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<html lang="en" >
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<title>HTML5切积木益智游戏源码 - A5源码</title>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    body {
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//        HUD        //

.pause-btn {
	position: fixed;
	font-size: calc(14px + 2vw + 1vh);

.hud__score {
	top: 0.65em;
	left: 0.65em;
	pointer-events: none;
	user-select: none;

.cube-count-lbl {
	font-size: 0.46em;

.pause-btn {
	position: fixed;
	top: 0;
	right: 0;
	padding: 0.8em 0.65em;

.pause-btn > div {
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.slowmo__bar {
	height: 1.5vh;
	background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.75);
	transform-origin: 0 0;

//       MENUS       //

.menus::before {
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.menus.interactive-mode::before {
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/* Menu containers */
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.menus.interactive-mode .menu.active {
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.menus:not(.interactive-mode) .menu.active > * {
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/* Common menu elements */

h1 {
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	text-align: center;
	font-weight: bold;
	margin: 0 0.65em 1em;

h2 {
	font-size: 1.2rem;
	line-height: 1;
	text-align: center;
	font-weight: bold;
	margin: -1em 0.65em 1em;

.final-score-lbl {
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	margin: -0.2em 0 0;

.high-score-lbl {
	font-size: 1.2rem;
	margin: 0 0 2.5em;

button {
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	transform: scale(0, 0);
	opacity: 0;
	transition: opacity 0.3s, transform 0.3s;

/* No `:focus` styles because this is a mouse/touch game! */
button:active {
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button:active::before {
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	opacity: 1;

.credits {
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	width: 100%;
	left: 0;
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a {
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/* Only enable hover state on large screens */
@media (min-width: 1025px) {
	button:hover {
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	button:hover::before {
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<!-- Game canvas -->
<canvas id="c"></canvas>

<!-- Gameplay HUD -->
<div class="hud">
	<div class="hud__score">
		<div class="score-lbl"></div>
		<div class="cube-count-lbl"></div>
	<div class="pause-btn"><div></div></div>
	<div class="slowmo">
		<div class="slowmo__bar"></div>

<!-- Menu System -->
<div class="menus">
	<div class="menu menu--main">
		<button type="button" class="play-normal-btn">开始游戏</button>
		<button type="button" class="play-casual-btn">休闲模式</button>
	<div class="menu menu--pause">
		<button type="button" class="resume-btn">重新开始</button>
		<button type="button" class="menu-btn--pause">主菜单</button>
	<div class="menu menu--score">
		<div class="final-score-lbl"></div>
		<div class="high-score-lbl"></div>
		<button type="button" class="play-again-btn">再玩一次</button>
		<button type="button" class="menu-btn--score">主菜单</button>
    // globalConfig.js
// ============================================================================
// ============================================================================

// Provides global variables used by the entire program.
// Most of this should be configuration.

// Timing multiplier for entire game engine.
let gameSpeed = 1;

// Colors
const BLUE =   { r: 0x67, g: 0xd7, b: 0xf0 };
const GREEN =  { r: 0xa6, g: 0xe0, b: 0x2c };
const PINK =   { r: 0xfa, g: 0x24, b: 0x73 };
const ORANGE = { r: 0xfe, g: 0x95, b: 0x22 };
const allColors = [BLUE, GREEN, PINK, ORANGE];

// Gameplay
const getSpawnDelay = () => {
	const spawnDelayMax = 1400;
	const spawnDelayMin = 550;
	const spawnDelay = spawnDelayMax - state.game.cubeCount * 3.1;
	return Math.max(spawnDelay, spawnDelayMin);
const doubleStrongEnableScore = 2000;
// Number of cubes that must be smashed before activating a feature.
const slowmoThreshold = 10;
const strongThreshold = 25;
const spinnerThreshold = 25;

// Interaction state
let pointerIsDown = false;
// The last known position of the primary pointer in screen coordinates.`
let pointerScreen = { x: 0, y: 0 };
// Same as `pointerScreen`, but converted to scene coordinates in rAF.
let pointerScene = { x: 0, y: 0 };
// Minimum speed of pointer before "hits" are counted.
const minPointerSpeed = 60;
// The hit speed affects the direction the target post-hit. This number dampens that force.
const hitDampening = 0.1;
// Backboard receives shadows and is the farthest negative Z position of entities.
const backboardZ = -400;
const shadowColor = '#262e36';
// How much air drag is applied to standard objects
const airDrag = 0.022;
const gravity = 0.3;
// Spark config
const sparkColor = 'rgba(170,221,255,.9)';
const sparkThickness = 2.2;
const airDragSpark = 0.1;
// Track pointer positions to show trail
const touchTrailColor = 'rgba(170,221,255,.62)';
const touchTrailThickness = 7;
const touchPointLife = 120;
const touchPoints = [];
// Size of in-game targets. This affects rendered size and hit area.
const targetRadius = 40;
const targetHitRadius = 50;
const makeTargetGlueColor = target => {
	// const alpha = (target.health - 1) / (target.maxHealth - 1);
	// return `rgba(170,221,255,${alpha.toFixed(3)})`;
	return 'rgb(170,221,255)';
// Size of target fragments
const fragRadius = targetRadius / 3;

// Game canvas element needed in setup.js and interaction.js
const canvas = document.querySelector('#c');

// 3D camera config
// Affects perspective
const cameraDistance = 900;
// Does not affect perspective
const sceneScale = 1;
// Objects that get too close to the camera will be faded out to transparent over this range.
// const cameraFadeStartZ = 0.8*cameraDistance - 6*targetRadius;
const cameraFadeStartZ = 0.45*cameraDistance;
const cameraFadeEndZ = 0.65*cameraDistance;
const cameraFadeRange = cameraFadeEndZ - cameraFadeStartZ;

// Globals used to accumlate all vertices/polygons in each frame
const allVertices = [];
const allPolys = [];
const allShadowVertices = [];
const allShadowPolys = [];

// state.js
// ============================================================================
// ============================================================================

// Enums //

// Game Modes

// Available Menus
const MENU_MAIN = Symbol('MENU_MAIN');
const MENU_PAUSE = Symbol('MENU_PAUSE');
const MENU_SCORE = Symbol('MENU_SCORE');

// Global State //

const state = {
	game: {
		// Run time of current game.
		time: 0,
		// Player score.
		score: 0,
		// Total number of cubes smashed in game.
		cubeCount: 0
	menus: {
		// Set to `null` to hide all menus
		active: MENU_MAIN

// Global State Selectors //

const isInGame = () => !state.menus.active;
const isMenuVisible = () => !!state.menus.active;
const isCasualGame = () => state.game.mode === GAME_MODE_CASUAL;
const isPaused = () => state.menus.active === MENU_PAUSE;

// Local Storage //

const highScoreKey = '__menja__highScore';
const getHighScore = () => {
	const raw = localStorage.getItem(highScoreKey);
	return raw ? parseInt(raw, 10) : 0;
const setHighScore = score => localStorage.setItem(highScoreKey, String(score))

// utils.js
// ============================================================================
// ============================================================================

const invariant = (condition, message) => {
	if (!condition) throw new Error(message);

// DOM //

const $ = selector => document.querySelector(selector);
const handleClick = (element, handler) => element.addEventListener('click', handler);
const handlePointerDown = (element, handler) => {
	element.addEventListener('touchstart', handler);
	element.addEventListener('mousedown', handler);

// Formatting Helpers //

// Converts a number into a formatted string with thousand separators.
const formatNumber = num => num.toLocaleString();

// Math Constants //

const PI = Math.PI;
const TAU = Math.PI * 2;
const ETA = Math.PI * 0.5;

// Math Helpers //

// Clamps a number between min and max values (inclusive)
const clamp = (num, min, max) => Math.min(Math.max(num, min), max);

// Linearly interpolate between numbers a and b by a specific amount.
// mix >= 0 && mix <= 1
const lerp = (a, b, mix) => (b - a) * mix + a;

// Random Helpers //

// Generates a random number between min (inclusive) and max (exclusive)
const random = (min, max) => Math.random() * (max - min) + min;

// Generates a random integer between and possibly including min and max values
const randomInt = (min, max) => ((Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) | 0) + min;

// Returns a random element from an array
const pickOne = arr => arr[Math.random() * arr.length | 0];

// Color Helpers //

// Converts an { r, g, b } color object to a 6-digit hex code.
const colorToHex = color => {
	return '#' +
		(color.r | 0).toString(16).padStart(2, '0') +
		(color.g | 0).toString(16).padStart(2, '0') +
		(color.b | 0).toString(16).padStart(2, '0');

// Operates on an { r, g, b } color object.
// Returns string hex code.
// `lightness` must range from 0 to 1. 0 is pure black, 1 is pure white.
const shadeColor = (color, lightness) => {
	let other, mix;
	if (lightness < 0.5) {
		other = 0;
		mix = 1 - (lightness * 2);
	} else {
		other = 255;
		mix = lightness * 2 - 1;
	return '#' +
		(lerp(color.r, other, mix) | 0).toString(16).padStart(2, '0') +
		(lerp(color.g, other, mix) | 0).toString(16).padStart(2, '0') +
		(lerp(color.b, other, mix) | 0).toString(16).padStart(2, '0');

// Timing Helpers //

const _allCooldowns = [];

const makeCooldown = (rechargeTime, units=1) => {
	let timeRemaining = 0;
	let lastTime = 0;

	const initialOptions = { rechargeTime, units };

	const updateTime = () => {
		const now = state.game.time;
		// Reset time remaining if time goes backwards.
		if (now < lastTime) {
			timeRemaining = 0;
		} else {
			// update...
			timeRemaining -= now-lastTime;
			if (timeRemaining < 0) timeRemaining = 0;
		lastTime = now;

	const canUse = () => {
		return timeRemaining <= (rechargeTime * (units-1));

	const cooldown = {
		useIfAble() {
			const usable = canUse();
			if (usable) timeRemaining += rechargeTime;
			return usable;
		mutate(options) {
			if (options.rechargeTime) {
				// Apply recharge time delta so change takes effect immediately.
				timeRemaining -= rechargeTime-options.rechargeTime;
				if (timeRemaining < 0) timeRemaining = 0;
				rechargeTime = options.rechargeTime;
			if (options.units) units = options.units;
		reset() {
			timeRemaining = 0;
			lastTime = 0;


	return cooldown;

const resetAllCooldowns = () => _allCooldowns.forEach(cooldown => cooldown.reset());

const makeSpawner = ({ chance, cooldownPerSpawn, maxSpawns }) => {
	const cooldown = makeCooldown(cooldownPerSpawn, maxSpawns);
	return {
		shouldSpawn() {
			return Math.random() <= chance && cooldown.useIfAble();
		mutate(options) {
			if (options.chance) chance = options.chance;
				rechargeTime: options.cooldownPerSpawn,
				units: options.maxSpawns

// Vector Helpers //

const normalize = v => {
	const mag = Math.hypot(v.x, v.y, v.z);
	return {
		x: v.x / mag,
		y: v.y / mag,
		z: v.z / mag

// Curried math helpers
const add = a => b => a + b;
// Curried vector helpers
const scaleVector = scale => vector => {
	vector.x *= scale;
	vector.y *= scale;
	vector.z *= scale;

// 3D Helpers //

// Clone array and all vertices.
function cloneVertices(vertices) {
	return vertices.map(v => ({ x: v.x, y: v.y, z: v.z }));

// Copy vertex data from one array into another.
// Arrays must be the same length.
function copyVerticesTo(arr1, arr2) {
	const len = arr1.length;
	for (let i=0; i<len; i++) {
		const v1 = arr1[i];
		const v2 = arr2[i];
		v2.x = v1.x;
		v2.y = v1.y;
		v2.z = v1.z;

// Compute triangle midpoint.
// Mutates `middle` property of given `poly`.
function computeTriMiddle(poly) {
	const v = poly.vertices;
	poly.middle.x = (v[0].x + v[1].x + v[2].x) / 3;
	poly.middle.y = (v[0].y + v[1].y + v[2].y) / 3;
	poly.middle.z = (v[0].z + v[1].z + v[2].z) / 3;

// Compute quad midpoint.
// Mutates `middle` property of given `poly`.
function computeQuadMiddle(poly) {
	const v = poly.vertices;
	poly.middle.x = (v[0].x + v[1].x + v[2].x + v[3].x) / 4;
	poly.middle.y = (v[0].y + v[1].y + v[2].y + v[3].y) / 4;
	poly.middle.z = (v[0].z + v[1].z + v[2].z + v[3].z) / 4;

function computePolyMiddle(poly) {
	if (poly.vertices.length === 3) {
	} else {

// Compute distance from any polygon (tri or quad) midpoint to camera.
// Sets `depth` property of given `poly`.
// Also triggers midpoint calculation, which mutates `middle` property of `poly`.
function computePolyDepth(poly) {
	const dX = poly.middle.x;
	const dY = poly.middle.y;
	const dZ = poly.middle.z - cameraDistance;
	poly.depth = Math.hypot(dX, dY, dZ);

// Compute normal of any polygon. Uses normalized vector cross product.
// Mutates `normalName` property of given `poly`.
function computePolyNormal(poly, normalName) {
	// Store quick refs to vertices
	const v1 = poly.vertices[0];
	const v2 = poly.vertices[1];
	const v3 = poly.vertices[2];
	// Calculate difference of vertices, following winding order.
	const ax = v1.x - v2.x;
	const ay = v1.y - v2.y;
	const az = v1.z - v2.z;
	const bx = v1.x - v3.x;
	const by = v1.y - v3.y;
	const bz = v1.z - v3.z;
	// Cross product
	const nx = ay*bz - az*by;
	const ny = az*bx - ax*bz;
	const nz = ax*by - ay*bx;
	// Compute magnitude of normal and normalize
	const mag = Math.hypot(nx, ny, nz);
	const polyNormal = poly[normalName];
	polyNormal.x = nx / mag;
	polyNormal.y = ny / mag;
	polyNormal.z = nz / mag;

// Apply translation/rotation/scale to all given vertices.
// If `vertices` and `target` are the same array, the vertices will be mutated in place.
// If `vertices` and `target` are different arrays, `vertices` will not be touched, instead the
// transformed values from `vertices` will be written to `target` array.
function transformVertices(vertices, target, tX, tY, tZ, rX, rY, rZ, sX, sY, sZ) {
	// Matrix multiplcation constants only need calculated once for all vertices.
	const sinX = Math.sin(rX);
	const cosX = Math.cos(rX);
	const sinY = Math.sin(rY);
	const cosY = Math.cos(rY);
	const sinZ = Math.sin(rZ);
	const cosZ = Math.cos(rZ);

	// Using forEach() like map(), but with a (recycled) target array.
	vertices.forEach((v, i) => {
		const targetVertex = target[i];
		// X axis rotation
		const x1 = v.x;
		const y1 = v.z*sinX + v.y*cosX;
		const z1 = v.z*cosX - v.y*sinX;
		// Y axis rotation
		const x2 = x1*cosY - z1*sinY;
		const y2 = y1;
		const z2 = x1*sinY + z1*cosY;
		// Z axis rotation
		const x3 = x2*cosZ - y2*sinZ;
		const y3 = x2*sinZ + y2*cosZ;
		const z3 = z2;

		// Scale, Translate, and set the transform.
		targetVertex.x = x3 * sX + tX;
		targetVertex.y = y3 * sY + tY;
		targetVertex.z = z3 * sZ + tZ;

// 3D projection on a single vertex.
// Directly mutates the vertex.
const projectVertex = v => {
	const focalLength = cameraDistance * sceneScale;
	const depth = focalLength / (cameraDistance - v.z);
	v.x = v.x * depth;
	v.y = v.y * depth;

// 3D projection on a single vertex.
// Mutates a secondary target vertex.
const projectVertexTo = (v, target) => {
	const focalLength = cameraDistance * sceneScale;
	const depth = focalLength / (cameraDistance - v.z);
	target.x = v.x * depth;
	target.y = v.y * depth;

// PERF.js
// ============================================================================
// ============================================================================

// Dummy no-op functions.
// I use these in a special build for custom performance profiling.
const PERF_START = () => {};
const PERF_END = () => {};
const PERF_UPDATE = () => {};

// 3dModels.js
// ============================================================================
// ============================================================================

// Define models once. The origin is the center of the model.

// A simple cube, 8 vertices, 6 quads.
// Defaults to an edge length of 2 units, can be influenced with `scale`.
function makeCubeModel({ scale=1 }) {
	return {
		vertices: [
			// top
			{ x: -scale, y: -scale, z: scale },
			{ x:  scale, y: -scale, z: scale },
			{ x:  scale, y:  scale, z: scale },
			{ x: -scale, y:  scale, z: scale },
			// bottom
			{ x: -scale, y: -scale, z: -scale },
			{ x:  scale, y: -scale, z: -scale },
			{ x:  scale, y:  scale, z: -scale },
			{ x: -scale, y:  scale, z: -scale }
		polys: [
			// z = 1
			{ vIndexes: [0, 1, 2, 3] },
			// z = -1
			{ vIndexes: [7, 6, 5, 4] },
			// y = 1
			{ vIndexes: [3, 2, 6, 7] },
			// y = -1
			{ vIndexes: [4, 5, 1, 0] },
			// x = 1
			{ vIndexes: [5, 6, 2, 1] },
			// x = -1
			{ vIndexes: [0, 3, 7, 4] }

// Not very optimized - lots of duplicate vertices are generated.
function makeRecursiveCubeModel({ recursionLevel, splitFn, color, scale=1 }) {
	const getScaleAtLevel = level => 1 / (3 ** level);

	// We can model level 0 manually. It's just a single, centered, cube.
	let cubeOrigins = [{ x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 }];

	// Recursively replace cubes with smaller cubes.
	for (let i=1; i<=recursionLevel; i++) {
		const scale = getScaleAtLevel(i) * 2;
		const cubeOrigins2 = [];
		cubeOrigins.forEach(origin => {
			cubeOrigins2.push(...splitFn(origin, scale));
		cubeOrigins = cubeOrigins2;

	const finalModel = { vertices: [], polys: [] };

	// Generate single cube model and scale it.
	const cubeModel = makeCubeModel({ scale: 1 });

	// Compute the max distance x, y, or z origin values will be.
	// Same result as `Math.max(...cubeOrigins.map(o => o.x))`, but much faster.
	const maxComponent = getScaleAtLevel(recursionLevel) * (3 ** recursionLevel - 1);

	// Place cube geometry at each origin.
	cubeOrigins.forEach((origin, cubeIndex) => {
		// To compute occlusion (shading), find origin component with greatest
		// magnitude and normalize it relative to `maxComponent`.
		const occlusion = Math.max(
		) / maxComponent;
		// At lower iterations, occlusion looks better lightened up a bit.
		const occlusionLighter = recursionLevel > 2
			? occlusion
			: (occlusion + 0.8) / 1.8;
		// Clone, translate vertices to origin, and apply scale
			...cubeModel.vertices.map(v => ({
				x: (v.x + origin.x) * scale,
				y: (v.y + origin.y) * scale,
				z: (v.z + origin.z) * scale
		// Clone polys, shift referenced vertex indexes, and compute color.
			...cubeModel.polys.map(poly => ({
				vIndexes: poly.vIndexes.map(add(cubeIndex * 8))

	return finalModel;

// o: Vector3D - Position of cube's origin (center).
// s: Vector3D - Determines size of menger sponge.
function mengerSpongeSplit(o, s) {
	return [
		// Top
		{ x: o.x + s, y: o.y - s, z: o.z + s },
		{ x: o.x + s, y: o.y - s, z: o.z + 0 },
		{ x: o.x + s, y: o.y - s, z: o.z - s },
		{ x: o.x + 0, y: o.y - s, z: o.z + s },
		{ x: o.x + 0, y: o.y - s, z: o.z - s },
		{ x: o.x - s, y: o.y - s, z: o.z + s },
		{ x: o.x - s, y: o.y - s, z: o.z + 0 },
		{ x: o.x - s, y: o.y - s, z: o.z - s },
		// Bottom
		{ x: o.x + s, y: o.y + s, z: o.z + s },
		{ x: o.x + s, y: o.y + s, z: o.z + 0 },
		{ x: o.x + s, y: o.y + s, z: o.z - s },
		{ x: o.x + 0, y: o.y + s, z: o.z + s },
		{ x: o.x + 0, y: o.y + s, z: o.z - s },
		{ x: o.x - s, y: o.y + s, z: o.z + s },
		{ x: o.x - s, y: o.y + s, z: o.z + 0 },
		{ x: o.x - s, y: o.y + s, z: o.z - s },
		// Middle
		{ x: o.x + s, y: o.y + 0, z: o.z + s },
		{ x: o.x + s, y: o.y + 0, z: o.z - s },
		{ x: o.x - s, y: o.y + 0, z: o.z + s },
		{ x: o.x - s, y: o.y + 0, z: o.z - s }

// Helper to optimize models by merging duplicate vertices within a threshold,
// and removing all polys that share the same vertices.
// Directly mutates the model.
function optimizeModel(model, threshold=0.0001) {
	const { vertices, polys } = model;

	const compareVertices = (v1, v2) => (
		Math.abs(v1.x - v2.x) < threshold &&
		Math.abs(v1.y - v2.y) < threshold &&
		Math.abs(v1.z - v2.z) < threshold

	const comparePolys = (p1, p2) => {
		const v1 = p1.vIndexes;
		const v2 = p2.vIndexes;
		return (
				v1[0] === v2[0] ||
				v1[0] === v2[1] ||
				v1[0] === v2[2] ||
				v1[0] === v2[3]
			) && (
				v1[1] === v2[0] ||
				v1[1] === v2[1] ||
				v1[1] === v2[2] ||
				v1[1] === v2[3]
			) && (
				v1[2] === v2[0] ||
				v1[2] === v2[1] ||
				v1[2] === v2[2] ||
				v1[2] === v2[3]
			) && (
				v1[3] === v2[0] ||
				v1[3] === v2[1] ||
				v1[3] === v2[2] ||
				v1[3] === v2[3]

	vertices.forEach((v, i) => {
		v.originalIndexes = [i];

	for (let i=vertices.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
		for (let ii=i-1; ii>=0; ii--) {
			const v1 = vertices[i];
			const v2 = vertices[ii];
			if (compareVertices(v1, v2)) {
				vertices.splice(i, 1);

	vertices.forEach((v, i) => {
		polys.forEach(p => {
			p.vIndexes.forEach((vi, ii, arr) => {
				const vo = v.originalIndexes;
				if (vo.includes(vi)) {
					arr[ii] = i;

	polys.forEach(p => {
		const vi = p.vIndexes;
		p.sum = vi[0] + vi[1] + vi[2] + vi[3];
	polys.sort((a, b) => b.sum - a.sum);

	// Assumptions:
	// 1. Each poly will either have no duplicates or 1 duplicate.
	// 2. If two polys are equal, they are both hidden (two cubes touching),
	//    therefore both can be removed.
	for (let i=polys.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
		for (let ii=i-1; ii>=0; ii--) {
			const p1 = polys[i];
			const p2 = polys[ii];
			if (p1.sum !== p2.sum) break;
			if (comparePolys(p1, p2)) {
				polys.splice(i, 1);
				polys.splice(ii, 1);

	return model;

// Entity.js
// ============================================================================
// ============================================================================

class Entity {
	constructor({ model, color, wireframe=false }) {
		const vertices = cloneVertices(model.vertices);
		const shadowVertices = cloneVertices(model.vertices);
		const colorHex = colorToHex(color);
		const darkColorHex = shadeColor(color, 0.4);

		const polys = model.polys.map(p => ({
			vertices: p.vIndexes.map(vIndex => vertices[vIndex]),
			color: color, // custom rgb color object
			wireframe: wireframe,
			strokeWidth: wireframe ? 2 : 0, // Set to non-zero value to draw stroke
			strokeColor: colorHex, // must be a CSS color string
			strokeColorDark: darkColorHex, // must be a CSS color string
			depth: 0,
			middle: { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 },
			normalWorld: { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 },
			normalCamera: { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 }

		const shadowPolys = model.polys.map(p => ({
			vertices: p.vIndexes.map(vIndex => shadowVertices[vIndex]),
			wireframe: wireframe,
			normalWorld: { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 }

		this.projected = {}; // Will store 2D projected data
		this.model = model;
		this.vertices = vertices;
		this.polys = polys;
		this.shadowVertices = shadowVertices;
		this.shadowPolys = shadowPolys;

	// Better names: resetEntity, resetTransform, resetEntityTransform
	reset() {
		this.x = 0;
		this.y = 0;
		this.z = 0;
		this.xD = 0;
		this.yD = 0;
		this.zD = 0;

		this.rotateX = 0;
		this.rotateY = 0;
		this.rotateZ = 0;
		this.rotateXD = 0;
		this.rotateYD = 0;
		this.rotateZD = 0;

		this.scaleX = 1;
		this.scaleY = 1;
		this.scaleZ = 1;

		this.projected.x = 0;
		this.projected.y = 0;

	transform() {

		copyVerticesTo(this.vertices, this.shadowVertices);

	// Projects origin point, stored as `projected` property.
	project() {
		projectVertexTo(this, this.projected);

// getTarget.js
// ============================================================================
// ============================================================================

// All active targets
const targets = [];

// Pool target instances by color, using a Map.
// keys are color objects, and values are arrays of targets.
// Also pool wireframe instances separately.
const targetPool = new Map(allColors.map(c=>([c, []])));
const targetWireframePool = new Map(allColors.map(c=>([c, []])));

const getTarget = (() => {

	const slowmoSpawner = makeSpawner({
		chance: 0.5,
		cooldownPerSpawn: 10000,
		maxSpawns: 1

	let doubleStrong = false;
	const strongSpawner = makeSpawner({
		chance: 0.3,
		cooldownPerSpawn: 12000,
		maxSpawns: 1

	const spinnerSpawner = makeSpawner({
		chance: 0.1,
		cooldownPerSpawn: 10000,
		maxSpawns: 1

	// Cached array instances, no need to allocate every time.
	const axisOptions = [
		['x', 'y'],
		['y', 'z'],
		['z', 'x']

	function getTargetOfStyle(color, wireframe) {
		const pool = wireframe ? targetWireframePool : targetPool;
		let target = pool.get(color).pop();
		if (!target) {
			target = new Entity({
				model: optimizeModel(makeRecursiveCubeModel({
					recursionLevel: 1,
					splitFn: mengerSpongeSplit,
					scale: targetRadius
				color: color,
				wireframe: wireframe

			// Init any properties that will be used.
			// These will not be automatically reset when recycled.
			target.color = color;
			target.wireframe = wireframe;
			// Some properties don't have their final value yet.
			// Initialize with any value of the right type.
			target.hit = false;
			target.maxHealth = 0;
			target.health = 0;
		return target;

	return function getTarget() {
		if (doubleStrong && state.game.score <= doubleStrongEnableScore) {
			doubleStrong = false;
			// Spawner is reset automatically when game resets.
		} else if (!doubleStrong && state.game.score > doubleStrongEnableScore) {
			doubleStrong = true;
			strongSpawner.mutate({ maxSpawns: 2 });

		// Target Parameters
		// --------------------------------
		let color = pickOne([BLUE, GREEN, ORANGE]);
		let wireframe = false;
		let health = 1;
		let maxHealth = 3;
		const spinner = state.game.cubeCount >= spinnerThreshold && isInGame() && spinnerSpawner.shouldSpawn();

		// Target Parameter Overrides
		// --------------------------------
		if (state.game.cubeCount >= slowmoThreshold &&.........完整代码请登录后点击上方下载按钮下载查看
