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3.11h.68c1.138 0 1.688.553 1.688 1.696v1.88h-1.374v-1.8c0-.369-.17-.54-.523-.54h-.235c-.367 0-.537.17-.537.539v5.81c0 .369.17.54.537.54h.262c.353 0 .523-.171.523-.54V8.619h1.373v2.143c0 1.144-.562 1.71-1.7 1.71h-.694c-1.138 0-1.7-.566-1.7-1.71V4.82c0-1.144.562-1.709 1.7-1.709zm-12.186.08h3.114v1.274H6.117v2.603h1.648v1.275H6.117v2.774h1.74v1.275h-3.14zm3.816 0h2.198c1.138 0 1.7.564 1.7 1.708v2.445c0 1.144-.562 1.71-1.7 1.71h-.799v3.338h-1.4zm4.53 0h1.4v9.201h-1.4zm-3.13 1.235v3.392h.575c.354 0 .523-.171.523-.54V4.965c0-.368-.17-.54-.523-.54zm-3.74 10.147a1.708 1.708 0 01.591.108 1.745 1.745 0 01.49.299l-.452.546a1.247 1.247 0 00-.308-.195.91.91 0 00-.363-.068.658.658 0 00-.28.06.703.703 0 00-.224.163.783.783 0 00-.151.243.799.799 0 00-.056.299v.008a.852.852 0 0 0 0 00.303.058.79.79 0 00.445-.116v-.339h-.548v-.565H7.37v1.255a2.019 2.019 0 01-.524.307 1.789 1.789 0 01-.683.123 1.642 1.642 0 01-.602-.107 1.46 1.46 0 01-.478-.3 1.371 1.371 0 01-.318-.455 1.438 1.438 0 01-.115-.58v-.008a1.426 1.426 0 01.113-.57 1.449 1.449 0 01.312-.46 1.418 1.418 0 01.474-.309 1.58 1.58 0 01.598-.111 1.708 1.708 0 01.045 0zm11.963.008a2.006 2.006 0 01.612.094 1.61 1.61 0 01.507.277l-.386.546a1.562 1.562 0 00-.39-.205 1.178 1.178 0 00-.388-.07.347.347 0 00-. 0 00-.07.127v.008a.158.158 0 0 0 00.147.06c. 3.389 0 01.43.122 1.292 1.292 0 01.328.17.678.678 0 0 01.071.337v.008a.865.865 0 01-.081.382.82.82 0 01-.229.285 1.032 1.032 0 01-.353.18 1.606 1.606 0 01-.46.061 2.16 2.16 0 01-.71-.116 1.718 1.718 0 01-.593-.346l.43-.514c.277.223.578.335.9.335a.457.457 0 00.236-.05.157.157 0 00.082-.142v-.008a.15.15 0 00-.02-.077.204.204 0 00-.073-.066.753.753 0 00-.143-.062 2.45 2.45 0 00-.233-.062 5.036 5.036 0 01-.413-.113 1.26 1.26 0 01-.331-.16.72.72 0 01-.222-.243.73.73 0 01-.082-.36v-.008a.863.863 0 01.074-.359.794.794 0 01.214-.283 1.007 1.007 0 01.34-.185 1.423 1.423 0 01.448-.066 2.006 2.006 0 01.025 0zm-9.358.025h.742l1.183 2.81h-.825l-.203-.499H8.623l-.198.498h-.81zm2.197.02h.814l.663 1.08.663-1.08h.814v2.79h-.766v-1.602l-.711 1.091h-.016l-.707-1.083v1.593h-.754zm3.469 0h2.235v.658h-1.473v.422h1.334v.61h-1.334v.442h1.493v.658h-2.255zm-5.3.897l-.315.793h.624zm-1.145 5.19h8.014l-4.09 1.348z', }, { title: 'Apple Arcade', path: 'M.198 18.24a.966.966 0 0 1-.194-.571v-.955s0-.571.563-.313c0 0 6.919 3.135 8.033 3.626a7.832 7.832 0 0 0 3.408.729 8.216 8.216 0 0 0 3.396-.729l8.037-3.626c.559-.258.559.313.559.313v.955a1.038 1.038 0 0 1-.198.575c-.19.258-.515.539-1.411.959-.713.337-6.23 2.818-6.995 3.17a8.008 8.008 0 0 1-3.4.729 8.336 8.336 0 0 1-3.82-.927c-1.435-.65-5.8.........完整代码请登录后点击上方下载按钮下载查看