



代码标签: svg css 母亲节 快乐 动画

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<!DOCTYPE html>
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body {
    overflow: hidden;
    height: 100vh;
    margin: 0;
    background: #edc3ff;
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    letter-spacing: .25em

div {
    width: 100%;
    position: absolute;
    top: 50%;
    transform: translateY(-50%)

div::before {
    content: "";
    position: absolute;
    width: 100%;
    height: 50vh;
    background: #1f0038;
    top: 95%

.hair {
    fill: #1f0038

.hair-main {
    animation: hair-flow .75s infinite alternate ease-in-out

@keyframes hair-flow {
    from {
        d: path("M600 198c-3.5-5.2-9.3-10.7-15.7-12.2c-18.6-3.2-28.4 17.2-48.8 12.8c-5.7-1.3-9.3-6.2-12.5-11.1c-7.6-11.9-22.1-20.5-35.7-16.9c-9.7 2.6-16.9 10.5-25.8 14.8a37.5 37.5 0 0 1-21.7 3.3c-11.2-4.6.7-29-14.3-39.3c-17-11.4-23.8 10.6-40.3 7s-5.6-14.7-3.2-30.7c2.8-18.8-6.3-31.4-20.6-32.3s-17.8-17.9-17.8-17.9l-2.3-9.7a46.1 46.1 0 0 0-7.2-16.3a36.5 36.5 0 0 0-7.1-7.6a41.5 41.5 0 0 0-24.4-8.4a10 10 0 0 0-4.3.8v260h306")

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.leaf-2 {
    fill: #6fd489

.leaf-1 {
    fill: #9ae3ce

.leaf-4 {
    fill: #499e00

.leaf-3 {
    fill: #5ec16e

.text {
    fill: #f2f3f7;
    font-size: 10px

.face {
    fill: #f68fb6

.heart {
    fill: #ff4646;
    animation: myheart 1s infinite alternate

@keyframes myheart {
    from {
        transform: translate(0,0)

    to {
        transform: translate(0,-15px)

.flower-1 {
    fill: #8d0f69

.flower-2 {
    fill: #d15aad


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