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var x = b[0] - a[0]; var y = b[1] - a[1]; var len = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y); this.localSpaceNormals[i] = [-y / len, x / len]; } // world points this.worldSpaceNormals = []; this.worldSpacePoints = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.vCount; i++ ) { this.worldSpaceNormals[i] = [0, 0]; this.worldSpacePoints[i] = [0, 0]; } // calculate inverse inertia tensor this.invI = (invMass > 0) ? 1 / ((1 / invMass) * (w * w + h * h) / 6) : 0 // contact points this.c1 = [0, 0]; this.c0 = [0, 0]; } Rectangle.prototype.featurePairJudgement = function (that, fpc) { var closest, closestI, closestD, wsN, v, d, dx, dy, lsp, wsp, mfp0, mfp1, dist, centreDist; for (var edge = 0; edge < this.vCount; edge++) { // get support vertices wsN = this.worldSpaceNormals[edge]; // rotate into rectangle space dx = -wsN[0]; dy = -wsN[1]; v = [ dx * that.matrix[0] + dy * that.matrix[1], dx * that.matrix[2] + dy * that.matrix[3] ]; // get axis bits closestI = -1; closestD = -1E6; // first support for (var i = 0; i < that.vCount; i++) { lsp = that.localSpacePoints[i]; d = v[0] * lsp[0] + v[1] * lsp[1]; if (d > closestD) { closestD = d; closestI = i; } } // form point on plane of minkowski face closest = that.worldSpacePoints[closestI]; wsp = this.worldSpacePoints[edge]; mfp0 = [closest[0] - wsp[0], closest[1] - wsp[1]]; wsp = this.worldSpacePoints[(edge + 1) % this.vCount]; mfp1 = [closest[0] - wsp[0], closest[1] - wsp[1]]; // distance from origin to face dist = mfp0[0] * wsN[0] + mfp0[1] * wsN[1]; // distance to centre dx = closest[0] - this.pos[0]; dx = closest[1] - this.pos[1]; centreDist = dx * dx + dy * dy;; if (dist > 0) { // recompute distance to clamped edge this.projectPointOntoEdge([0, 0], mfp0, mfp1, 0); // recompute distance dist = this.c0[0] * this.c0[0] + this.c0[1] * this.c0[1]; if (dist < mostSeparated[0]) { mostSeparated = [dist, closestI, edge, fpc, centreDist]; } else if (dist == mostSeparated[0] && fpc == mostSeparated[3]) { // got to pick the right one - pick one closest to centre of A if (centreDist < mostSeparated[4]) { mostSeparated = [dist, closestI, edge, fpc, centreDist]; } } } else { // penetration if (dist > mostPenetrating[0]) { mostPenetrating = [dist, closestI, edge, fpc, centreDist]; } else if (dist == mostPenetrating[0] && fpc == mostPenetrating[3]) { // got to pick the right one - pick one closest to centre of A if (centreDist < mostPenetrating[4]) { mostPenetrating = [dist, closestI, edge, fpc, centreDist];.........完整代码请登录后点击上方下载按钮下载查看