



代码标签: 路径 环绕 动画

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* {
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.char {
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  -webkit-animation: travel 6s calc((var(--delay) * (0.15)) * -1s) infinite linear both;
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svg {
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path {
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.gradient {
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@-webkit-keyframes travel {
  from {
    offset-distance: 0%;
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@keyframes travel {
  from {
    offset-distance: 0%;
  to {
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const { d3, Splitting } = window
 * Meanderer class. Accepts a path, container, height, width, and change handler.
 * Although it doesn't need a handler. We can just call get path and let it do that.
 * The checks can be handled outside. We don't need to do it inside.
class Meanderer {
  constructor({ height, path, threshold = 0.2, width }) {
    this.height = height
    this.path = path
    this.threshold = threshold
    this.width = width
    // With what we are given create internal references
    this.aspect_ratio = width / height
    // Convert the path into a data set
    this.path_data = this.convertPathToData(path)
    this.maximums = this.getMaximums(this.path_data)
    this.range_ratios = this.getRatios(this.maximums, width, height)
  // This is relevant for when we want to interpolate points to
  // the container scale. We need the minimum and maximum for both X and Y
  getMaximums = data => {
    const X_POINTS = data.map(point => point[0])
    const Y_POINTS = data.map(point => point[1])
    return [
      Math.max(...X_POINTS), // x2
      Math.max(...Y_POINTS), // y2
  // Generate some ratios based on the data points and the path width and h.........完整代码请登录后点击上方下载按钮下载查看
