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<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en" > <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <style> html, body { width: 100%; height: 100%; margin: 0; padding: 0; font-family: 'Catamaran', sans-serif; } body { background: #222; background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #111, #222); } .container { margin: 0; padding: 0; height: 100%; width: 100%; overflow: hidden; text-align: center; } svg { z-index: 10; height: 100%; } .stick { transform: translatex(100px) translatey(360px); } .flame { mix-blend-mode: screen; } </style> </head> <body> <div class="container"> <svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" id="svg" width="400" height="800" preserveAspectRatio viewBox="0 0 400 800"></svg> </div> <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script> <script > TweenMax.lagSmoothing(0); console.clear(); var Flame = /** @class */ (function () { function Flame(svg, start, end, width, particle) { = String(Math.round(Math.random() * 999999999999999)); =;'flame'); this.startPoint = start; this.endPoint = end; this.startThickness = width + Math.round(Math.random() * 50); this.endThickness = 10 + Math.round(Math.random() * 10); this.guidePosition = Math.random() * 100; this.frequency = 0.01 + Math.random() * 0.008; this.amplitude = 40 + Math.random() * 40; this.height = 500; this.endHeight = 100 + Math.round(Math.random() * 400); this.y = Math.random() * 100; this.particle = particle; var colors = ['#F9ECA9', '#EFC900', '#D79700', '#D0BB48']; this.body ={ fill: this.particle ? '#F9ECA9' : colors[Math.floor(Math.random() * colors.length)], opacity: this.particle ? 1 : 0.8, stroke: 'none' }); this.updateGuide(); } Flame.prototype.remove = function () {; }; Flame.prototype.updateGuide = function () { = []; var height = this.startPoint.y - this.endPoint.y; var widthChange = this.startPoint.x - this.endPoint.x; var y = this.startPoint.y; while (y-- >= this.endPoint.y) { var x = this.startPoint.x + (widthChange - (widthChange / height) * y); var wave = Math.sin(y * this.frequency + this.guidePosition);{ y: y, x: x + (wave * this.amplitude / 2 + this.amplitude / 2) }); } }; Flame.prototype.start = function (onComplete) { if (this.particle), (0.2 + Math.random()), { y:, height: this.endHeight, position: '+=6', ease: Linear.ease, onComplete: onComplete, onCompleteParams: [this] }); else, 0.5 + (Math.random()), { y:, height: this.endHeight, position: '+=6', ease: Power2.easeIn, onComplete: onComplete, onCompleteParams: [this] }); }; Flame.prototype.getPointAlongGuide = function (y, offsetXPercentage) { if ( { if (y >= y = - 1; if (y < 0) y = 0; var thicknessDifference = this.endThickness - this.startThickness; var percentageAlongGuide = (y / * 100; var thickness = this.startThickness + ((thicknessDifference / 100) * percentageAlongGuide); var xOffset = ((thickness / 2) / 100) * offsetXPercentage; return { x:[y].x + xOffset, y:[y].y }; } return { x: 0, y: 0 }; }; Flame.prototype.drawPath = function (pathPoints) { var points = []; for (var i = 0; i < pathPoints.length; i++) { var subPoints = []; for (var j = 0; j < pathPoints[i].points.length / 2; j++) { var p = pathPoints[i].points.slice(j * 2, j * 2 + 2); var point = this.getPointAlongGuide(Math.round(p[1]), p[0]); subPoints.push(point.x); subPoints.push(point.y); } points.push(pathPoints[i].type + subPoints.join(' ')); } return points.join(' ') + 'Z'; }; Flame.prototype.draw = function () { if (this.height > 0) { var y = Math.round(this.y); var height = Math.round(this.height); var heightChunks = height / 6; // let xInc = 5; // let yInc = 0.1; // let x = xInc; // let y = yInc; // let flamePoints = []; // for(let i = 0; i < 20; i++) // { // flamePoints.push(x); // flamePoints.push(y); // x += xInc; // y += yInc; // } // for(let i = 0; i < 20; i++) // { // flamePoints.push(x); // flamePoints.push(y); // x -= xInc; // y += yInc; // } // for(let i = 0; i < 20; i++) // { // flamePoints.push(x); // flamePoints.push(y); // x -= xInc; // y -= yInc; // } // for(let i = 0; i < 20; i++) // { // flamePoints.push(x); // flamePoints.push(y); // x += xInc; // y -= yInc; // } // //console.log(flamePoints) // I want to change this bit, this array could be generated in a loop. var body = this.particle ? [{ type: 'M', points: [0, y] }, { type: 'L', points: [10, y - heightChunks * 0.2, 20, y - heightChunks * 0.4, 30, y - heightChunks * 0.6,] }] : [ { type: 'M', points: [0, y] }, { type: 'L', points: [10, y - heightChunks * 0.2, 20, y - heightChunks * 0.4, 30, y - heightChunks * 0.6, 40, y - heightChunks * 0.8, 50, y - heightChunks * 1, 60, y - heightChunks * 1.2, 70, y - heightChunks * 1.4, 80, y - heightChunks * 1.6, 90, y - heightChunks * 1.8, 90, y - heightChunks * 2, 90, y - heightChunks * 2.2, 80, y - heightChunks * 2.4, 70, y - heightChunks * 2.6, 60, y - heightChunks * 2.8, 50, y - heightChunks * 3, 40, y - heightChunks * 3.1, 30, y - heightChunks * 3.2, 20, y - heightChunks * 3.3, 10, y - heightChunks * 3.4, 0, y - heightChunks * 3.5, -10, y - heightChunks * 3.4, -20, y - heightChunks * 3.3, -30, y - heightChunks * 3.2, -40, y - heightChunks * 3.1, -50, y - heightChunks * 3, -60, y - heightChunks * 2.8, -70, y - heightChunks * 2.6, -80, y - heightChunks * 2.4, -90, y - heightChunks * 2.2, -90, y - heightChunks * 2, -90, y - heightChunks * 1.8, -80, y - heightChunks * 1.6, -70, y - heightChunks * 1.4, -60, y - heightChunks * 1.2, -50, y - heightChunks * 1, -40, y - heightChunks * 0.8, -30, y - heightChunks * 0.6, -20, y - heightChunks * 0.4, -10, y - heightChunks * 0.2, 0, y - heightChunks * 0, ] }, ]; this.body.attr({ d: this.drawPath(body) }); } }; return Flame; }()); var StageManager = /** @class */ (function () { function StageManager(svg) { this.svg = svg; = {}; this.size = { width: 0, height: 0 }; } StageManager.prototype.init = function () { var _this = this; window.addEventListener('resize', function () { return _this.onResize(); }, true); this.onResize(); this.tick(); }; StageManager.prototype.onResize = function () { this.size.width = 400; this.size.height = 800; this.svg .attr('width', this.size.width) .attr('height', this.size.height); }; StageManager.prototype.addFlame = function () { var _this = this; var particle = Math.random() > .8; var start = { x: this.size.width / 2, y: this.size.height - (40 + Math.random() * 20) }; var end = { x: (this.size.width / 4) + Math.random() * (this.size.width / 2), y: particle ? -20 : this.size.height / 3 }; var width = this.size.width / 4; var flame .........完整代码请登录后点击上方下载按钮下载查看