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var y = event.clientY; //create main boom element document.getElementById("body").innerHTML = "<div id='boom" + x + "'></div>"; //create boom class and add it to div var attClass = document.createAttribute("class"); attClass.value = "boom"; document.getElementById("boom" + x).setAttributeNode(attClass); //get new random color var r = randNum(0, 255); var g = randNum(0, 255); var b = randNum(0, 255); var newColor = "rgb(" + r + "," + g + "," + b + ")"; //randomize the boom color document.getElementById("boom" + x).style.backgroundColor = newColor; //start the boom position at mouse click document.getElementById("boom" + x).style.top = y + 'px'; document.getElementById("boom" + x).style.left = x + 'px'; //get a complimentary color 1 var r1 = corrected(Math.round(complimentary(r))); var g1 = corrected(Math.round(complimentary(g))); var b1 = corrected(Math.round(complimentary(b))); var bubbleColor1 = "rgb(" + r1 + "," + g1 + "," + b1 + ")"; //get a complimentary color 2 var r2 = corrected(Math.round(complimentary2(r))); var g2 = corrected(Math.round(complimentary2(g))); var b2 = corrected(Math.round(complimentary2(b))); var bubbleColor2 = "rgb(" + r2 + "," + g2 + "," + b2 + ")"; //get a complimentary color 3 var r3 = corrected(Math.round(complimentary3(r))); var g3 = corrected(Math.round(complimentary3(g))); var b3 = corrected(Math.round(complimentary3(b))); var bubbleColor3 = "rgb(" + r3 + "," + g3 + "," + b3 + ")"; //get a complimentary color 4 var r4 = corrected(r + 42.5); var g4 = corrected(r + 42.5); var b4 = corrected(r + 42.5); var bubbleColor4 = "rgb(" + r4 + "," + g4 + "," + b4 + ")"; //get a complimentary color 5 var r5 = corrected(r - 42.5); var g5 = corrected(g - 42.5); var b5 = corrected(b - 42.5); var bubbleColor5 = "rgb(" + r5 + "," + g5 + "," + b5 + ")"; //get a complimentary color 6 var r6 = corrected(r + 85); var g6 = corrected(r + 85); var b6 = corrected(r + 85); var bubbleColor6 = "rgb(" + r6 + "," + g6 + "," + b6 + ")"; //get a complimentary color 7 var r7 = corrected(r - 85); var g7 = corrected(g - 85); var b7 = corrected(b - 85); var bubbleColor7 = "rgb(" + r7 + "," + g7 + "," + b7 + ")"; //get a complimentary color 8 var r8 = corrected(r + 127.5); var g8 = corrected(r + 127.5); var b8 = corrected(r + 127.5); var bubbleColor8 = "rgb(" + r8 + "," + g8 + "," + b8 + ")"; //get a complimentary color 9 var r9 = corrected(r - 127.5); var g9 = corrected(g - 127.5); var b9 = corrected(b - 127.5); var bubbleColor9 = "rgb(" + r9 + "," + g9 + "," + b9 + ")"; //bubbles! //1 document.getElementById("body").innerHTML += "<div id='bubble1' class='bubble1'></div>.........完整代码请登录后点击上方下载按钮下载查看