



代码标签: WebDataRocks table 电子 表格 透视 网格 筛选器 代码

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	<h1>WebDataRocks Pivot Grid Filters</h1>
		<div id="wdr-component"></div>
	<div class="content">
		<div class="note">
			<h3> WebDataRocks supports <span>three</span> types of filters: </h3>
					<h4>Filtering by member names.</h4>
					<p>Use it to show the values of the specific members.</p>
					<p class="details"><span>Date.Month</span> field is filtered by Spring months.</p>

					<h4>Filtering by values.</h4>
					<p>Also known as the Top/Bottom X filter.
						Use it to keep records within a specified range (with values higher or lower than a specified number).</p>
					<p class="details"><span>Date.Year</span> field shows Top 5 sum of Sales.</p>

					<h4>A report filter.</h4>
					<p>Use it to apply filtering to the entire report.</p>
					<p class="details">Aircraft and Bikes are excluded from <span>Category</span> field.</p>

      <script >
var pivot = new WebDataRocks({
  container: "#wdr-component",
  //toolbar: true,
  width: 980,
  height: 480,
  report: {
    dataSource: {
      dataSourceType: "json",
      data: getSalesData() },

    slice: {
      reportFilters: [
        uniqueName: "Category",
        filter: {
          members: ["Category.Aircraft", "Category.Bikes"],
          negation: true } }],

      rows: [
        uniqueName: "Date.Year",
        filter: {
          type: "top",
          quantity: 5,
          measure: "Sales" },

        sort: "unsorted" },

        uniqueName: "Date.Month",
        filter: {
          members: ["Date.Month.February", "Date.Month.January"],
          negation: true } }],

      columns: [
        uniqueName: "Country" },

        uniqueName: "Measures" }],

      measures: [
        uniqueName: "Sales",
        aggregation: "sum",
        format: "currency" }],

      sorting: {
        column: {
          type: "desc",
          tuple: [],
          measure: "Sales" } },

      expands: {
        rows: [
          tuple: ["Date.Year.2018"] },

          tuple: ["Date.Year.2014"] }] } },

    formats: [
      name: "",
      maxDecimalPlaces: 2 },

      name: "currency",
      thousandsSeparator: " ",
      decimalSeparator: ".",
      currencySymbol: "$",
      currencySymbolAlign: "left",
      nullValue: "",
      textAlign: "right",
      isPercent: false }] } });

function getSalesData() {
  return [
    Country: "Canada",
    Category: "Aircraft",
    Sales: 204,
    Date: "2018-01-02",
    Profit: 216 },

    Country: "Germany",
    Category: "Clothing",
    Sales: 292,
    Date: "2018-01-02",
    Profit: 644 },

    Country: "Canada",
    Category: "Aircraft",
    Date: "2018-01-02",
    Sales: 901,
    Profit: 237 },

    Country: "Canada",
    Category: "Wood",
    Date: "2018-01-02",
    Sales: 348 },

    Country: "Canada",
    Category: "Clothing",
    Date: "2018-01-02",
    Sales: 725,
    Profit: 335 },

    Country: "Canada",
    Category: "Clothing",
    Date: "2018-02-02",
    Sales: 780,
    Profit: 687 },

    Country: "Germany",
    Category: "Wood",
    Date: "2018-02-02",
    Sales: 62,
    Profit: 378 },

    Country: "Germany",
    Category: "Bikes",
    Date: "2018-02-02",
    Sales: 125,
    Profit: 340 },

    Country: "Germany",
    Category: "Clothing",
    Date: "2018-02-02",
    Sales: 190,
    Profit: 980 },

    Country: "Canada",
    Category: "Aircraft",
    Date: "2018-02-02",
    Sales: 140,
    Profit: 255 },

    Country: "Canada",
    Category: "Bikes",
    Date: "2018-02-02",
    Sales: 140,
    Profit: 236 },

    Country: "Canada",
    Category: "Cars",
    Date: "2018-03-02",
    Sales: 588,
    Profit: 770 },

    Country: "Canada",
    Category: "Clothing",
    Date: "2018-03-02",
    Sales: 470,
    Profit: 255 },

    Country: "Germany",
    Category: "Cars",
    Date: "2018-03-02",
    Sales: 365,
    Profit: 1400 },

    Country: "Canada",
    Category: "Bikes",
    Date: "2018-03-02",
    Sales: 320,
    Profit: 1032 },

    Country: "Germany",
    Category: "Clothing",
    Date: "2018-03-02",
    Sales: 900,
    Profit: 800 },

    Country: "Germany",
    Category: "Cars",
    Date: "2018-03-02",
    Sales: 700,
    Profit: 800 },

    Country: "Canada",
    Category: "Aircraft",
    Date: "2018-03-02",
    Sales: 320,
    Profit: 500 },

    Country: "Canada",
    Category: "Aircraft",
    Date: "2018-03-02",
    Sales: 365,
    Profit: 240 },

    Country: "Canada",
    Category: "Aircraft",
    Date: "2018-04-02",
    Sales: 522,
    Profit: 200 },

    Country: "Germany",
    Category: "Clothing",
    Date: "2018-04-02",
    Sales: 292,
    Profit: 644 },

    Country: "Canada",
    Category: "Aircraft",
    Date: "2018-04-02",
    Sales: 260,
    Profit: 700 },

    Country: "Canada",
    Category: "Wood",
    Date: "2018-04-02",
    Sales: 348,
    Profit: 500 },

    Country: "Canada",
    Category: "Clothing",
    Date: "2017-05-02",
    Sales: 566,
    Profit: 870 },

    Country: "Canada",
    Category: "Clothing",
    Date: "2017-05-02",
    Sales: 350,
    Profit: 400 },

    Country: "Germany",
    Category: "Wood",
    Date: "2017-05-02",
    Sales: 900,
    Profit: 1200 },

    Country: "Germany",
    Category: "Wood",
    Date: "2017-02-02",
    Sales: 62,
    Profit: 378 },

    Country: "Germany",
    Category: "Bikes",
    Date: "2017-02-02",
    Sales: 125,
    Profit: 340 },

    Country: "Germany",
    Category: "Clothing",
    Date: "2017-02-02",
    Sales: 190,
    Profit: 980 },

    Country: "Canada",
    Category: "Aircraft",
    Date: "2017-02-02",
    Sales: 140,
    Profit: 255 },

    Country: "Canada",
    Category: "Bikes",
    Date: "2017-02-02",
    Sales: 140,
    Profit: 236 },

    Country: "Canada",
    Category: "Cars",
    Date: "2017-03-02",
    Sales: 588,
    Profit: 770 },

    Country: "Canada",
    Category: "Clothing",
    Date: "2017-03-02",
    Sales: 470,
    Profit: 255 },

    Country: "Germany",
    Category: "Cars",
    Date: "2017-03-02",
    Sales: 365,
    Profit: 1400 },

    Country: "Canada",
    Category: "Bikes",
    Date: "2017-03-02",
    Sales: 320,
    Profit: 1032 },

    Country: "Germany",
    Category: "Clothing",
    Date: "2015-03-02",
    Sales: 900,
    Profit: 800 },

    Country: "Germany",
    Category: "Cars",
    Date: "2015-03-02",
    Sales: 700,
    Profit: 800 },

    Country: "Canada",
    Category: "Aircraft",
    Date: "2015-03-02",
    Sales: 320,
    Profit: 500 },

    Country: "Canada",
    Category: "Aircraft",
    Date: "2015-03-02",
    Sales: 365,
    Profit: 240 },

    Country: "Canada",
    Category: "Aircraft",
    Date: "2015-04-02",
    Sales: 522,
    Profit: 200 },

    Country: "Germany",
    Category: "Clothing",
    Date: "2015-04-02",
    Sales: 292,
    Profit: 644 },

    Country: "Canada",
    Category: "Aircraft",
    Date: "2015-04-02",
    Sales: 260,
    Profit: 700 },

    Country: "Canada",
    Category: "Wood",
    Date: "2015-04-02",
    Sales: 348,
    Profit: 500 },

    Country: "Canada",
    Category: "Clothing",
    Date: "2015-05-02",
    Sales: 566,
    Profit: 870 },

    Country: "Canada",
