  getSpinAnimation() {
    let { spinAnimation } = this;
    if (spinAnimation) return spinAnimation;
    const [rotorEl] = this.findBySelector("rotor");
    // It's important to use start and end frames to make it work in Safari.
    const keyframes = { transform: ["rotate(0deg)", "rotate(360deg)"] };
    spinAnimation = rotorEl.animate(keyframes, {
      fill: "forwards",
      duration: 1000,
      iterations: Infinity });

    this.spinAnimation = spinAnimation;
    return spinAnimation;

  togglePower() {
    const { model } = this;
    this.getSpinAnimation().playbackRate = model.power;
  } });

class ControlValve extends dia.Element {
  defaults() {
    return {
      type: "ControlValve",
      size: {
        width: 60,
        height: 60 },

      open: 1,
      attrs: {
        root: {
          magnetSelector: "body" },

        body: {
          rx: "calc(w / 2)",
          ry: "calc(h / 2)",
          cx: "calc(w / 2)",
          cy: "calc(h / 2)",
          stroke: "gray",
          strokeWidth: 2,
          fill: {
            type: "radialGradient",
            stops: [
            { offset: "80%", color: "white" },
            { offset: "100%", color: "gray" }] } },

        liquid: {
          // We use path instead of rect to make it possible to animate
          // the stroke-dasharray to show the liquid flow.
          d: "M calc(w / 2 + 12) calc(h / 2) h -24",
          stroke: LIQUID_COLOR,
          strokeWidth: 24,
          strokeDasharray: "3,1" },

        cover: {
          x: "calc(w / 2 - 12)",
          y: "calc(h / 2 - 12)",
          width: 24,
          height: 24,
          stroke: "#333",
          strokeWidth: 2,
          fill: "#fff" },

        coverFrame: {
          x: "calc(w / 2 - 15)",
          y: "calc(h / 2 - 15)",
          width: 30,
          height: 30,
          stroke: "#777",
          strokeWidth: 2,
          fill: "none",
          rx: 1,
          ry: 1 },

        stem: {
          width: 10,
          height: 30,
          x: "calc(w / 2 - 5)",
          y: -30,
          stroke: "#333",
          strokeWidth: 2,
          fill: "#555" },

        control: {
          d: "M 0 0 C 0 -30 60 -30 60 0 Z",
          transform: "translate(calc(w / 2 - 30), -20)",
          stroke: "#333",
          strokeWidth: 2,
          rx: 5,
          ry: 5,
          fill: "#666" },

        label: {
          text: "Valve",
          textAnchor: "middle",
          textVerticalAnchor: "top",
          x: "calc(0.5*w)",
          y: "calc(h+10)",
          fontSize: 14,
          fontFamily: "sans-serif",
          fill: "#350100" } },

      ports: {
        groups: {
          pipes: {
            position: {
              name: "absolute",
              args: {
                x: "calc(w / 2)",
                y: "calc(h / 2)" } },

            markup: util.svg`
                          <rect @selector="pipeBody" />
                          <rect @selector="pipeEnd" />
            size: { width: 50, height: 30 },
            attrs: {
              portRoot: {
                magnetSelector: "pipeEnd" },

              pipeBody: {
                width: "calc(w)",
                height: "calc(h)",
                y: "calc(h / -2)",
                fill: {
                  type: "linearGradient",
                  stops: [
                  { offset: "0%", color: "gray" },
                  { offset: "30%", color: "white" },
                  { offset: "70%", color: "white" },
                  { offset: "100%", color: "gray" }],

                  attrs: {
                    x1: "0%",
                    y1: "0%",
                    x2: "0%",
                    y2: "100%" } } },

              pipeEnd: {
                width: 10,
                height: "calc(h+6)",
                y: "calc(h / -2 - 3)",
                stroke: "gray",
                strokeWidth: 3,
                fill: "white" } } } },

        items: [
          id: "left",
          group: "pipes",
          z: 0,
          attrs: {
            pipeBody: {
              x: "calc(-1 * w)" },

            pipeEnd: {
              x: "calc(-1 * w)" } } },

          id: "right",
          group: "pipes",
          z: 0,
          attrs: {
            pipeEnd: {
              x: "calc(w - 10)" } } }] } };


  preinitialize() {
    this.markup = util.svg /* xml */`
          <rect @selector="stem" />
          <path @selector="control" />
          <ellipse @selector="body" />
          <rect @selector="coverFrame" />
          <path @selector="liquid" />
          <rect @selector="cover" />
          <text @selector="label" />

const ControlValveView = dia.ElementView.extend({
  presentationAttributes: dia.ElementView.addPresentationAttributes({
    open: [OPEN_FLAG] }),

  initFlag: [dia.ElementView.Flags.RENDER, OPEN_FLAG],

  framePadding: 6,

  liquidAnimation: null,

  confirmUpdate(...args) {
    let flags =, ...args);
    if (this.hasFlag(flags, OPEN_FLAG)) {
      flags = this.removeFlag(flags, OPEN_FLAG);
    return flags;

  updateCover() {
    const { model } = this;
    const opening = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, model.get("open") || 0));
    const [coverEl] = this.findBySelector("cover");
    const [coverFrameEl] = this.findBySelector("coverFrame");
    const frameWidth =
    Number(coverFrameEl.getAttribute("width")) - this.framePadding;
    const width = Math.round(frameWidth * (1 - opening));
      width: [`${width}px`] },

      fill: "forwards",
      duration: 200 });


  animateLiquid() {
    if (this.liquidAnimation) return;
    const [liquidEl] = this.findBySelector("liquid");
    this.liquidAnimation = liquidEl.animate(
      // 24 matches the length of the liquid path
      strokeDashoffset: [0, 24] },

      fill: "forwards",
      iterations: Infinity,
      duration: 3000 });

  } });

class HandValve extends dia.Element {
  defaults() {
    return {
      type: "HandValve",
      size: {
        width: 50,
        height: 50 },

      power: 0,
      attrs: {
        root: {
          magnetSelector: "body" },

        body: {
          rx: "calc(w / 2)",
          ry: "calc(h / 2)",
          cx: "calc(w / 2)",
          cy: "calc(h / 2)",
          stroke: "gray",
          strokeWidth: 2,
          fill: {
            type: "radialGradient",
            stops: [
            { offset: "70%", color: "white" },
            { offset: "100%", color: "gray" }] } },

        stem: {
          width: 10,
          height: 30,
          x: "calc(w / 2 - 5)",
          y: -30,
          stroke: "#333",
          strokeWidth: 2,
          fill: "#555" },

        handwheel: {
          width: 60,
          height: 10,
          x: "calc(w / 2 - 30)",
          y: -30,
          stroke: "#333",
          strokeWidth: 2,
          rx: 5,
          ry: 5,
          fill: "#666" },

        label: {
          text: "Valve",
          textAnchor: "middle",
          textVerticalAnchor: "top",
          x: "calc(0.5*w)",
          y: "calc(h+10)",
          fontSize: "14",
          fontFamily: "sans-serif",
          fill: "#350100" } },

      ports: {
        groups: {
          pipes: {
            position: {
              name: "absolute",
              args: {
                x: "calc(w / 2)",
                y: "calc(h / 2)" } },

            markup: util.svg`
                          <rect @selector="pipeBody" />
                          <rect @selector="pipeEnd" />
            size: { width: 50, height: 30 },
            attrs: {
              portRoot: {
                magnetSelector: "pipeEnd" },

              pipeBody: {
                width: "calc(w)",
                height: "calc(h)",
                y: "calc(h / -2)",
                fill: {
                  type: "linearGradient",
                  stops: [
                  { offset: "0%", color: "gray" },
                  { offset: "30%", color: "white" },
                  { offset: "70%", color: "white" },
                  { offset: "100%", color: "gray" }],

                  attrs: {
                    x1: "0%",
                    y1: "0%",
                    x2: "0%",
                    y2: "100%" } } },

              pipeEnd: {
                width: 10,
                height: "calc(h+6)",
                y: "calc(h / -2 - 3)",
                stroke: "gray",
                strokeWidth: 3,
                fill: "white" } } } },

        items: [
          id: "left",
          group: "pipes",
          z: 0,
          attrs: {
            pipeBody: {
              x: "calc(-1 * w)" },

            pipeEnd: {
              x: "calc(-1 * w)" } } },

          id: "right",
          group: "pipes",
          z: 0,
          attrs: {
            pipeEnd: {
              x: "calc(w - 10)" } } }] } };


  preinitialize() {
    this.markup = util.svg /* xml */`
          <rect @selector="stem" />
          <rect @selector="handwheel" />
          <ellipse @selector="body" />
          <text @selector="label" />

class LiquidTank extends dia.Element {
  defaults() {
    return {
      type: "LiquidTank",
      size: {
        width: 160,
        height: 300 },

      attrs: {
        root: {
          magnetSelector: "body" },

        legs: {
          fill: "none",
          stroke: "#350100",
          strokeWidth: 8,
          strokeLinecap: "round",
          d: "M 20 calc(h) l -5 10 M calc(w - 20) calc(h) l 5 10" },

        body: {
          stroke: "gray",
          strokeWidth: 4,
          x: 0,
          y: 0,
          width: "calc(w)",
          height: "calc(h)",
          rx: 120,
          ry: 10,
          fill: {
            type: "linearGradient",
            stops: [
            { offset: "0%", color: "gray" },
            { offset: "30%", color: "white" },
            { offset: "70%", color: "white" },
            { offset: "100%", color: "gray" }] } },

        top: {
          x: 0,
          y: 20,
          width: "calc(w)",
          height: 20,
          fill: "none",
          stroke: "gray",
          strokeWidth: 2 },

        label: {
          text: "Tank 1",
          textAnchor: "middle",
          textVerticalAnchor: "top",
          x: "calc(w / 2)",
          y: "calc(h + 10)",
          fontSize: 14,
          fontFamily: "sans-serif",
          fill: "#350100" } } };


  preinitialize() {
    this.markup = util.svg /* xml */`
            <path @selector="legs"/>
            <rect @selector="body"/>
            <rect @selector="top"/>
            <text @selector="label" />

  get level() {
    return this.get("level") || 0;

  set level(level) {
    const newLevel = Math.max(0, Math.min(100, level));
    this.set("level", newLevel);

const LEVEL_FLAG = "LEVEl";

const PanelView = dia.ElementView.extend({
  presentationAttributes: dia.ElementView.addPresentationAttributes({
    level: [LEVEL_FLAG],
    color: [LEVEL_FLAG] }),

  initFlag: [dia.ElementView.Flags.RENDER, LEVEL_FLAG],

  confirmUpdate(...args) {
    let flags =, ...args);
    if (this.hasFlag(flags, LEVEL_FLAG)) {
      flags = this.removeFlag(flags, LEVEL_FLAG);
    return flags;

  updateLevel() {
    const { model } = this;
    const level = Math.max(0, Math.min(100, model.get("level") || 0));
    const color = model.get("color") || "red";
    const [liquidEl] = this.findBySelector("liquid");
    const [windowEl] = this.findBySelector("frame");
    const windowHeight = Number(windowEl.getAttribute("height"));
    const height = Math.round(windowHeight * level / 100);
      height: [`${height}px`],
      fill: [color] },

      fill: "forwards",
      duration: 1000 });

  } });

class ConicTank extends dia.Element {
  defaults() {
    return {
      type: "ConicTank",
      size: {
        width: 160,
        height: 280 },

      open: 1,
      power: 1,
      attrs: {
        root: {
          magnetSelector: "bottom" },

        body: {
          stroke: "gray",
          strokeWidth: 4,
          x: 0,
          y: 0,
          width: "calc(w)",
          height: "calc(h)",
          rx: 120,
          ry: 10,
          fill: {
            type: "linearGradient",
            stops: [
            { offset: "0%", color: "gray" },
            { offset: "30%", color: "white" },
            { offset: "70%", color: "white" },
            { offset: "100%", color: "gray" }] } },

        top: {
          x: 0,
          y: "calc(h / 2 - 10)",
          width: "calc(w)",
          height: 20,
          fill: "none",
          stroke: "gray",
          strokeWidth: 2 },

        rotorGroup: {
          transform: "translate(calc(w/2), calc(h/4))",
          event: "element:power:click",
          cursor: "pointer" },

        rotorFrame: {
          r: 40,
          fill: "#eee",
          stroke: "#666",
          strokeWidth: 2,
          y: 0 },

        rotorBackground: {
          r: 34,
          fill: "#777",
          stroke: "#222",
          strokeWidth: 1,
          style: {
            transition: "fill 0.5s ease-in-out" } },

        rotor: {
          // d: `M ${a} ${a} ${b} ${r} -${b} ${r} -${a} ${a} -${r} ${b} -${r} -${b} -${a} -${a} -${b} -${r} ${b} -${r} ${a} -${a} ${r} -${b} ${r} ${b} Z`,
          d: `M 0 0 V ${r} l ${-d} ${-l} Z M 0 0 V ${-r} l ${d} ${l} Z M 0 0 H ${r} l ${-l} ${d} Z M 0 0 H ${-r} l ${l} ${-d} Z`,
          stroke: "#222",
          strokeWidth: 3,
          fill: "#bbb" },

        liquidGroup: {
          transform: "translate(3, 70)" },

        liquid: {
          // We use path instead of rect to make it possible to animate
          // the stroke-dasharray to show the liquid flow.
          d: "M calc(w / 2 + 12) calc(h / 2) h -24",
          stroke: LIQUID_COLOR,
          strokeWidth: 24,
          strokeDasharray: "3,1" },

        cover: {
          x: "calc(w / 2 - 12)",
          y: "calc(h / 2 - 12)",
          width: 24,
          height: 24,
          stroke: "#333",
          strokeWidth: 2,
          fill: "#fff" },

        coverFrame: {
          x: "calc(w / 2 - 15)",
          y: "calc(h / 2 - 15)",
          width: 30,
          height: 30,
          stroke: "#777",
          strokeWidth: 2,
          fill: "none",
          rx: 1,
          ry: 1 } },

      ports: {
        groups: {
          pipes: {
            position: {
              name: "absolute",
              args: {
                x: "calc(w / 2)",
                y: "calc(h / 2)" } },

            markup: util.svg`
                          <rect @selector="pipeBody" />
                          <rect @selector="pipeEnd" />
            size: { width: 50, height: 30 },
            attrs: {
              portRoot: {
                magnetSelector: "pipeEnd" },

              pipeBody: {
                width: "calc(w)",
                height: "calc(h)",
                y: "calc(h / -2)",
                fill: {
                  type: "linearGradient",
                  stops: [
                  { offset: "0%", color: "gray" },
                  { offset: "30%", color: "white" },
                  { offset: "70%", color: "white" },
                  { offset: "100%", color: "gray" }],

                  attrs: {
                    x1: "0%",
                    y1: "0%",
                    x2: "0%",
                    y2: "100%" } } },

              pipeEnd: {
                width: 10,
                height: "calc(h+6)",
                y: "calc(h / -2 - 3)",
                stroke: "gray",
                strokeWidth: 3,
                fill: "white" } } } },

        items: [
          id: "left",
          group: "pipes",
          z: -1,
          attrs: {
            pipeBody: {
              x: "calc(-2.5 * w)" },

            pipeEnd: {
              x: "calc(-2.5 * w)" } } },

          id: "right",
          group: "pipes",
          z: -1,
          attrs: {
            pipeBody: {
              x: "calc(1.3 * w)" },

            pipeEnd: {
              x: "calc(2.3 * w)" } } }] } };


  preinitialize() {
    this.markup = util.svg /* xml */`
          <rect @selector="body"/>
          <g @selector="rotorGroup">
            <circle @selector="rotorFrame" />
            <circle @selector="rotorBackground" />
            <path @selector="rotor" />
          <g @selector="liquidGroup">
            <rect @selector="coverFrame" />
            <path @selector="liquid" />
            <rect @selector="cover" />
          <rect @selector="top"/>

  get power() {
    return this.get("power") || 0;

  get open() {
    return this.get("open") || 0;

  set power(value) {
    this.set("power", value);

const ConicTankView = dia.ElementView.extend({
  presentationAttributes: dia.ElementView.addPresentationAttributes({
    power: [POWER_FLAG, OPEN_FLAG] }),

  initFlag: [dia.ElementView.Flags.RENDER, POWER_FLAG, OPEN_FLAG],

  powerAnimation: null,

  framePadding: 6,

  liquidAnimation: null,

  confirmUpdate(...args) {
    let flags =, ...args);
    if (this.hasFlag(flags, POWER_FLAG)) {
      flags = this.removeFlag(flags, POWER_FLAG);

    if (this.hasFlag(flags, OPEN_FLAG)) {
      flags = this.removeFlag(flags, POWER_FLAG);

    return flags;

  getSpinAnimation() {
    let { spinAnimation } = this;
    if (spinAnimation) return spinAnimation;
    const [rotorEl] = this.findBySelector("rotor");
    // It's important to use start and end frames to make it work in Safari.
    const keyframes = { transform: ["rotate(360deg)", "rotate(0deg)", "rotate(90deg)", "rotate(180deg)"] };
    spinAnimation = rotorEl.animate(keyframes, {
      fill: "forwards",
      duration: 2000,
      iterations: Infinity });

    this.spinAnimation = spinAnimation;
    return spinAnimation;

  togglePower() {
    const { model } = this;
    this.getSpinAnimation().playbackRate = model.power;

  updateCover() {
    const { model } = this;
    const opening = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, model.get("open") || 0));
    const [coverEl] = this.findBySelector("cover");
    const [coverFrameEl] = this.findBySelector("coverFrame");
    const frameWidth =
    Number(coverFrameEl.getAttribute("width")) - this.framePadding;
    const width = Math.round(frameWidth * (1 - opening));
      width: [`${width}px`] },

      fill: "forwards",
      duration: 200 });


