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Poster - March 24th", url: "", imageUrl: `//${getRandomInt(300, 600)}x${getRandomInt(300, 600)}/景色?rand=${getRandomInt(1, 10000)}`, designer: "", designerLink: "", category: "Poster Design", fontsUsed: "", fontUrl: "", tags: ["poster", "market", "vintage", "design", "France"] }, { name: "GitHub Universe", url: "", imageUrl: `//${getRandomInt(300, 600)}x${getRandomInt(300, 600)}/景色?rand=${getRandomInt(1, 10000)}`, designer: "", designerLink: "", category: "Landing Page", fontsUsed: "Mona Sans, MonaSansFallback", fontUrl: "", tags: ["GitHub", "software", "event", "conference"] }, { name: "1979 Volvo Laplander", url: "", imageUrl: `//${getRandomInt(300, 600)}x${getRandomInt(300, 600)}/景色?rand=${getRandomInt(1, 10000)}`, designer: "", designerLink: "", category: "Automobile", fontsUsed: "", fontUrl: "", tags: ["Volvo", "Laplander", "vintage", "1979", "off-road"] }, { name: "Lummi Photo - Minimalist Vintage Bicycle", url: "", imageUrl: `//${getRandomInt(300, 600)}x${getRandomInt(300, 600)}/景色?rand=${getRandomInt(1, 10000)}`, designer: "Pablo Stanley", designerLink: "", category: "Photography", fontsUsed: "", fontUrl: "", tags: ["bicycle", "minimalist", "vintage", "urban", "design"] }, { name: "Cero Magazine", url: "", imageUrl: `//${getRandomInt(300, 600)}x${getRandomInt(300, 600)}/景色?rand=${getRandomInt(1, 10000)}`, designer: "", designerLink: "", category: "Publication", fontsUsed: "", fontUrl: "", tags: ["culture", "creativity", "inclusivity", "sustainability", "Broadway"] }, { name: "Objets Hermès", url: "", imageUrl: `//${getRandomInt(300, 600)}x${getRandomInt(300, 600)}/景色?rand=${getRandomInt(1, 10000)}`, designer: "Andy Rementer", designerLink: "", category: "Illustration", fontsUsed: "", fontUrl: "", tags: ["Hermès", "illustration", "art", "design", "Cargo"] }, { name: "Accueil Cantine Côtière", url: "", imageUrl: `//${getRandomInt(300, 600)}x${getRandomInt(300, 600)}/景色?rand=${getRandomInt(1, 10000)}`, designer: "", designerLink: "", category: "Branding", fontsUsed: "", fontUrl: "", tags: ["restaurant", "food", "local", "marine", "branding"] }, { name: "Mini Paper Sculptures", url: "", imageUrl: `//${getRandomInt(300, 600)}x${getRandomInt(300, 600)}/景色?rand=${getRandomInt(1, 10000)}`, designer: "Imin Yeh", designerLink: "", category: "Design", fontsUsed: "", fontUrl: "", tags: ["sculpture", "paper", "art", "design"] }, { name: "Cookie and Milk Illustration", url: "", imageUrl: `//${getRandomInt(300, 600)}x${getRandomInt(300, 600)}/景色?rand=${getRandomInt(1, 10000)}`, designer: "Travis Foster", designerLink: "", category: "Illustration", fontsUsed: "", fontUrl: "", tags: ["cartoon", "cookie", "milk", "whimsical", "art"] }, { name: "bitbird", url: "", imageUrl: `//${getRandomInt(300, 600)}x${getRandomInt(300, 600)}/景色?rand=${getRandomInt(1, 10000)}`, designer: "", designerLink: "", category: "Music", fontsUsed: "Inter, -apple-system", fontUrl: "", tags: ["record label", "independent", "San Holo", "music"] }, { name: "Don’t Stop Thinking About Tomorrow", url: "", colorPair: "pair6", colorPairInverted: "false", designer: "", designerLink: "", category: "Read", quote: "Mistakes will be made in the march towards the future.", tags: ["future", "mistakes", "thoughts", "reflection"] }, { name: "Telier", url: "", imageUrl: `//${getRandomInt(300, 600)}x${getRandomInt(300, 600)}/景色?rand=${getRandomInt(1, 10000)}`, designer: "", designerLink: "", category: "Landing Page", fontsUsed: "GT Flexa Variable Regular, GT America Regular", fontUrl: ",", tags: ["workspace", "design", "travel", "community"] }, { name: "Choreus", url: "", imageUrl: `//${getRandomInt(300, 600)}x${getRandomInt(300, 600)}/景色?rand=${getRandomInt(1, 10000)}`, designer: "Andy Murray", designerLink: "", category: "Web Apps", fontsUsed: "", fontUrl: "", tags: ["platform", "art", "representation", "design"] }, { name: "Keep Smiling", url: "", imageUrl: `//${getRandomInt(300, 600)}x${getRandomInt(300, 600)}/景色?rand=${getRandomInt(1, 10000)}`, designer: "Diana Vera", designerLink: "", category: "Illustration", fontsUsed: "", fontUrl: "", tags: ["illustration", "smile", "Dribbble", "Diana Vera", "creative"] }, // July 31st { name: "UPS - Under Pressure Solutions", url: "", imageUrl: `//${getRandomInt(300, 600)}x${getRandomInt(300, 600)}/景色?rand=${getRandomInt(1, 10000)}`, designer: "", designerLink: "", category: "Landing Page", fontsUsed: "Times, serif", fontUrl: "", tags: [ "industrial design", "Milano Design Week 2024", "ECAL", "innovation", "design challenges" ] }, { name: "GGaide Conference 2023 in Montreal", url: "", imageUrl: `//${getRandomInt(300, 600)}x${getRandomInt(300, 600)}/景色?rand=${getRandomInt(1, 10000)}`, designer: "", designerLink: "", category: "Landing Page", fontsUsed: "Es Allianz, Arial", fontUrl: "", tags: ["conference", "video games", "philanthropy", "Montreal"] }, { name: "Emotion", url: "", imageUrl: `//${getRandomInt(300, 600)}x${getRandomInt(300, 600)}/景色?rand=${getRandomInt(1, 10000)}`, designer: "Pui Yan Fong", designerLink: "", category: "Illustration", fontsUsed: "", fontUrl: "", tags: ["illustration", "emotions", "art", "Pui Yan Fong"] }, { name: "Lummi - Silhouette Against Gradient", url: "", imageUrl: `//${getRandomInt(300, 600)}x${getRandomInt(300, 600)}/景色?rand=${getRandomInt(1, 10000)}`, designer: "@lummipics", designerLink: "", category: "Photography", fontsUsed: "", fontUrl: "", tags: [ "AI stock photos", "silhouette", "gradient", "digital art", "royalty-free" ] }, { name: "Nostra", url: "", imageUrl: `//${getRandomInt(300, 600)}x${getRandomInt(300, 600)}/景色?rand=${getRandomInt(1, 10000)}`, designer: "Lucas Descroix", designerLink: "", category: "Typography", fontsUsed: "", fontUrl: "", tags: ["typeface", "in-progress", "Future Fonts", "Nostra"] }, { name: "Gojek Illustration", url: "", imageUrl: `//${getRandomInt(300, 600)}x${getRandomInt(300, 600)}/景色?rand=${getRandomInt(1, 10000)}`, designer: "", designerLink: "", category: "Illustration", fontsUsed: "", fontUrl: "", tags: ["Gojek", "digital illustration", "flat design", "vector art"] }, { name: "Biquette Blanket", url: "", imageUrl: `//${getRandomInt(300, 600)}x${getRandomInt(300, 600)}/景色?rand=${getRandomInt(1, 10000)}`, designer: "Erin Jang", designerLink: "", category: "Design & Illustration", fontsUsed: "", fontUrl: "", tags: ["design", "illustration", "crafts"] }, { name: "GUCCI GIRL", url: "", imageUrl: `//${getRandomInt(300, 600)}x${getRandomInt(300, 600)}/景色?rand=${getRandomInt(1, 10000)}`, designer: "JINGOO", designerLink: "", category: "Illustration", tags: ["GUCCI", "fashion illustration", "JINGOO", "art"] }, { name: "Señoras y Señoras", url: "", imageUrl: `//${getRandomInt(300, 600)}x${getRandomInt(300, 600)}/景色?rand=${getRandomInt(1, 10000)}`, designer: "Rosa Tortosa", designerLink: ",889,m,3780,i,1&r=Portal-30349-ARCH_DETALLE_ARTISTA", category: "Illustration", fontsUsed: "", fontUrl: "", tags: ["colorful", "abstract", "geometric shapes", "art"] }, { name: "The Fridolin: A Volkswagen-engineered Mail Truck", url: "", imageUrl: `//${getRandomInt(300, 600)}x${getRandomInt(300, 600)}/景色?rand=${getRandomInt(1, 10000)}`, designer: "", designerLink: "".........完整代码请登录后点击上方下载按钮下载查看