web audio api实现在线录制按键弹奏音乐效果代码



代码描述:web audio api实现在线录制按键弹奏音乐效果代码

代码标签: web audio api 在线 录制 按键 弹奏 音乐

下面为部分代码预览,完整代码请点击下载或在bfwstudio webide中打开

<!DOCTYPE html>
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    /* 指定背景图像的大小 */
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    /* 执行动画:动画名 时长 线性的 无限次播放 */
    animation: bgAnimation 10s linear infinite;

/* 定义动画 */
@keyframes bgAnimation {
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button:hover {
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button:disabled {
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/* 超小屏幕(手机,小于768px) */
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/* 小屏幕(平板,大于等于768px) */
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/* 中等屏幕(桌面显示器,大于等于992px) */
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/* 大屏幕(大桌面显示器,大于等于1200px) */
@media screen and (min-width:1200px) {
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    <div class="box">
        <div class="keys">
            <div class="key" data-note="C">Q</div>
            <div class="key" data-note="C#">W</div>
            <div class="key" data-note="D">E</div>
            <div class="key" data-note="D#">R</div>
            <div class="key" data-note="E">T</div>
            <div class="key" data-note="F">Y</div>
            <div class="key" data-note="F#">U</div>
            <div class="key" data-note="G">I</div>
            <div class="key" data-note="G#">O</div>
            <div class="key" data-note="A">P</div>
            <div class="key" data-note="A#">[</div>
            <div class="key" data-note="B">]</div>
        <div class="container">
            <button id="recordButton">录制</button>
            <button id="stopButton" disabled>暂停</button>
            <button id="playButton" disabled>播放</button>
            <button id="clearButton" disabled>清空</button>

// let onClick = new Audio('');
// 可添加停止录制提醒
// let offClick = new Audio('');
let audioContext = new (window.AudioContext || window.AudioContext)();
let krys = document.querySelectorAll('.key');
let volume = 0.2;
let activekeys = {};
let chunks = [];
let mediaRecorder;
