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<!DOCTYPE html> <html > <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <style> body { background: #000; overflow: hidden; } canvas { display: block; } </style> </head> <body> <canvas id="c"></canvas> <script > /* click to clear and change hue don't look at or judge this code I just kept tweaking values and adding random things in a messy way it's full of magic numbers */ var c, ctx, w, h, cx, cy, branches, startHue, tick; function rand( min, max ) { return Math.random() * ( max - min ) + min; } function randInt( min, max ) { return Math.floor( min + Math.random() * ( max - min + 1 ) ); }; function Branch( hue, x, y, angle, vel ) { var move = 15; this.x = x + rand( -move, move ); this.y = y + rand( -move, move ); this.points = []; this.angle = angle != undefined ? angle : rand( 0, Math.PI * 1 ); this.vel = vel != undefined ? vel : rand( -4, 4 ); this.spread = 0; this.tick = 0; this.hue = hue != undefined ? hue : 200; this.life = 1; this.decay = 0.0015; this.dead = false; this.points.push({ x: this.x, y: this.y }); } Branch.prototype.step = function( i ) { this.life -= this.decay; if( this.life <= 0 ) { this.dead = true; } if( !this.dead ) { var lastPoint = this.points[ this.points.length - 1 ]; this.points.push({ x: lastPoint.x + Math.cos( this.angle ) * this.vel, y: lastPoint.y + Math.sin( this.angle ) * this.vel }); this.angle += rand( -this.spread, this.spread ); this.vel *= 0.99; this.spread = this.vel * 0.04; this.tick++; this.hue += 0.3; } else { branches.splice( i, 1 ); } }; Branch.prototype.draw = function() { if( !this.points.length || this.dead ) { return false; } var len.........完整代码请登录后点击上方下载按钮下载查看