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Cub and star moves with grid. Orange links stay in place. --- * . . ! . . . ! @=.=. </pre> <pre id="intro-fixed3" data-blurb="★"> blurb: ★ --- @=. . . . . ! *=. . </pre> <pre id="intro-free1" data-blurb="Tutorial"> blurb: Tutorial instruction: Blue links move with grid. Rotate grid to connect blue and orange links in different ways. --- @-. . ! | . . . | *-.-. </pre> <pre id="m3x3-2-med" data-blurb="★"> blurb: ★ --- . . * | | | . . . | | | @ .=. </pre> <pre id="m3x3-fixed-switch" data-blurb="★"> blurb: ★ --- *=.-. . . . | @-. . </pre> <pre id="m4x4-2" data-blurb="★"> blurb: ★ --- . .=. . | ! . . .-* | . . . . . @-. . </pre> <pre id="m4x4-1" data-blurb="★"> blurb: ★ --- . . . . * . . @ | ! | . . . . ! . . . . </pre> <pre id="m4x4-3" data-blurb="★"> blurb: ★ --- . @ . . ! | . . . . | .=.=.-. | . * . . </pre> <pre id="m4x4-4" data-blurb="★"> blurb: ★ --- . . . . * . . . ! . . .-. ! .=.=. @ </pre> <pre id="m4x4-5" data-blurb="★"> blurb: ★ --- .-.-.-. | @ .-.-. * .=. . ! | .-.-. . </pre> <pre id="m4x4-6-med" data-blurb="★"> blurb: ★ --- . * . . .-.=. . | . . . . ! | .=. @ . </pre> <pre id="m4x4-7-hard1" data-blurb="★★"> blurb: ★★ --- . . *-. .-.=. . | .=. . . | | @-.-.=. </pre> <pre id="m4x4-8-hard2" data-blurb="★★"> blurb: ★★ --- .-@ .=. . . . . | .-. .-* | . .=.-. </pre> <pre id="m4x4-9-hard1" data-blurb="★★"> blurb: ★★ --- . . .=. ! @-. .-. . .=. . . . * . </pre> <pre id="m4x4-10-hard1" data-blurb="★★"> blurb: ★★ --- . @=. . | . .-.-. .-.-.-. ! ! . * . . </pre> <pre id="m5x5-3" data-blurb="★"> . . . . . | ! . . .-. . | . . . . * | . . .=. . | . @ . . . </pre> <pre id="m5x5-1" data-blurb="★"> @-.-. .-. | . . . . . . . .=. . . . . .=. | . .=.-* . </pre> <pre id="m5x5-2" data-blurb="★★"> . . . . . . .=.-. @ | ! . . . .-. .=. . .=. ! * . . . . </pre> <pre id="m5x5-4" data-blurb="★★"> . . . .-. ! . .-. . . ! | .=. . . . | . . . . * | .-@=. .=. </pre> <pre id="m5x5-5" data-blurb="★★"> . . . . . . . .-. * ! . . .-. . .=. . . . | . @-. . . </pre> <pre id="m5x5-6" data-blurb="★★"> . . .-.-. ! ! . .=.-. . | . .-. .-@ ! * .=. . . | .=. .-.=. </pre> <pre id="m5x5-7" data-blurb="★★★"> .=* . @=. | . .=. . . | | | .=. . .-. | . . . .=. ! . .-.-. . </pre> <pre id="m5x5-8" data-blurb="★★★"> . * . .-. | . . .=.-. ! | . . . . . . .-. .=. | . . .=.-@ </pre> <pre id="m5x5-9" data-blurb="★★★"> .-.-. . . | . . . .-@ ! * . .-. . | ! .-. . .=. | ! . . .=. . </pre> <pre id="m5x5-10" data-blurb="★★"> . . . . . . . . .-@ ! * . .=. . | ! .-. . . . . . . . . </pre> <pre id="m5x5-11" data-blurb="★★★"> . . . .=. | . . . .=. | . . .-. . ! | . .=. . . | ! ! .-@ . * . </pre> <pre id="m5x5-12" data-blurb="★★"> . . .=.=. . . . . . . . . . @ . . . . . * . .=.=. </pre> <pre id="m6x6-1-hard1" data-blurb="★★★"> . . * . . . ! | | . .-. .-. . | . . . . .-. | ! | . . .=. . . | @-.-. .-. . | . .=. . .-. </pre> <pre id="m6x6-2" data-blurb="★★★"> @ .=. . .=. | | ! . . . .=. . | | . . . .-. . | ! . . . . . * | | .=. .-. . . | | | .-. . . .=. </pre> <pre id="m6x6-3" data-blurb="★★★"> .=. .=.-.-* | .-. . . . . | ! . . .-.-. . ! .-. .=.=. . @ .=. . . . | ! . .-. .-. . </pre> <pre id="pivot-4x4-intro" data-blurb="Tutorial"> instruction: Green links pivot with grid, but point in the same direction --- . .-* . | . . . . . .>. . . @ . . </pre> <pre id="pivot-5x5-2" data-blurb="★★"> . . .-.-@ . .<. . . .>. . . . | ! .-.-. . * ! . . . . . </pre> <pre id="pivot-5x5-swirly" data-blurb="★★★"> . . . . . ^ .<. . . * . . . . . @ . . .>. v . . . . . </pre> <pre id="pivot-5x5-1" data-blurb="★★★"> . .-. . . ^ . .<.=.=. .>. . .-@ * . . .=. . . . . . </pre> <pre id="pivot-5x5-3" data-blurb="★★"> .=. . .-* v . . . . . . . .-.J. @-. . . . v .<. . . . </pre> <pre id="pivot-5x5-4" data-blurb="★★★"> .-.-. @>. ! ^ . . . . . | . . . . . | . . . .=* ^ . . .-. .> </pre> <pre id="pivot-5x5-5" data-blurb="★★★"> .-. . . * . .>. . . | v .-. . . . ^ . . .-. . v @=.=. . . </pre> <pre id="pivot-5x5-6" data-blurb="★★★"> . . .>. . ! | @=. .-. . . . . .=.> . . . . . . *>.<. . </pre> <pre id="pivot-5x5-7" data-blurb="★★★"> * . @ . . v | . . . . . ! . . . . . ^ ! ! . .-. . . ! . . . . . v </pre> <pre id="pivot-6x6-1" data-blurb="★★★"> . . . . . . | v @ . . . . * | | . . . . . . | ! ^ | K . . . .-.=. | . .-. . . . v .>. . . . . </pre> <pre id="pivot-6x6-3" data-blurb="★★★"> . @-. .>.-. . . . . . . | * .>. .=. . ! . . . . . .> | ^ . . . .=. . . .=. . .=.> </pre> <pre id="pivot-6x6-2" data-blurb="★★★"> . .-.-. .=. v . . . . . . | ! v .>. . . . * ^ . . . . . . | . .-.<. . . ! | | . . . .>.-@ </pre> <pre id="m44" data-blurb="★★"> . .=. *-. . . .=. . ! . . . . . | ! . . . . . | | . @ . .=. </pre> <pre id="m45" data-blurb="★★"> @ * .>. . . .=.=. . | | .>. . . . . . . .>. | .=. . .-. </pre> <pre id="m46" data-blurb="★★★"> .-. . . ^ . . . . .L. . . ! @ . .-* </pre> <pre id="m47" data-blurb="★★"> @ . . . . . v v v v v v . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v v v v v . . . . . . . . . .=. * v v v v v </pre> <pre id="m48" data-blurb="★"> .-.<.>.=. . W ! | . . .A. . * | | . .=. . . . ^ ! . .D.-.=.=@ | . . .-.-. . | .#.=. .<. . v v </pre> <pre id="m49" data-blurb="★★★"> . . .-@ . | . . . .J. * . . . . | ! ! . . . . . v ! . . . .-. </pre> <pre id="m50" data-blurb="★★★"> *=. . . v . . . . ^ | . . . . ^ | @ .>. . </pre> <pre id="rotate-tut" data-blurb="Tutorial"> instruction: Red links are fixed in place, but rotate with grid --- . . . . @ .4. . | . . .-* . . . . </pre> <pre id="rotate1" data-blurb="★"> . . .-* | . . . . 5 .4. . . | @ . . . </pre> <pre id="rotate2" data-blurb="★★"> @ .-.=. | . . .4. | * . . . | | . . . . </pre> <pre id="rotate3" data-blurb="★★"> . . * . ! 5 v . . . @ | . .4. . ! . . . . </pre> <pre id="rotate3b" data-blurb="★★"> * . . . ! 5 . . . @ | . .4. . ! . . . . </pre> <pre id="rotate-5x5-1" data-blurb="★★"> . . . .-@ 8 . .=. . . *=. . . . . .-. . . . . . . . </pre> <pre id="rotate-5x5-2" data-blurb="★★"> . . . . . . . . .6* | . . . .=. | .4. . . . | . . . .-@ </pre> <pre id="rotate-5x5-2b" data-blurb="★★★"> . . . . . ! | .-.-. . . v | . . .-. . @ . . . . 5 . . .=* . </pre> <pre id="rotate-6x6-1" data-blurb="★★★"> @4.=. . . . . . . . . . v 8 | .-.-. . . . ! ! ^ . . . . . . . .>. . . . ! * . .4. . . </pre> <pre id="rotate-6x6-2" data-blurb="★★★"> . . *<. . . .=. .-. . . 5 . . . .-. . | . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 | . .=. . @-. </pre> <pre id="rotate-6x6-3" data-blurb="★★★"> .4. . . . @ ! .-. . .=. . ! . . . . . . ! .>.6. . . . ! . . . .=.-. ^ . . . . * . </pre> </div> <script type="text/javascript" src="//repo.bfw.wiki/bfwrepo/js/EvEmitter.1.0.2.js"></script> <script > /*! * Unipointer v2.1.0 * base class for doing one thing with pointer event * MIT license */ /*jshint browser: true, undef: true, unused: true, strict: true */ ( function( window, factory ) { // universal module definition /* jshint strict: false */ /*global define, module, require */ if ( typeof define == 'function' && define.amd ) { // AMD define( [ 'ev-emitter/ev-emitter' ], function( EvEmitter ) { return factory( window, EvEmitter ); }); } else if ( typeof module == 'object' && module.exports ) { // CommonJS module.exports = factory( window, require('ev-emitter') ); } else { // browser global window.Unipointer = factory( window, window.EvEmitter ); } }( window, function factory( window, EvEmitter ) { 'use strict'; function noop() {} function Unipointer() {} // inherit EvEmitter var proto = Unipointer.prototype = Object.create( EvEmitter.prototype ); proto.bindStartEvent = function( elem ) { this._bindStartEvent( elem, true ); }; proto.unbindStartEvent = function( elem ) { this._bindStartEvent( elem, false ); }; /** * works as unbinder, as you can ._bindStart( false ) to unbind * @param {Boolean} isBind - will unbind if falsey */ proto._bindStartEvent = function( elem, isBind ) { // munge isBind, default to true isBind = isBind === undefined ? true : !!isBind; var bindMethod = isBind ? 'addEventListener' : 'removeEventListener'; if ( window.navigator.pointerEnabled ) { // W3C Pointer Events, IE11. See https://coderwall.com/p/mfreca elem[ bindMethod ]( 'pointerdown', this ); } else if ( window.navigator.msPointerEnabled ) { // IE10 Pointer Events elem[ bindMethod ]( 'MSPointerDown', this ); } else { // listen for both, for devices like Chrome Pixel elem[ bindMethod ]( 'mousedown', this ); elem[ bindMethod ]( 'touchstart', this ); } }; // trigger handler methods for events proto.handleEvent = function( event ) { var method = 'on' + event.type; if ( this[ method ] ) { this[ method ]( event ); } }; // returns the touch that we're keeping track of proto.getTouch = function( touches ) { for ( var i=0; i < touches.length; i++ ) { var touch = touches[i]; if ( touch.identifier == this.pointerIdentifier ) { return touch; } } }; // ----- start event ----- // proto.onmousedown = function( event ) { // dismiss clicks from right or middle buttons var button = event.button; if ( button && ( button !== 0 && button !== 1 ) ) { return; } this._pointerDown( event, event ); }; proto.ontouchstart = function( event ) { this._pointerDown( event, event.changedTouches[0] ); }; proto.onMSPointerDown = proto.onpointerdown = function( event ) { this._pointerDown( event, event ); }; /** * pointer start * @param {Event} event * @param {Event or Touch} pointer */ proto._pointerDown = function( event, pointer ) { // dismiss other pointers if ( this.isPointerDown ) { return; } this.isPointerDown = true; // save pointer identifier to match up touch events this.pointerIdentifier = pointer.pointerId !== undefined ? // pointerId for pointer events, touch.indentifier for touch events pointer.pointerId : pointer.identifier; this.pointerDown( event, pointer ); }; proto.pointerDown = function( event, pointer ) { this._bindPostStartEvents( event ); this.emitEvent( 'pointerDown', [ event, pointer ] ); }; // hash of events to be bound after start event var postStartEvents = { mousedown: [ 'mousemove', 'mouseup' ], touchstart: [ 'touchmove', 'touchend', 'touchcancel' ], pointerdown: [ 'pointermove', 'pointerup', 'pointercancel' ], MSPointerDown: [ 'MSPointerMove', 'MSPointerUp', 'MSPointerCancel' ] }; proto._bindPostStartEvents = function( event ) { if ( !event ) { return; } // get proper events to match start event var events = postStartEvents[ event.type ]; // bind events to node events.forEach( function( eventName ) { window.addEventListener( eventName, this ); }, this ); // save these arguments this._boundPointerEvents = events; }; proto._unbindPostStartEvents = function() { // check for _boundEvents, in case dragEnd triggered twice (old IE8 bug) if ( !this._boundPointerEvents ) { return; } this._boundPointerEvents.forEach( function( eventName ) { window.removeEventListener( eventName, this ); }, this ); delete this._boundPointerEvents; }; // ----- move event ----- // proto.onmousemove = function( event ) { this._pointerMove( event, event ); }; proto.onMSPointerMove = proto.onpointermove = function( event ) { if (.........完整代码请登录后点击上方下载按钮下载查看