


代码描述:matter实现一个带重力感应的2048游戏代码,点击橄榄色区域改变重力方向,当四面都有方块接触,且持续 2 秒后游戏结束。

代码标签: 重力 感应 2048 游戏

下面为部分代码预览,完整代码请点击下载或在bfwstudio webide中打开

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">

    <canvas id="box" >

<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
    var box = document.getElementById("box");

    Ma = Matter;

    // module aliases
    var Engine = Ma.Engine,
        Render = Ma.Render,
        World = Ma.World,
        Composite = Ma.Composite,
        Detector = Ma.Detector,
        Events = Ma.Events,
        Body = Ma.Body,
        Bodies = Ma.Bodies;

    // create an engine
    var engine = Engine.create();

    var a = 38;
    // var a=40/(1+Math.sqrt(2))
    var octagon = [
        { x: -a, y: 46 },
        { x: a, y: 46 },
        { x: 46, y: a },
        { x: 46, y: -a },
        { x: a, y: -46 },
        { x: -a, y: -46 },
        { x: -46, y: -a },
        { x: -46, y: a },
    function new_block(x, y, label, angle = 0) {
        var options = {
            label: label,
            friction: 0.2,
            frictionStatic: 0.25,
            angle: angle,
            density: 0.001 * Math.log(Number(label)),
            restitution: 0.7
        return Bodies.fromVertices(x,y,octagon,options);

    var colors = ["#DEB887", "#FFD700", "#FFA500", "#B8860B", "#CD853F", "#8B4513"];

    var wall_options = { isStatic: true, label: "wall" };
    var floor = Bodies.rectangle(300, 550, 600, 100, wall_options);
    var ceil = Bodies.rectangle(300, 50, 600, 100, wall_options);
    var wall_left = Bodies.rectangle(50, 300, 100, 400, wall_options);
    var wall_right = Bodies.rectangle(550, 300, 100, 400, wall_options);
    var Beg2 = new_block(200, 200, "2");
    var Beg4 = new_block(400, 400, "4");

    // add all of the bodies to the world
    World.add(, [Beg2, Beg4, floor, ceil, wall_left, wall_right]);

    // run the engine;

    var canvas = box,
        context = canvas.getContext("2d");

    canvas.width = 800;
    canvas.height = 600;
    var gravity = Math.PI / 2;
    var score = 0, over = false, wei = false, wei_begin;

    var wall_coll = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0];

    Events.on(engine, 'collisionStart', function (event) {
        var pairs = event.pairs;
        var merged = false;
        for (var i = 0; i < pairs.length; i++) {
            var pair = pairs[i];
            var minId = Math.min(,;
            if (minId <= 4) {
            } else if (!merged) {
                var a = pair.bodyA, b = pair.bodyB;
                if (a.label == b.label) {
                    var blk = new_block(
                        (a.position.x + b.position.x) / 2,
                        (a.position.y + b.position.y) / 2,
                        String(Number(a.label) + Number(b.label)),
                        (a.angle + b.angle) / 2);
                    World.remove(, a);
